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Everything posted by dionnem
Hi All, It's been a while since I posted here and all my info is out of date, can't get the bloody ticker thing to update. I am having alot of problems with reflux!! Anyone else???? I have relocated back to Pearcedale for a while, any support groups around here I am really struggling with meals so that I am nutritionally sound, the reflux dosen't help, it's easier to drink milkshakes and eat soft foods at the moment...
I have had my band for 18mths and my reflux has been getting steadily worse, but not during the day only at night when it comes up and I wake up coughing and burning in my throat!!! I have been on medication and had my band reduced but still happens!!! Any suggestions!!!???? I am seeing my doc on wed.. Thanks
Hi All, I have been banded for 12mths now (today actually) and I am having major drama with reflux, particularly at night where its acid reflux I wake up coughing and have a vile acid taste in my mouth, have to have a quick eze and then hopefully get back to sleep!!!! I take Zantac everyday and have recently moved from QLD to VIC and have had to wait to see a new Doc, not sure if this is beacuse of the band or stress. Does anyone else have this problem, causes/solutions would really help????? Thanks Dionne:frown:
Hi, Would love to hear from anyone in QLD. I am being banded 19/02/07. Looking forward to it.
Hi Susanah, You look AMAZING!!!, Who took your photos??? they are beautiful. Keep at it Dionne
Hi All, Its been a while for me and I've just finished reading last couple of pages of previous thread Wow!!! things did get heated I guess it was bound to happen to one of us, Chickie you handled it very well. Hope all of you are doing well, I see so much progress from so many and it's great to see. I have 4.5ml in my band at the moment and I'm struggeling a little as when I eat certain foods or drink say mineral Water or a glass of wine I get like a burning feeling and it's realy uncomfortable, I'm not due to see doc again til the end of the month does anyone have any suggestions until then?? Also is it possible to have something stuck over a long period of time, I had a problem with some steak and did alot of PB for approx 1hr but still feels like something stuck and that was nearly a week a go> Help?? Any advice would be great. Can't see Doc b4 then as he away and no-one within 4hrs of me can reduce the fill. Thanks Dionne
Hi All, It's been a while, but alot has been going on. I haven't changed my ticker yet but I am now down 14kg. I really do need to start exercing regularly now. But good news we are moving back to Melbourne!!!! I know I know I ehar you all say why would want to leave Sunny Qld, well let me tell you it's not all its cracked up to be!! Anyway I need the names of some good Doc for my follow up care. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Hi All, Well you'll be pleased to hear I can eat now!!!! Doc took out the last 1ml he put in, as he says I must be getting close to my max at the moment and he is going away and if I have another problem no-one here to take more out, so I am happy with that at least I can keep a cup of coffee down now. Hi angel, I have 2 kids 6 & 2. I didn't really say much to them, I eat what they eat but in smaller amounts, when I could only have liquids etc I explained that I was a bit sick and that I couldn't eat too much, like when they are sick. My 2yo couldn't care less but the 6yo understood. I personally just didn't want him to see me on another "diet" I wanted to show him healthy eating was the way to be fit & healthy, as I struggled all my life with my weight and I believe it started early on from witnessing bad habits. I will explain later if he asks about my scars etc. Good Luck.
Hi Sharyn, Good on you. It's not about how much you weigh anyway but how you feel and how comfortable you are. You look great!!!
Hi Guys, Thanks for the advice I have called my doc and am waiting for the nurse to call me back, she thinks I definately need an unfill as reflux at night is bad. The problem is he is over an hour and a half away!!!! I asked if there is any way that it will settle down if I stick to liquids for a while but she says not really and they don't want to encourage bad eating habits. Will let you all know. Thanks
Hi All, I had my second fill last week and I cannot keep a thing down, Tonight for example I hand 2teasponns on baked beans within 10mins and I was in pain and vomiting, contant reflux, I can't eat a thing and drinking is getting hard, worse at night than during the day. It constantly feels like something is stuck unless I vomit it up. Really worried calling my doc tomorrow. Anyone else experienced this?????
What Type of Multi Vitamin Do You Take?
dionnem replied to ♥LadyBug♥'s topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi All, What is Supradyn? Is that like Berocca?? -
Hi Lucylee, Welcome. How are you finding the band? Who did it for you maybe we had the same doc???
Hi All, Congrats Meredith on your success!!! I'm with you guys about that story, I couldn't beleive it when I read about the band as well. There was also another story about three family members who run a business and they offer smaller plates with portion control if people want them, but they also were banded and I thought it was great that they all came forward and were honest but the media lead up to the story did not in any way mention the band it's no wonder people have negative opionions about banding. For me I've told immediate family and they are all great, 2 friends know and one of those just dosen't talk to me about it she is really negative but tlike I said to her, I have been batteling this all my life and I would rather have this band done as weight loss tool not weight loss miracle than take appetite suppressents for the rest of my life as god only knows what damage they have done to my body over the years!!!!
