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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DebLPN

  1. cathy,,,bless your heart! Glad to hear you got relief.

    I had my first episode with pb'ing Thursday, after my 3rd fill. I'd not had a problem with any food prior to getting that last bit that put me at 2cc's in a 4cc band. To quote Rosanne Rosanadana (us middle-aged folks will remember her,,lol) "I thought I was gonna DIE!!!" Mercifully,,it only lasted a minute or so,,but I'm still having trouble eating anything solid or semisolid. My doctor has never said to do only fluids for a afew days after a fill,,but freom reading what others have shared,,I think its a good idea, for me.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  2. 2bthinang~

    Congrats! I know its a hard decision to make and one you've put alot of thought into. Honestly,,I had a sort of feeding frenzy right before my surgery as well. I hope you have a good support system within your significant others. The more I involve myself in actitivites that don't revolve around food,,the better I do. I've read posts here,,I can't recall the thread right now,,but they wer listing all teh things they CAN do now, rather than moaning about the things they can't do. For example:

    I can do my own pedicures

    I can park farther away from the mall doors and not be exhausted by the time I reach them

    I can be a good example for my daughter who has her own weight problem

    I gained the confidence to walk from the locker room to the pool at the gym

    I gained the confidence to start looking for a job

    I can manage my finances better now that I don't spend bizarre amounts of money on binge/expensive eating

    None of us are perfect in our journey. Keep on posting and reading. So many sucessful people share their stories. You are not alone.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

    2cc/4cc band

  3. Thanks Terri!

    I appreciate your redirecting me to your post. I think I was panicing and half-way read it the first time,,guess I just needed to spew out my feelings. This morning I got up,,fixed coffee and had a Atkins bar thingie. Of course it choked me half to death as I tried nibbling such tiny bits youd have to have a magnifing glass to see them. My wellbutrin feels like its stuck in my throat,,I mean above my adams apple. The good news is ,,,the coffee went down! hahaha Youre right,,,fluids for me for the next few days. My surgeon has never told me to do fluids right after a fill, but I've never had a problem until now. Thanks again!!

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  4. I'm 6 months banded and just got my 3rd fill Thursday. I'm at 2cc's in a 4cc band. My weight loss is consistant, but I told my surgeon I was eating too much and not really satisfied. I'm doing everything I know to be right. SO,,,he fills me from 1.8 to 2ccs. Now,,,I cant eat anything with any substance. I tried some refried Beans with melted cheese and it felt like I swallowed a baseball. Everything I've tried to eat since has been painful. My question is,,,,when you feel too tight,,does it relax any after a few days? I have no problem going back and let him take me back down to maybe,,1.9 ccs,,lol. Amazing how little Fluid it takes to push you over the edge.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  5. BeautifulME,

    Congrats on making the decision to get banded. I am divorced and live alone. A friend drove me to the hospital at 5am and I was prepped and sent up to the holding area. Met the anesthesiologist and saw my surgeon again along with his surgical nurse. They started hte meds in my drip and the next thing I knew,,I was in my room. It was about 5pm when I got my senses about me again. I have a low threshold to pain so I wont lie and say it wasnt painful. I punched that PCA button constantly,,lol. Got up and went to the bathroom a few times.Spent the night, got up the next morning, still hurting a bit. Friend came and got me about noon and took me by the pharmacy then home. Be sure to read the list of things to have prior to surgery. I sat in my recliner when I got home and slept alot. Took my pain and nausea pills often. I was able to walk around ok,,the act of sitting and rising was painful at the incision site, but on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, my pain at this time was a 5. Had no problems drinking or swallowing pills. All in all,,my surgery was alot less painful than I had expected.

    Remember that we each have different experiences. Be sure to do exactly what your surgeon instructs you to do and I'm sure you'll recover just fine! Keep on posting. You are NOT alone!

