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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DebLPN

  1. purplemonkey~

    Thanks for letting me know about those scales, ,I'll be watching for your posts to see how they work for you!

    Hmmmm maybe it IS the battery in mine that is wonky,,I'll change it and see. I dont mind paying a higher price for reliable scales,,and I've had these scales since before my surgery,,,so I dont think Wal-mart would look too kindly on me trying to bring them back. I emailed the Taylor company and voiced my displeasure adn they wrote back telling me how to calibrate them,,duh. I was getting a bit obsessive-compulsive about weighing,,so I've decided I'm not going to weigh until I go in for my next physician appt on the 12th.

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland_CMMC-Jackson, MS


  2. I had my first pretzels today,,and I eat them veryyyyyyyyyy carefully. I'm beginning to think somethingis wrong with me,,as NO foods have caused me any prolbems(so far). I'm 2 months post op. My next visit it April 12th and i KNOW it's time for my first fill. And yes,,I too have a problem with grabbing a handful of anything "snacky" so I have to be really conscience about just how many I am supposed to eat. I bought a small bag and divied them up into small portions and out them into snack sized zip-lock bags. If I eat any carbs that day,,I skip the pretzels. I havnet weighed in a week and dont plan on weighing until I go back on teh 12th. I was getting kinda obsessive-compulsive about weighing and that's NOT good for me!

    "I aint perfect, but I'm trying"

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


  3. WTGGGGGGGGGGG freeskye!

    Presurgery, I bought some weight scales at Wal-mart. The brand is Taylor and they are digitial. WELL,,,,,,,they dont weight me the same thing twice in a row. I dont mean different times of the day,,I mean,,5 mins apart,,and the difference can be ten pounds..arghhhhhhhhhhh

    Anyone bought any GOOD scales that are accurate? My six week post op visit,,my home scales weighed me 6 punds lighter than the physician's,,talk about a BIG LET DOWN! Ohwell,,,it all evens out in the end.

    Anyone have any sharp pains at their port site? I walked alot the past few days,,more activity than usual,,maybe thats it. The pains are thin and sharp and about a 4 on a pain scale of 0-10, 10 being horrific,,lol. I read somewhere about port flipping,,,my physician told me my port was below my largest incision, but now it feels more shallow and above the incision. Hmmm,,,maybe its my SKIN thats sagging,,lol.


  4. Benbax~~~

    I had the same problem as you. My physician said if I ever became constipated,,it meant I wasnt getting enough Water. I tried more Water to no avail. Then i discovered Atkins Advantage CHokkie Protein drinks,,lol,,,one can and WHOOSHHHHHH. Funny how some things can set us off. This too shall pass,,,literally,,lol,,so ,,,drink lots of water,,maybe try adding some benefiber to it,,I was told to add it to everything i put in my mouth. For the first time in 20 years,,my IBS with Constipation is gone! Good luck,,and erm...let me know how you come out!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill to date

  5. GR8~~~

    Thanks so much for that chart,,I've got receipts in a file,,but having it all on one sheet looks alot easier to transfer when it comes tax time. I was a self pay,,so i'm looking forward to being able to deduct my expenses from my taxable income next year!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill todate

  6. Berry~

    I'm of the same mindset as Spydr,,,I'm happy to let some of those old problem foods go. IF I fill myself with 1)Protein, 2)veggies, then I dont crave starches. My dietician said anything can be a mushie(anthing thats on my fool plan for life list)as long as I 'mushify' it in my Magic Bullet,,hahaha. I cleaned my pantry out before surgery,,and let me tell you,,it was awfully bare! I stocked up ONLY with the things listed on my dietician's list. For me,,outta sight,,outta mind. The times I HAVE overeatten,,its been with fruits, sugar free popsicles, Protein and fresh amonds. Mashed potatoes are my worst food to control,,so I ntry not to include it in my food plan too often. That zero calorie butter spray is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I remember those old days of Molly McButter,,gross,,that was SO GROSS!! I've also become a big label reader,,if something tempts me,,after reading the nutritinal label,,it's alot easier to realize if something isnt' good for me.

    For me,,,,losing weight isn't about the band as much as it is about my "HEAD". If nothing changes,,,nothing changes. Old habits had to change,,old crazy thinking had to change. I've wasted too many years being morbidly obese and miserable. I want to look forward to my new life with great expectation!!!!!!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill to date

  7. juno~

    This past week was rough for me as well. I can relate to the portions problem. I saw somewhere,,maybe on the food forum, to make meatloaf mixture, weight it, and put it in a muffin pan. It makes perfect sized portions and freezes well. That way,I just pull out one serving adn there's no worries that I might get too much. I've not worked since my surgery Jan 29th and sitting aroudn the house has been tough. I dont go out much and I've not gone to the grocery, soooooo I'm out of my Protein drinks(I love Atkins Advantage). I usually drink one for brekkie and that fills me until lunch. If I get bored,,THAT'S when my head hunger kicks in and I have to talk to myself,,lol,,outloud,,and rationalize my feelings about being hungry. I talk myself out of any disaterous eating. I joined a gret gym,,but it's about 15 miles away,,so I've used that ecuse for not going. Luckily,,,I got a new job(they called me today!)and I KNOW that having a steady routine will help me keep on track.

