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About alcon

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/17/1975
  1. Happy 38th Birthday alcon!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday alcon!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary alcon!

  4. alcon


    Hi Piper, I completly understand where you are right now. I am in the same place. My son is 19 months and I was losing alittle weight last year and then BAM I have gained almost 30 lbs since January. I have always struggled w/weight. I either had the will power and was doing great on what ever diet I was trying or I am gaining. Well, once I got on the scale and it said 190 and I wasn't even pregnant, I told myself I would not get to 200. Well, 200 is here and I can't stick to a diet, so I do some research and find that my ideal weight is 115 to 127 and I am severly obese. Then I start to think of all the problems I have been having lately, no sleep body aching, numb feeling in my legs and no sex drive (my poor husband) I never really associated them w/weight but they are. I can't even remember the direct route I took to this discussion board but I too can't believe how helpful and accepting everyone is here, it is great. Good luck w/your decision and keep us updated
  5. alcon

    United HealthCare

    I too have UHC through my husband. I called them yesterday to find out if there were any restrictions and I was told it was covered 100% but there were guidelines and forwarded me to the appropriate person. Well, this individual was unwilling to give me any information except have my doctor forward my information. I was a little discouraged. I have found with my personal experience w/UHC in the past, they have great coverage but everytime I call the customer service I get frusterated!!!!!!!! Good luck. Also, I really don't think they would deny you. Like Alexandra stated if you are enrolling during OE pre-exsiting does not apply, at least in my experience it does not.
  6. alcon

    Rock Hill SC

    Thank you for your help. I actually completed Dr. Bauman's patient registration form online and have not heard back from them. I tried calling but you can't make an appointment until you receive an email invation. I did make an appointment to attend a seminar for a Dr. Voell???? in Charlotte, I just thought if I could be alittle closer to home I would take that opportunity. I am just very anxious to get the process started but also want to find an awesome Doctor!
  7. alcon

    Rock Hill SC

    Is there anyone in this area? I am having a hard time finding a surgeon in this area, it is close to Charlotte NC and I have found a few there but want to try my luck in the SC area. THanks
  8. I just called my insurance co again because even though they cover @ 100% I thought maybe there were going to be restrictions on who is covered. One of the thoughts that keep going through my mind is I am not big enough now but like Boo said feel I will surely get there and would like to prevent that. Anyway, one person tells me that there are certain guidelines but she will have to transfer me to someone else. Then that person tells me it is approved case by case they do not have a turn around time and can't give me a timeframe. All I wanted to know is if it would take 6 months or more and she could not say yes or no. Am I being unreasonable? My husband and I are going to move in the spring and I don't want to wait until the last moment to have this done. I have decided that if the insurance does not cover I will consider Mexico but that scares me alittle too. Again Thank you all, I am really starting to feel better about my decision because even though I could be questionable at the current moment, there will be no question next year.
  9. Thank you all very much. I have made appointments w/a PCP and signed up for a seminar today, so right now I am going to try and get as informed as I can and hopefully the process will go smoothly.
  10. Is your doctor in the US? I am not sure what to expect from the surgeons in my area, from what I understand my insurance is very reasonable w/weight loss surgery as long as it is approved my husbands employer, which it is. I guess I am just thinking the worst and I need to stop! I do have to say that I am getting a little nervous I would hate to fail at this!!
  11. I feel like I should clarify alittle. My BMI is 35 and yes I do have comorbidities but I guess maybe I feel like I should be stronger and have more willpower and do it on my own, but I am so tired of being disappointed in myself when I don't succeed. Either way I signed up for a seminar at the end of this month and will go from there.
  12. Hello out there:) I have decided that I want to end this constant struggle I have had w/my weight since I was 18 but I am feeling guilty because I wonder if I am not big enough? I found this website and have been reading nonstop for 2 days, so I thought it was time to make my 1st post. According the lapband.com BMI test I should qualify (BMI of 35). I called my insurance company today and they cover 100% but I have not heard back from the doctors office yet, I am waiting for an email invitation to make an appointment. Is there anyone else out there who felt this way? I have done diet pills, fad diets, weight watchers and even went to a bariatric clinic where I was taking phentermine but I am tired of getting alittle off and then having it all come back plus 20lbs. I just want to be able to keep up w/my kids and stop feeling winded at the slightest bit of activity on my part. Well, I don't mean to ramble on but I tend to do this when I am nervous. Well, I look forward to getting feedback and hearing about everyones experiences. Have a great day:)

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