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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JMinDallas

  1. JMinDallas

    First Fill

    I too hate needles! I was so scared on my 1st fill. My hands were sweating and my tummy was in knots. I laid down on the table and they said ok get ready for a slight burning feeling which is the numbing medicine (now I was really freaked out!). Next thing I know he said sit up. I said where is the burning feeling, and did u put the needle in? He laughed and said I was all done. I felt nothing! Since then, on my other fills, I have felt a really tiny twinge, and then it's done. You'll be fine, and so glad to start getting fills! Keep up the good work you're doing so far!
  2. JMinDallas

    Am I too tight???

    It sounds like you're a little too tight. Even a .2 reduction could make a big difference. I would suggest getting a slight unfill.
  3. JMinDallas

    Bridesmaid Delemia

    First check with the store and find out when the latest date is you can order it. You'd hate for them to no longer carry that dress, or not have it in your size. Nothing worse than an ugly dress!! And especially when you're in the midst of losing weight. It's so hard to say what size to get, because who knows how much you'll lose. If you're able to, I'd wait at least another month or two. You're bound to lose some weight by then.
  4. JMinDallas

    Band Leaking ?????

    Glad they found out now rather than later what the problem is. Once the repair is done, you'll be back on your way. Keep us posted on how you do.
  5. JMinDallas

    Protein shakes- UGH!!!

    I too like the Premier brand from Costco. The 30 grams of protein for only 160 calories makes it even better. I'm not a big fan of chocolate, but it almost tastes like chocolate milk.
  6. JMinDallas

    Nothing Stays Down

    I am so sorry you've been through so much!! I really hope this did the trick and you don't have to have the band removed. Try and be strong. It'll get better!! Hugs to you!!! :huggie:
  7. JMinDallas

    How to shrink my pouch?

    Have you only had one fill in the the year since surgery? You're probably able to eat as much as you can, because you need another fill. You're probably not feeling any restriction. You should go back to the doctor, at least once a month, depending on what the dr suggests. You shouldn't be worried about the amount you lose, when you don't have proper restriction. Instead of doing the 5 day test, go to the dr and get another fill. Sorry for your loss!
  8. JMinDallas

    What have you lost...

    I've lost an elephant's penis too!! I've also lost more than my 8 yr old daughter! She weighs 58 lbs, and I can barely even lift her. To think I have been carrying her around for years on my body.
  9. JMinDallas

    band fills

    Normally fills are given 4-6 wks after the surgery. It gives time for your body to heal. It's normal during this time to be hungry. Your body is basically the way it was before, with no restriction. I'd use this time to start calling around and finding a place to do your fills. Once you find a place, they'll give you better idea as to when you should get a fill, based on what that dr recommends.
  10. What you're feeling is pretty normal for 3 days post op. You'll feel this way for at least a few more days. It's a mixture of trapped gas as well as being swollen. I felt it too in my chest area. Every time I drank something, it felt weird, almost like I was stuck. But you're not stuck. Just hang in there. Keep walking around, and it does help you to feel a lot better. I would just pace in my house for the first few days, and I felt a lot better. As for the coughing, it could still be from the breathing tube you had. Just take as deep of breaths you can. Try drinking slower if you do notice the coughing comes after you drank something. Hang in there, it'll get better soon.
  11. JMinDallas

    Lap band removed! :(

    I'm so sorry this happened to you! Do they know what caused it? Are you able to get the band again, or because this happened once it can happen again? Try something. I loved WW when I was on it before. Since your mindset is in the right place, and you've lost 35 lbs, doing WW might help you to keep it coming off.
  12. JMinDallas


    Call your dr tomorrow morning. It's not normal to start having pain again all of a sudden.
  13. JMinDallas

    Zumba Anyone?

    It's really fun! I LOVE it! You find ppl of all types in the class and skill level. I also got it on the Wii, and it's great fun too, since you can select which skill level you are. Go for it, you won't regret it.
  14. I'm just wondering, when your band felt different, and that you've been babying it, why didn't you go to the dr then? Its hard for me to understand when people notice something is wrong, yet they don't do anything then. There shouldn't be any reason you have to resort to mushy foods. With your latest incident, it's hard to know if it's what was going on before or now. I would suggest as well drinking liquids only. Warm ones rather than something cold. I wouldn't eat any type of food at all for at least 24 hrs, and even then gradually something like chicken noodle soup or crackers. If you still feel poorly, I'd go to the ER or call your dr again. I would definitely suggest you go see your dr this next week and tell him about everything you mentioned.
  15. JMinDallas