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  6. Did I miss something,,or did you say how much you've lost so far? Sounds like you need a fill, but let me ask you this first. Are you eating your hard Proteins first, then veggies then carbs? Are you eating 4 or 5 or 6 times a day, about 1/2 cup per time? Are you drinking 8 glasses of Water a day? If youre doing all that and you still feel hungry, then I would say you need a fill.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  7. Congrats on your new band!

    I take the Flintstone ones,,,yes,,they are a bit tart,,lol,,I think most vitimins are tho. I also take chewable Calcium Caltrate + Vit D. To me, they're almost a treat,,lol,,kinda sweet and tasty! Started taking Biotin abut a month ago,,also chewable. It's supposed to retard the hair loss that some people may experience. My surgeon added an Iron pill--its tiny-because my blood level was a bit low last time he checked.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  8. I got my 3rd fill yesterday. Now it's up to 2cc's in a 4cc band. He said that was the most he's put in anyone. Pfft, Anyway,,,this is the first time I feel what I think is 'restriction'. It feels like I've swallowed a golfball and can't get it to go down. Probably didn't chew it well enough. My question,,,any physicians/nurses with bariatic experience that can explain to me why it hurts going down? The band is placed below the newly created pouch,,and the purpose of eating hard Proteins is that they will stay in your pouch longer,,,when it finishes its digestive stage, shouldnt it be passed through the banded area easily? You dont feel it go in your mouth and then go thru the band,,there is a time lapse there. Just curious,,,,,,,,,,,

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  9. Ok,,,,I've seen this thread for so long I finally felt a need to say something.

    I think that Lee could lose alot more weight if he lost that huge CHIP on his shoulder.

    To address the other aspects of his post would require me to abandon my Southern belle manners, so I'll refrain. Unless he keeps it up.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  10. I paid $16,500 for my surgery. It included one year of office visits/fills. After researching the band and related topics regarding the surg/aftercare/emotional aspects, etc, I called them Jan 10th and had my presurg workup done, nutrition visit, psyc eva and had my surgery Jan 29th. I met all the requirments, ie, BMI was over the limit, Hypertension, shot left knee, depression, blah blah blah. My weight loss is less than others who had theirs done at the same time,,and it is higher than some. All I care about is that my surgeon is pleased with my progress,,and so am I. I compare myself TODAY against how I was before the band. Physically and emotionally, I'm in a much better space.

    Keep on posting and reading posts. Use what you can and disgard the rest. You are not alone on your jorney!!

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  11. Pleaseeeeeeeee dopn't get caught up in the "am i lsoing enough" trap. If you are doing what you know is right, and you are losing,,,give yourself credit!! Try not to worry about the rate at which you lose,,we are all different. I only had to do Atkins shakes for 2 meals a day prior to my surgery. You're doing much better than I could have done on all fliuids!!

    Keep up the good work!!!

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  12. Hi Patricia and welcome!!

    I'm 53 and my pre-surg wt was 331 and i'm 5' 2". As far as do 'we' lose faster than our lighter weight conterparts,,I have no idea. MY road on this journey is measured soley against myself,,not anyone else. I focus (try to,,lol) on how I feel, how I look, how much I'M losing and am tackling some of my emotional issues that caused me to become morbidly obese. This site is great to share experiences and strength and support. Pleaseeeeeee don't worry about how much anyone else has lost,,,concentrate on YOU!! Heck,,I went to a support meeting last month and sat next to a woman how has lost 20 pounds more than me and she has been banded HALF the time I have. If I start looking at her and measure my sucess or failure by her program,,I'm sabatoging my own self. If I know I'km doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I'll get the results in the end. Everyone is different. EXERCISE,,,,,I do Water aerobics 3 times a week and do a few gym things,,nothing real heavy or hard. The gym has a water aerobics called "Gentle Joints" and even tho it sounds like a breeze,,lol,,it ISN'T! It also has an underwater sit up thing,,underwater treadmill and bike. My knee is shot, so it really helps.