    I dont go bak to my physician til April 14th,,,my first 6 week checkup he said I didnt need a fill. A week later,,,I started really getting hungry and restless. I've only lost 2 pounds since March 6th and I know it was due to my eating larger portions and not exercising. I've not had any nausea, pb'ing, slimeing,,nothing,,no matter what I eat. I almost wish I would,,maybe that negative reinforcement would remind me never to do it again!

    Hang in there,,,i guess this period is what they refer to as 'bandsters hell'. Keep posting,,there's so much experience to learn from on this site!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fills to date

  8. Our support group meets once a month. THe first time, I was just home from having my band,,,and this month,,i HOPE to be working,,,and I've applied for a 3p-11p job,,so I guess I'll miss it too. I DID go to a pre-op support meeting and there were about 25 people there,,all of whom had gastric bypass, They said there WERE some bandsters that come, but none showed up that night. I got alot of insight from the folks that were there tho. Thye also have an "Angel" network, made up of people who will call you and check up on you,,just to chat,,answer questions,,offer support, etc. They're people who have been banded/bypassed and are willing to chat. In my paperwork pre-op, it stated that I was required to attend , I think, at least 2, but I'm sure they'll understand my situation,,bbesides,,,I've got YA"LL!!!!!!!!

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fills to date

  9. Perhaps its just a coinkydink,,but i TOO developed a rash under my upper left arm adn forearm,,a fine splotchy itchy rash, ALso,,its on my lower back. I got posion ivy 2 weeks ago, but this isnt the same. I'm trying everything before I break down and see a physican,,as i have NO insurance. I too wondered if the band caused a rash if it was being rejected, but cant find any info. I dont go back for a checkup for 19 days,,if it gets worse, i'll break down and see my GP. Thanks for ya'lls posts~

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


  10. Dedee~

    I'm 52 years young, 5'2" preop weight was 331 and my BMI was 61. I too am a self pay. I chose the band: 1)wanted restriction not malabsorbtion, 2)cost-band was $16,500 vs $24.500 for the more readical surgery and

    3) in case something goes wrong,,its possible to have the band removed. Good luck in whatever you choose is right for YOU!


    Dr. Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill todate

  11. Jack,,lol,,,if you're not a published author,,,you SHOULD BE!!!!!

    I read your posts and say,,,,YEAHHHHHHHHH,,,that's exactly how it feels! It's through reading everyone's posts that I discover I"m "normal". DOes that make any sense? LOL Thanks again everyone~

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr. Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill todate

  12. lrw26~

    Here's a sample meal plan for regular diet menu my physician's dietician gives his banded patients:

    7am-1 poached egg=(7 grams protein)

    1-2 oz fresh fruit

    1 slice crisp toast with sugar-free jelly

    9am-Protein drink 190 calories & 20 grams protein(20 grams protein)

    12 noon-2 oz broiled fish(14 grams protein)

    2 oz mashed potatoes with 1 slice low fat cheese melted on top (7 grams protein)

    1 small soft cooked broccoli floweret

    3pm- 1/2 cup sugar free pudding(3 grams protein)

    4:30pm-1 cup skim milk(8 grams protein)

    6:30pm-2 oz sirloin steak(14 grams protein)

    1 oz carrots iwth zero calorie butter stray on top

    1 pear half

    8:30pm-2 oz tuna w/ 1 tsp of low fat mayo(14 grams protein)

    4 saltine crackers


    ~Of course, this is just MY guidelines,,hope this gives you an idea or two. Good luck!

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill to date

  13. Gaffer~

    Glad to hear you had a good experience with your first fill. I go back on March 14th, my second visit since my banding. At my 6 week checkup, he told me my weight loss was good,,I was not feeling hungry so he didnt do a fill. WELL,,,,,,this week I've had 2 days of ravenous hunger,,and ate more than I know I should have and had no physical repercussions, so I'm figuring I'm certainly due a fill this next visit. Thanks for your post~

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr. Ken Cleveland_CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill to date

  14. Hi sweeTHEArt~

    WHen I was on full liquids, I was drinking Atkins Advantage premixed shakes and they ran through me like grease thru a goose! I'm almost 2 months post op now and if I even start to become constipated, all I have to do is drink an Atkins shake and WHAM it is solved..lol. Works better than Dulcolax for me. I also add Benefiber to almost everything I eat or drink,,it really does disolve and you cant taste it and it doesn't change the texture. I had IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) before banding and have not had it since I've been on Mechanical Softs. Good luck and keep posting,,there's a wealth of knowlege in those who have gone before us!

