Hi All,
Well you'll be pleased to hear I can eat now!!!! Doc took out the last 1ml he put in, as he says I must be getting close to my max at the moment and he is going away and if I have another problem no-one here to take more out, so I am happy with that at least I can keep a cup of coffee down now.
Hi angel,
I have 2 kids 6 & 2. I didn't really say much to them, I eat what they eat but in smaller amounts, when I could only have liquids etc I explained that I was a bit sick and that I couldn't eat too much, like when they are sick. My 2yo couldn't care less but the 6yo understood. I personally just didn't want him to see me on another "diet" I wanted to show him healthy eating was the way to be fit & healthy, as I struggled all my life with my weight and I believe it started early on from witnessing bad habits. I will explain later if he asks about my scars etc.
Good Luck.