    Be kind to yourself along this journey. You're not alone.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  13. Well,,,,,,my arm/shoulder pain went away after 8 days of hell. I just woke up and it was gone! BUT,,now I have tingling and some numb areas on my arm. I asked my surgeon about these symptoms yesterday at my monthly visit. He said yes, it can cause SHOULDER pain but not the arm pain, tingling and numbness I'm experiencing,,that its probably something cerviacl. *sighs* Ohwell,,,i can live with it as it doesn't really interfer with my ADL.

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  14. I hope no one takes my above post as me thinking I'm 'high and mighty' or an authority or anything other than a garden variety, middle-aged obese woman trying to learn and share my experiences. I guess sometimes when I post, it's almost like I'm writing to myself. Kinda of like a kick in my own bum! We learn things by repetition and I try to repeat positive things in my head and aloud. I like brutal honesty from others and I tend to be the same way when share my thoughts and experiences here. Never in a million years would I ever talk down in a demeaning way to anyone new. If I came across that way,,,please accept my sincere apology.

    (and if it was just my paranoid personality thinking it was me,,ignore this post,,hahahaha)

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  15. OK,,here's MY take on it:

    I'm intelligent and I read up on every aspect of the surgery and the aftercare. I read posts on this site and others,,listening to the problems of others. Nah,,I wont have any problem controlling my eating, because,,hey,,I'm smart,,I've been preparing for this mentally for months and I'm a self pay,,lol. If almost 20 thousand dollars doesnt encourage me to stick with it nothing will. WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL,,,

    1) THE BAND IS A TOOL. Could you build a bookcase without a hammer? I can't control what I eat without my 'tool' either. If I'd wanted to give up total control I'd have done the roux-n-y, eatten whatever I wanted and watch it go in one hole and shoot right out the other. My band helps restrict the portion size of what I eat. It does NOT restrict the KINDS of foods. Malts and chocolate Syrup can still go down that small hole.

    2)IF NOTHING CHANGES,,NOTHING CHANGES. You can't keep on doing the same ole things and expect to get different results. I still have to NOT eat candy, cake, white flour, fizzy drinks and sugar. I DO have to eat Protein, veggies and carbs,,in that order and in the amounts specified by my surgeon. Expect tough love from somer bandsters and your surgeon. While we can empathize with you,,we can't take the steps for you.

    Having said all that,,hahahaha,,I STILL fall prey to fatigue, not being prepared, rebellion and lots of other emotions. It's essential for ME to realize that I am not perfect but I can damn well do my best to comply with the aftercare plan laid out in black and white by my surgeon and dietician. That includes taking time to analyze why I overeat. Identifying emotions that lead to eating crap. It may mean that sometimes I feel 'head hunger' and I need to learn how to deal with those emotions that lead me to make bad choices.

    SO,,,my advice is,,,sit down and really think about your decision. Truely understand on an intellectual and emotional basis that the band is not a magic cure. Eveyone's experiences are different. I honestly believe that if I do what I know to be right, the results I seek will be realized. Would I have still done the lap band, knowing that it would still require some self control on my part? You're damned right I would. In a heartbeat. Know that you have an enormous community of people who have walked the path before you and are here to share their experiences. You are not alone in your journey.

    (man,,when i get on a tear i can't stop,,hahaha)

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  16. TexasRose -

    For years I worked as a volunteer for a 24 hour crisis hotline. They trained us thoroughly and one of the BEST lines I've ever heard was

    " Would you like to talk about why you feel the need to (fill in the blank), ie, make comments like that to a total stranger,,or,,comment on something so personal as my weight,,or,, come to a bar, get drunk and humiliate yourself by asking asinine questions of a lady? The list is endless and applicable to every situation.