    Post-op Condition

    I'd say about day 7 I started feeling back to normal almost completely. I too would get that air bubble thing, and still do on occasion.
  16. JMinDallas

    Do you wish you brought more

    I wish I would have thought of Water. My mouth was so horribly dry, I had to have my hubby stop at a fast food place and get me a cup of ice. I took very few things. Chap stick, comfy clothes, slip on shoes, liquid tylenol, gas x. I was out patient, and only stayed a few hrs after surgery was done.
  17. I joined 24hr last Monday. I've gone to the group classes every day last week, and now this morning. Don't get me wrong, I love working out and have a great time...BUT the skinny's make me super jealous! I hate looking at myself in the mirrrors, but it's kind of hard not to when they're all around you in the class. Some people seem unfriendly, which doesn't help. Others are pretty nice. (This is a note to myself to be nice to new people when they start.) How do you deal with it? Workout and ignore everyone else? It doesn't help either when I'm taking Zumba and don't know the moves yet like everyone else!
  18. I know it's a bit scary, but why not get a complete unfill and see what happens? It's very possible you're too tight and it's showing itself in other ways. I think I remember reading someone else who had something similar. They took all her fluids out and the pain went away. They then gradually added more back in over time and she did fine. If you're feeling that miserable, take the Fluid out. If you gain a few lbs, it will be worth figuring out what the problem is.
  19. JMinDallas

    Need help getting un-stuck

    thank you all for your replies. I realized last night it was really swelling! (who would of thought that!). As the day wore on, the stuck feeling went away so that I was able to eat a little bit of fish last night and today I feel fine. I stuck to softer things and liquids today too. I really think I did get stuck on a piece of salad, and it must have stayed there until I drank the pineapple juice later that evening. So I was swollen. I sure felt weird! Glad that's done and over with.
  20. I'm not sure what did it, but yesterday at lunch I had a few bites of a salad. I think I didn't chew a piece well enough, and it got stuck. I felt like something was lodged above the band. I did my chicken dance and it felt a little better, but still felt like something was lingering there. (I haven't needed to throw up, I didn't PB or anything - I just feel like something is lodged.) I ate a few bites of chicken last night, and the feeling came back and I stopped eating. Then before bed I took two mucinex pills (i'm sick) and didn't even think about if they would get stuck or not, but they did...or something did. So I don't know what has truly caused this feeling, but through now I still feel like something is sitting in my pouch, not going down. As stated above, I'm not PB, sliming, or even wanting to throw up. BUT I can feel something sitting there. I drank some pineapple juice last night, which seemed to move something down, but something still remains (I think). Could it be that I'm sore/swollen and that's what I'm feeling even though I haven't thrown up? I haven't eaten anything since the chicken last night. I drank only hot chocolate and hot tea so far this morning, and a few sips of pineapple juice. liquids goes down fine. Any ideas to get this feeling away? I really do think something is sitting there. I've only felt this way when I've been stuck, but never for so long, usually only a few minutes. I would think if it was the pills, they would have dissolved by now. I've done the chicken dance, the pineapple juice, the bending over and grapping the ankles...what's left?
  21. My getting stuck is a little different. I called it getting 'lodged'. I don't slime or PB or even throw up. But I can feeling something sitting in my chest area that won't go down. I start wiggling, or moving my arms, and the offending object will painfully go down. It's usually caused by not chewing enough, or eating something you just can't handle (like bread or Pasta for me). You can get badly stuck as described above. I try to avoid this at all costs, and so far I have. When I eat too much it gets a little painful, or I start to burp a lot. I know at that point, I'm done.
  22. JMinDallas

    Too Tight?

    Give it a few more days, and stick with softer/mushy foods. I notice after a fill, I'm tighter about a week later, than I am initially. Try really small bites, and if it gets stuck, you know to stay away from it for a while. But I'd give it a good 2 wks before you get unfilled, unless you can't eat/drink anything
  23. I was banded on 6/29/10 and have lost a total of 57 lbs (including pre-op). 3 more lbs to my next goal, which is drop below 200. I LOVE MY BAND!!!!
  24. JMinDallas

    Having trouble - need help

    You can't get in any earlier than Thursday? You really need to listen to the doctor, and only drink liquids. Something isn't right, and it could very well be you need an unfill. Be really careful. I'd try calling the doctor again and seeing if you can get in sooner.
  25. JMinDallas

    Throwing up with Lapband

    It's not normal at all. You need an unfill, slow down on your eating, or not each so much. I've been banded since the end of June, and have not thrown up. Pls discuss this with your doctor. You could do serious harm to yourself and your band.

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