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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DebLPN

  1. Hey there,,,are you still around?

  2. I am SOOOO SORRYYYYYY but I've not been online for quite some time,,,,I'm not sure about the payment plan with Dr Cleveland,,,at the time I had mine done,,1/31/07, I had to pay in full before surgery.

  3. DebLPN


    From the album: A Visual Reminder

  4. DebLPN

    A Visual Reminder

    A few pics to motivate and inspire me to continue doing what I know is best for me.
  5. DebLPN


    From the album: A Visual Reminder

  6. DebLPN

    After lapband fall 07

    From the album: A Visual Reminder

  7. DebLPN


    From the album: A Visual Reminder

  8. Hi,,,so sorry i've not answered your private pm from so long ago,,,i've been in a funk and havent been online in ages. Hope you got an answer to your Q,,regarding self pay options from Dr Cleveland. Again,,so sorry for my late reply.


  9. DebLPN


    Yep,,,heard that one too,,lolol. Being told that exact thing for a lifetime, now that I've lost 65 pounds and my neck is getting flabby and my face thinner and showing those deflated wrinkles,,when I'm feeling insecure,,it makes me wonder,,,well heck! At least I used to have a pretty face!! Positive thinking,,,positive thinking,,,haha banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland at CMMC-Jackson, MS 331/265/150
  10. Sorryyyyyyyyyyyy I didn't mean to come across as mean! It was like a dream coming true for me as well. Everything I ever tried,,I failed. My fear of failure is my biggest character defect and I struggle with it daily. I guess I was trying to spare you the stress of agonizing over things, but I have to remember that we each have our own journey. Just be kind to yourself,,,you have lots of support here. You are not alone. banded 1/29/07 Dr Kken Cleveland Jackson, MS - CMMC
  11. Dear GAWDDDDDDD lol You just got banded 2 days ago! Your body has to recover from surgery. The band has no Fluid in it yet. RELAX! If you start obsessing over things you're gonna drive yourself crazy. Relax,,,recoup,,,do exactly as your physician instructs you and you'll be fine. I was banded 1/29/07 and felt miserable for a few days,,bloated,,painful,,not wanting to drink anthing. I kept my manual my surgeon gave me handy,,reading all the materials,,keeping my fluids in a Tupeprware measured container. I concentrated on getting well first. My motto is : If I do what I'm supposed to be doing, I'll get the results I'm wanting. It's not easy,,but 65 pounds later,,it's easier today than it was at first. Keep your eye on the prize!! Good luck!! banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland Jackson, MS CMMC 331/266/150
  12. DebLPN


    I've heard it said that when people lash out with rude, unkind, hurtful comments they're actually turning their self hatred outward. Since you said she was fat,,sounds like a fair assumption to me,,lolol. Force yourself to feel pity for a woman who doesn't recognize her own misery. :-) (I must be in a mellow mood today,,hahahaha) banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland Jackson MS CMMC 331/266/150
  13. DebLPN

    Where are you MS folks?

    Hi Gang~~ Just had my gallbladder out 2 weeks ago,,that was awful! I had a severe attack and rushed to hospital. I screamed in pain for 2 hours til they were able to get the pain under control. It took me 4 days to get my voice back,,lolol I go back to work Thursday. Cant get my ticker to work,,sighs. Banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland CMMC-Jackson, MS 331/266/150
  14. DebLPN

    special k protein water

    Hmmmmmmmmm what happened to my ticker? argh
  15. DebLPN

    special k protein water

    If I ever see/taste/smell another powdered whey Protein shake I will gag. I started adding New Whey liquid Protein - Fruit Punch to my Crystal Light on the days that I knew I wanst going to make my protein quota. The "shot" has 42 grams of protein in one 3.1 Fluid ounce,176 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 saturated fat, 31 mgs Potassium, 64 mgs Sodium, 2 Total Carbs, 0 cholesterol. I split it into 2 servings and space them apart. Works for me. Banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland - CMMC Jackson Mississippi
  16. DebLPN

    Mississippi Bandsters!

    Hi Ya'll~ Well,,I started a new job around the first of October and almost 2 weeks later,,,had a gallbladder attack and had to have it removed! Luckily, they are holding my job. Dr Cleveland did my surgery,,,both the lap band AND the gall bladder. Other than that,,,,I've lost 66 pounds. Had my lap band Jan 29th, 2007. Feeling good,,,nothing to complain about. :clap2:
  17. Welllllllllllll I havent posted in ages, BUT,,I had shoulder pain,,never could figure out what it was,,my surgeon poo-poohed the idea it was gallbladder related, blah blah blah,,,,I had a horrific gallbladder attack this past Monday, went to the ER, was admitted and had my gallbladder removed the next morning. I've got an 8 x 10 color glossy of it in a basin and it looks awful! haha I had my monthly visit with my surgeon the week before the attack,,and told him my upper right back was hurting(this was months after my original complaints) and he palpated my abdomen and once again said, NO,its not your gallbladder. Pffft He already thinks I'm a smartass,,,but I really want to tell him hey,,,I've lived in this body for 53 years,,i THINK I'm pretty tuned into knowing when something is wrong. I'm a nurse,,I'm educated about anatomy and physiology and by God,,listen to me for a change and stop acting like you're the ultimate authority on MY BODY!!!!!!!!! Now,,,,,I feel better! hahahaha Ohyeah,,I had started a new job that I'm loving not quite 2 weeks before my surgery,,and once angain,,,didn't have insurance,,so its another whopper of a medical bill in my lap. ohwell,,such is life :-)
  18. DebLPN


    I was banded 1/29/07 and as the scales read today, I've lost 55 pounds. I had lost 62, but screwed up in July and August, ate everything and anything I could get my hands on. Also had stuff going on so I wasnt able to go to Water aerobis for a month. Went to Florida and didnt follow my food plan.Not handling stressful situations well and late night boredom are my downfalls. I've gotten back on track this month and its amazing how after maybe 3 days, I started really feeling good again. I love coming to this site and reading everyones posts BUT I really try not to compare my weight loss to anyone elses. If I do what I know I'm supposed to do, I KNOW I'll get the results that I want. (ignore my ticker numbers,,,i'm waiting to catch back up with them,,lol) banded 1/29/07 Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson MS
  19. DebLPN


    Papain enzyme benefit by Ray Sahelian, M.D. I'd heard that Adoph's meat Tenderizer helped with that problem,,here's a site that tells how it helps other physical problems as well. Just a thought!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