    Years ago,,one of the men I worked with insulted me at a business luncheon. He thought he would make himself look big in other's eyes or somehow inflate his sagging ego I suppose. He waited until I prepared my plate of food and sat down at the table and said "Damn,,do you think you got enough food on your plate? Trying to remain cool, calm and collected and not rip his throat out,,I replied, "Bill,,would you like to talk about why you feel a need to to watch what I eat and try to embarass me in front of my peers?" You could have heard a pin drom. It pissed him off royally. He shoved back the chair and stomped out of the room. Using that statement took his power away and ended up making me look to be the more mature person. Did i just cringe inside when he said those things? YES Did I want to curl up under the table and die? YES Did the world end? NO. Keep your head high.

    I love the Desiderata,,,and when I feel like I'm struggling, I like to remember a part of it that says:

    Nurture strength and spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born out of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholeseom discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less that the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Hold your head high,,you are a wonderful creation!!

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  17. sweetsue--you wondered if people will notice you taking tiny bites and chewing, chewing chewing. When preparing my plate, I cut my meat into small--not microscopic pieces-because that is what works best FOR ME. I think us rubenesque girls are so used to being self-conscious that we are kinda paranoid. I like to tell myself ,,"What makes me think that I am so important as to be the center ot discussion ?" I believe we are much harder on ourselves than our friends, co-workers, relatives could ever be. For ME,,,it takes self-talk and therapy(ongoing,,lol) to get past the fear of others judging me. I am me,,i take small bites and chew thoroughly and I smile and listen to the conversations going on around me. I enjoy who I'm becoming,,and worrying about what others think of ANYTHING I do will not impede my progress!!! WHEW,,,I needed to hear that ,,hahaha.

    Banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland_CMMC-Jackson, MS

  18. I've stuck my 2 cents worth in the other threads about left arm/shoulder pain,,,I'll say it again here. I woke up abut 2 weeks ago with horrific left shoulder/bicep pain. Sharp, stabbing,,aching pain,,,allllllll day and night for 8 days. I took every pill I could find,,gas-x, ,alox, muscle relaxers, pain pills, anti anxiety pills, sleeping pills(all left overs from nothing related to upper body stuff) and NOTHING relieved the pain. Then,,,I woke up one morning and it was almost gone. It still has an occasional deep aching in my shoulder down the top of mya rm,,and it tingles and is numb most the time but the pain is hardly noticable. It never mattered what I ate,,or how much, or when. I'm beginning to think it IS a nerve that becomes impinged during surgeryand only shows up after significant weight loss. That's MY theory anyway. As long as it doesnt start hurting horribly bad again,,I can live with the numbness and tingling. WHEW! I think I've finally gotten it out of my system. Thanks !

    banded 1/29/07

    Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson, MS

  19. WOW,,it amazes me that he charges that much for a one minute simple procedure. All I do is lay down on a table in the examining room witha a smalll pillow underneath my waist, he palpates my port,,sticks it,,withdraws to check it,,injects a little then withdraws. Takes all of a minute or two. Of course, I dont know what he charges those that have insurance. Yeah,,I worked in the health insurance industry for 24 years bofore going back to school for my LPN. ICD-9 and CPT-4 codes are constantly being up[dated as new procedures come along,,alot of the time they cant keep up with all the new procedures but eventually develope a code. Take a look at this site,,it give s a Medicare HPCPS code for the fill(see page 24 at teh very bottom)

    Adjustment of gastric band diameter – use the HCPCS code S2083

    ANYWAY,,,,,here is Dr Cleveland's office number, I dont know who does the insurance there:Phone: (601) 376-2474 or 1-877- LIGHT WT (877-544-4898)


    Good luck!!

  20. When I first started thinking about exercising after being banded,,I was mortified. I'd not done anything strenuous in so long(other than go to LPN school) I joined a place at a local hospital called Healthline. It is a gym and an indoor pool(and a therapy pool). I go to Water aerobics 3 times a week, one hour session plus I do 30 more minutes. My left knee is shot, so it really helps to be in the water rather than pounding it out on a hard surface. PLUS,,,I ENJOYYYYYYYYY it! That's a big deal with me,,I have to enjoy what I'm doing or I wont stick with it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
