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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DebLPN

  1. DebLPN

    January Bandsters???

    Hi from Mississippi! I was banded in Jackson, MS by Dr Ken Cleveland at CMMC on Jan 29th, 2007. I havent gotten the hang of posting and using the tickers yet, but i AM here! My presurgical weight was 330 lbs and as of today, and 305 lbs. This site has been invaluable to me as I am single and not currently working. Keep up all the good work! :clap2:
  2. DebLPN

    Banded 1/31

    I was banded 1/29/07 and it was just yesterday that I finally felt "good". Maybe being 52 has more to do with taking a bit longer to feel better but nonetheless I'm glad it's done. After reading almost every post on this site,,lol,,I had all my pre and post op lists checked off before going into the hospital. Thanks to all who gave their suggestions from which the lists were compiled, it was a life-saver! It's full liquids for me until my 5th week,,so I'll keep checking the food/recipes section for updates. God bless all those who have posted and have eased the way for all of us "newbies".:clap2: Banded 01/29/07 Dr. Ken Cleveland CMMC-Bariatric Weight Mgmt-Jackson, MS Pre-surg wt 330 Post surg 7 days-318 Goal- 160
  3. DebLPN

    I live in North West Mississppi

    Hi Ya'll~ Glad to see people posting in the MS area. I'm being banded Jan 29th by Dr Cleveland at CMMC in Jackson. They have a great support group through the CMMC Bariatric Surgery Center that meets monthly as well as support from individual members, called "Angels". I'll be posting more as time goes on, right now I'm just reading alot of what others are sharing, trying to prepare for what's to come.

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