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr. Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fill to date

  15. Thanks to everyone who posted! I've lost 32 pounds since being banded Jan 29th, 2007 and for the last few weeks,,I've only lost 2 pounds, I KNOW it's a lack of exercise and getting time for my first fill. I joined a nice gym and have only been a few times. I cant seem to work up teh enthusiasm to go. I'm divorced,,not working at the moment, wayy out in the country,,no friends to go to the gym with,,all TERRIBLE excuses. Time to get my behind in gear and make it happen. Thanks for sharing,,I dont feel so alone.

    Banded Jan 29th, 2007

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


  16. Big Trouble and jubjub,,,,,,,GOOD LUCK!

    I was banded laproscopically on Jan 29th 07. I went in at 5:30am,,got prepped,,once the IV got started,,I dont remember anything until the next day! I had a PCA pump to administer pain meds, and I kept mashing the button as often(and lots inbetween)as it would allow. Of course,,I have a very low threshold to pain. I was discharged that afternoon and the rest of that day was fairly comfortable. I took the liquid pain meds he prescirbed and it helped me with moving around and sleeping. Everyone is different Ohyeah,,my physician looked at my tummy at my initial visit and said I was shaped just right for the laproscopic route,,,first time I've ever been told I was shaped just right,,hahahaha

    Can't wait to hear how things went for ya'll!

  17. I bought some of those "Toilet Tongs" off of ebay for about 12 bucks. IT was flimsey and I never could get the toilet paper clamped in there good enough, so I tossed them. After one month of being banded and losing 30 pounds,,I am now able to properly clense my bottom with no help. WOOHOOOOOOOO! Thank GOD for this site,,lol,,nowhere else could I EVER imagine admitting I had past problems dealing with such intimate personal hygeine problems!! Thanks for everyone's honesty!

    Banded 1-29-07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fills to date

  18. My physician will evaluate you at your 6 week post-op check-up and ask questions adn determine if you need a fill. I was banded 1-29-07 and todate have lost 32 pounds. Since I was not experiencing any problmes eating mushies, he determined I did not need a fill at this time. I dont have anything in my band. The last few days, I've begun to get "head hunger" and a bad case of posion ivy,,and i mean BAD, has made me not want to leave the house or do anything active. SO,,I spend alot more time sitting around and that leads me to be bored,,which leads me to think about eating more. ARGH! As soon as the lesions dry up I WILL go back to the gym and stick to my Water exercises. I havent been exercising like I was instructed and I know that helps greatly in shedding these pounds. Honestly,,I cant tell if I dont eat much becuase of any restriction or if I'm just plain scared to push the limits and try to eat more. I stop before I feel full,,I've never had a slime or PB. I'm eating hard Proteins and anything else that is on the approved food list, altho I don't eat Pasta, rice or bread. Well,,a couple fo saltine crackers now and then. Thanks for listening,,,

    Banded 1-29-07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS


    no fills to date

  19. Congrats Susie!

    I was banded Jan 29th, 2007 by Dr Ken Cleveland in Jackson, MS at CMMC. Be sure to read up on the pre and post op things to have on hand,,that really helped me alot. Take this time to start getting educated yourself fully about your surgery and subsequent lifestyle changes. I've found this site to be invaluable both before and after my surgery. Keep in touch!

    Banded 01/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-Jackson MS-CMMC


    no fills to date

  20. All soft breads are offlimits per my physican's directins. I can eat 1/2 slice of TOASTED bread a day or 3-4 crackers. Carbs were a big problem for me before banding, so it's all for the best and I havent missed eating breads, to tell teh truth. I have to keep reminding myself,,Proteins first,,I want to fill up on good things and bread just has no nutritional value. I cant eat lettuce either,,its a calorically empty waste of space in my tummy and my physician says lettice and soft breads can stretch my tummy,,and I dont want that to happen.

    Banded 01/29/07

    Jackson, MS-Dr Ken Cleveland


  21. I lost exactly 30 pounds from teh date of my banding until my first post op check up 5 weeks later. MaranneTN,,I too am pretty ridgid in my following of my physican's guidelines. Sometimes I wonder if it's because I was a self pay,,lol. I was given a nice big booklet outlining exactly what, when and how much of what foods to eat and to avoid, along with tons of how to measure things, what foods are high in what,,,lots of invaluable information.

    Banded 01/29/07


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
