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Posts posted by smokin2

  1. I actually didn't cheat on the pre-op and have followed the four weeks post op to a tee. "Cheating" got me to where I was for many years................ This is just so much bigger than a "taste of this" or "it's only one day". I lived though years of that and the fact of the matter is I'm glad that a lot of that emotional anguish of "do I diet today or not" is a thing of the past. Stay within the guidelines - didn't you make a "contract" with yourself about the rest of your life when you started this process. Honor the contract and yourself. I'm so grateful for this "band" - it has defined guidelines to follow. That I can do!

    But remember - everything in life worth having is really worth working for.

    Good luck to all...........

    Pre-op Apr 19 - 276

    Surgery May 5 - 258

    4-Weeks Post-Op - 244

    Sure sounds like words of wisdom to me, thanks.

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