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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DebLPN

  1. mnkbrly~

    Congrats on your BIG DAY! You are NOT alone in lot of your feelings of nervousness and we are all here to help you along your journey. I was banded on Jan 29th 2007 and have not felt this good in years! Do exactly what YOUR physican prescirbesno two people are the same, so be mndful that this is not a competition, but a life changing experience for YOU! Enjoy the fellowship you'll find here!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland/CMMC/Jackson MS

    Starting BMI-60


    52 yrs young


    no refill todate

  2. My Nutritionist told me that it should take me an hour to sip a 16 oz drink. I sometimes get teh urge to guzzle Water or Crystal light and I really have to try to refrain. Usually happens if I've had something too salty before hand or after swimming/exercising. FOr ME, teh key is to stay hydrated,,constantly SIP all day long.

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

    presurg WT- 331

    as of 3/8/07-300

    presurg BMI- 61

    52 yrs young


    no fill to date

  3. I'm soon to be 52 and was banded Jan 29, 2007. I;'ve lost 31 pounds as of March 8th,,my first post-op visit. My doctor didnt think I needed a fill at this time. I'm trying to go to the gym,,ugh,,and Water exercises is what they said was best for me. Luckily, in the therapy pool,,they have a bike and a treadmill. My left knee is about shot,,so it helps alot to use the underwater treadmill. My orthopaedist told me that for every 10 pounds i lose,,it taes 30 pounds off of my knees. My meals consist of 3-4 ounces and Snacks between. He gave me a very specific booklet outlining exactly what I could and shouldnt eat in order to acheive the greatest success,,and I try to follow it to a "T". Soft breads, Pasta, sticky rice, carbonated drinks and especially salad are on my NO-NO list. I havent had any,,what are they called? PBs? I was a self pay,,so anytime I get head hunger and my thoughts drift towards NO-NO foods,,i remember what this surgery cost me,,lol. Thanks for all the posts, ya'll,,,I dont know what I would have done if I hadnt found this site! Keep up the good work!!

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson MS

    no fills to date

    Presurg Wt-331

    WT as of 3/8/07-300

    Presurg BMI-60


  4. Hi Dave!

    It took me a good week before I was really able to resume normal functioning. But then,,I'm sure it's an individual thing.I was banded Jan 29th, 2007 via laproscope. It depends on the type work you do and what when your doctor says you can return to work. ALso,,I was a self pay, so I'm very conscience to do just what my doctor instructs! THis site has been invaluable to me,,,I too looked the web over and this is BY FAR the best site to get honest information not to mention the commradship! Kep coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland

    CMMC-Jackson MS

    BMI presurg-61

    presurg wt 330

    today wt--300

  5. Sorry,,I dont see a 'buble' to check,,,,but then,,I'm not very smart when it comes to these things,,

    I was a self pay and shelled out $16,500 for the surgeon/anesth/hosp PLUS another $500 when my regular GP wouldnt do the presurgical release exam,,,PLUE $239 for a chest xray PLUS $2,000 for a CAT Scan of my lungs when they thought they saw somethihng on the CXR,,which turned out to be nothing,,,grrrr. Needless to say,,being a self pay is extra encouragment when I even THINK about deviating from my new lifestyle.


    Banded 012907

    Dr Ken Cleveland

    CMMC Medical Ctr-Jackson, MS


  6. Dee,

    I was banded on Jan 29, 2007 and and almost ready to start the pureed diet, per my physician's guidelines. Honestly,,I simply gave up the need to question why and what for and just do as he says. It eliminates alot of worry and stress for me to follow what the outline states what I'm supposed to consume daily. The insane cravings and crazy thinking seems to have evaporated and I'm left with a sense of determination to "do as I'm told". Maybe part of it is because I am a self pay, partly because I'm 52 years young and just got tired of trying to do things my way. Obviously, my way was not working and the band was my salvation. Hang in there,,you've got so much support here,,we can all learn from those gone before us, those gracious enough to share their journey so we newbies may have it a bit easier.

    Banded 012907

    Dr Ken Cleveland

    CMMC Medical Center-Jackson, MS

    Presurg Wt: 330 lbs BMI 60

    Wt today: 305 lbs

  7. I was banded on Jan 29th, 2007 by Dr Ken Cleveland at CMMC in Jackson. They offer a support group meeting, but it doesn't meet very often. Are there any other bandsters in the Jackson metro area that would be interested in forming a support group? I'm not currently working as an LPN, altho I graduated this time last year. My weight, altho it didnt keep me from going to school, DID make me so uncomfrotable that I didnt feel I could preform my best, so basically, I just didnt try to find a job until after a good weight loss. My presurgical weight, at 5'2", was 330 and today I'm at 305. Hopefully, by my 6 week checkup, I'll be confident enough to begin to look for a job.

    The support and information I've gained from this iste has been invaluable. Thanks to everyone who posts!

    My email is bonsai1954@hotmail.com if anyone would like to contact me there.

  8. Hi from Mississippi!

    I was banded in Jackson, MS by Dr Ken Cleveland at CMMC on Jan 29th, 2007. I havent gotten the hang of posting and using the tickers yet, but i AM here! My presurgical weight was 330 lbs and as of today, and 305 lbs.

    This site has been invaluable to me as I am single and not currently working. Keep up all the good work! :clap2:

  9. I was banded 1/29/07 and it was just yesterday that I finally felt "good". Maybe being 52 has more to do with taking a bit longer to feel better but nonetheless I'm glad it's done. After reading almost every post on this site,,lol,,I had all my pre and post op lists checked off before going into the hospital. Thanks to all who gave their suggestions from which the lists were compiled, it was a life-saver! It's full liquids for me until my 5th week,,so I'll keep checking the food/recipes section for updates. God bless all those who have posted and have eased the way for all of us "newbies".:clap2:

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr. Ken Cleveland

    CMMC-Bariatric Weight Mgmt-Jackson, MS

    Pre-surg wt 330

    Post surg 7 days-318

    Goal- 160

  10. Hi Ya'll~ :o

    Glad to see people posting in the MS area. I'm being banded Jan 29th by Dr Cleveland at CMMC in Jackson. They have a great support group through the CMMC Bariatric Surgery Center that meets monthly as well as support from individual members, called "Angels".

    I'll be posting more as time goes on, right now I'm just reading alot of what others are sharing, trying to prepare for what's to come.

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