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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by reginap

  1. hi im a newbie looking for people to share info about the lapband! i dont get mine till aug 3 10! canit wait! soooo how do this work? is it like a facebook for lapbandsters?

  2. hi Toy im sorry im just now getting to you.. i had my surgery on the 3rd of aug!!! i got the lab band but i wanted the sleeve but the doc told it was hard to get approved for because its so new! as far as surgons dr. genaw is awsome! i take it you live in detroit if you want we can exchange numbers.. i to have a lot ?'s but noone can relate to me!

  3. shonette help i had my surgery on the 3rd of aug and my fill sept 15 now i really dont fill any diffrent! how are you supposed to fill after eating? do you have alot of gas? do u sometimes fill your band or have pains in that area? what do you eat? im eating pretty healty but i always have its the snacking that ruins me! but i thought that i would only be able to take a couple of bites and b full or drink a protien shake and b full for a couple hours! so not the case! i dont know how im supposed to fill help!

  4. honey brown can you tell me what you are doing as far as you diet and exercise program i would really appreciate it tell me what you are eating from the morning to dinner and snacks if you eat those! how long you exersice everything! and how do you feel when your eating how much can you eat? do you get hungry faster do get full of a shake plz let me know!

  5. hey hows it going thanks for responding!!! im going to say a prayer for you on your date!! i know you will do great! hows the liquid diet coming along???

  6. wow you are an inspiration ! you go girl! grannys are so special i was really close to mine as well! i cant wait to get out of those 2-3x scubs as well!keep up the good work and thanks for the pics!

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