Hi All, Well had my first PB experience and OMG it was painful, uncomfortable and the most un-natural thing I have ever felt obviously 4ml is doing the trick !! I was eating chicken sand and gave myself an hour to eat it and I was doing really well it was on the last couple of bites that I knew I had had too much but too late!!!! I am hiring a treadmill this week as I live in the middle of no-where and need to get in the car to get to the road!!! I won't walk aroung the prop as I have my daughter who is 2 and there are lots of snakes and large bulls roaming around I am really looking forward to it!!! Don't worry Bronnie I'm right there with you choc and easter to bad times I'm really trying to keep myself away from the easter eggs!!!! Tajke Care
Hi All, Well just got back from my first fill and it did not hurt one bit!!! I was really surprised I didn't even feel a sting. Doc put in 4ml!!!! and I go back in 1 mth he said may be too much may not be enough I need to call him if I have any probs. Looking forward to making a dent in the weight now. He said my tiredness can be my reaction to the surgery and told me that I need to eat solids not liquids so no more up& go's for me!!! Hope everyone is well.
Hi All, Havenb't been on for a while stuff going on at home. Bronnie you sound like you are doing great keep it up. Hi to all the newcomers. I've been having chest pain since the band has abyone else had this, and alos very tired all the time I am taking a multi-vitamin, but they have done a whole load of tests inc ECG that should my heart rate was slow, waiting on other results and need to have a chest x-ray done. Going in for my first fill tomorrow looking forward to it, does the doc decide how much Fluid to put in? Can I ask for 2ml if he wants to out in one etc?? Glad to hear you are all doing well. Good news on the port Sussanah!!! Meredith what can I say you inspire me!!!
What is average weight loss before 1st fill?
dionnem replied to sumlike2h8's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi All, I was banded in Australia on 19h Feb 07. Ans I am soooooooooo glad I found this thread I needed to hear this today as I feel I could eat anything. Almost felt like I had no band. I at least now feel that it is normal. Thansk again so much!!! I'm due for my first fill 30th March. -
Hi All, Sussanah - Great Pic, you'll have guys knocking down your door soon!!!!! Bronnie - How are you doing? Liquids was awful, I'm right there with you. I am feeling a little down at the moment I lost huge amount in the first week and none since!!!! Is this normanl??? I don't feel that I am eating alot or the wrong foods example: Breakfast Up & Go Lunch - Tuna and cottage cheese Dinner - chicken & salad or Mexican Beans ( I love hot food) If hungry at all in between I'll have a fruit puree or something like that, I still feel hungry, and don't have alot of energy, can anyone recommend a multi-vitamin, not doing alot f exercise as just sooooo tired. Help!!!!:think :think My sister looks like a model, my brothers bioth the same (Benn deceased), My mum is approx 5Ft (and she says 1/2inch), she is overweight I think around 80kgs but lives in denial, she dosen't have alot of money and lives on crap - really p..... me off. My natural dad is 6ft and overweight ( I haven't seen him since I was 5) but remember him being Fat. Lucky me!!!!
Hi Bronnie, I had the same problem and I was told to really chew a couple of prunes each day, this was straight after op and it did the trick. Good Luck.
I can see why!!!! What great inspiration:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Hi All, A couple of days ago I to had really bad pain lasted 2 days, but as someone said to me on this site I probably ate too much, but I'll be buggered if I know when. I think it was because I has 2 bits of popcorn (that I chewed really well- at least I thought I did), but it's gone now, It all really does take some getting used too. Bronnie I remember 5 days after my band I had the same thing but I also felt really bloated and sick, nurse said the thing I ate may have been to rich for me (it was ice-cream), so I didn't eat that again and was ok. Same when I drank milk, major stomach pain within 20mins ( so no more milk for me). How's everyone else doing????
Hi All, Angel, I really feel for you, you have been a trooper just making it this far, especially being pregnant - don't know how you have been doing it. I think I would check with your obgn as well about what to do, you need to make sure both you and the baby are as safe as possible. Is this your 1st baby. Sussanah - Not doing to bad but just so tired all the time, I can't seem to get motivated to do anything let alone exercise. Is this normal??? Kids are doing ok, we are finally getting Braydan tested for numerous things, he is super intelligent but reading and comprehension are just not working out we are looking into either dyslexia or an auditory processing problem. My husband (DOUG) has been offered a job in WA, 4weeks on and 1week homem it's really good money and we would only do it for 1-2 yrs, but we are both concerned about the family, he is currently doing 10days on and 4days home. Big dilemma and we only have a couple of days to decide. I'm a bit worried I may be going through some sort of depression at the moment with this lack of energy, I suffered PND after Vridie was born pretty bad, any help would be good!!
Hi Meredith & KarenB, Thanks for that info it helps to see if I'm on the right track. I bought 2 glass pyrex bowls today that have lids and measure out 250ml (1Cup) so that I can get a better idea of what I'm supposed to be having. Can anyone tell me where they felt the pain when something wasn't working for them.??? I have had this almighty pain on my left side of stomach for a few hours and only now seems to be going away!!!
Hi Angel, So sorry to hear about your situation, what sort of symptoms were you experiencing?? At least on the bright side of all this you'll have a beautiful baby to hold & cuddle very soon.