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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mauraclegg

  1. mauraclegg

    My Lap Band, My Friend

    Crash, some of the negative that I have seen lately is why I have posted. Your band is a weight loss tool- if you use it effectively it will work. Could their be problems? Yes, there can be- but I could go for a walk and fall and sprain an ankle. Sh*t happens! I love the help my band has given me and I hope u do too
  2. mauraclegg

    My Lap Band, My Friend

    Kitty, I think nerves and second guessing are second nature, but I look at it this way. I chose to be banded for my own reasons- not for my hubby, or anyone else. The journey is for me as your journey is for you. The decision is a good one and I wish you luck. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to talk
  3. mauraclegg

    My Lap Band, My Friend

    dk I haven't lost since February. But I am happier, healthier and (I hope) a little wiser.
  4. I take fiber everyday or I have problems. I recently switched to the flavorless Benefiber (target brand though) that u can put in anything. It is a saving grace for my gastrointestinal tract
  5. I feel so bad when I hear of someone having problems with their band. I have had 2 problems - an immediate slip the day it was implanted(?) and one overfill. Even though those things happened I wouldn't change a single thing (well except the NG tube I had to have inserted before the second band).
  6. Discomfort in/near the chest, teeth sweating (extra saliva), and possible regurgitation. IMO the worst is the pain of being stuck
  7. mauraclegg

    Swimming After...

    I went to the beach for 3 weeks less than a month after my banding. I had no restriction- and he even put off my first fill until I got home
  8. mauraclegg

    Tummy Tuck Scheduled

    the same surgeon who did my band is doing my tt - I should have asked him last week when I was in the office, but I didn't think of any questions then. It doesn't really matter how long I am in - surprised that a tt is an outpaitient surgery - but I would rather be at home anyway.
  9. mauraclegg


    Was told no soda due to the carbonation factor, but that fountain soda was ok. I love my diet coke and have 1 from a soda fountain every day
  10. mauraclegg

    Tummy Tuck Scheduled

    How long were you in the hospital? Trying to prepare my husband for how long I will be in. I was in 36 hours for my banding
  11. mauraclegg


    I feel your frustration. I hit a plateau months ago- have lost maybe 4 pounds since Feb. Doc is happy- says I'm good. Trying to change things up for a kick - start
  12. When I am not paying attention when I am eating is always when I get stuck. It sucks- but it is a learning experience
  13. mauraclegg

    Tummy Tuck Scheduled

    Thanks Sndy. I admit I am nervous about the surgery. I have heard some people are in immense pain and some are ok. I think I have a pretty good pain tolerance so I am hoping to be on the ok pain wise. I am looking forward to not seeing the flab. Congrats to you on your TT. I have heard Sedona and the Grand Canyon are beautiful places!
  14. mauraclegg

    Bathroom problem- Constipation

    Seriously Benefiber has saved me much discomfort. I can't believe it toon me like 8 months to start using it. :-)
  15. mauraclegg

    not enough skin??

    My insurance just approved me for a TT with my LB surgeon. We submitted pics of my hanging flab. Getting mine done July 13ish
  16. mauraclegg

    Bathroom problem- Constipation

    Ps- I don't think pushing can damage the band, but u could get hemmeroids
  17. mauraclegg

    Bathroom problem- Constipation

    I had this problem after my surgery last year too. I talked to my surgeon and he suggested stool softeners (didn't work), tried chewable fiber (didn't work), tried prune juice- worked but tastes yucky. Within the last few months started using Benefiber- it is a powder that mixes into any drink. It is tasteless and I mix it in my coffee. It is a miracle for me. Works perfectly
  18. mauraclegg


    Try upping calories, protein and water. People here say it worked for them. And talk to your doc as well
  19. I was banded last year and this was/is a huge problem for me. I talked to my doctor, he suggested stool softeners (didn't work). I tried fiber chewables (nope again). Prune juice worked- but maybe too well. For the last several month I have been using the Benefiber that u mix into any drink. It is my MIRACLE. it does just what is supposed to. No cramping. No nasty taste.
  20. I have to agree with my fellow posters that you don't really seem ready to get banded. It is definitely not a quick fix - but for me it was the miracle I needed. I have learned portion control and to listen to my body. Was there pain - yes, but it wasn't horrid. Was I scared - well, I was nervous for the surgery itself, but not about being banded - I was excited. I have gone from a size 22 last June to just about a size 10 now. I am having a tummy tuck next month and I am nervous and excited about that too It sounds like you have unrealistic expectations from the lap band - you need to def take a step back and think about it.
  21. mauraclegg


    I can eat salad too, which was a pleasant surprise for me. I love peanut butter, but I have had it get stuck when I get too greedy with it. Bread is pretty much evil to me now - but I still try it every so often to see if by some miracle I don't like it or that it might like me again. I don't really do red meat anymore either - but I find I can eat a burger now and then as long as it's not a pre-pressed patty
  22. mauraclegg


    Coco - you just totally cracked me up. You're right though you have to keep a sense of humor. I will remember your PF Chang's story next time I go out to eat for sure. I tend to stick to Soup if I am out with anyone besides the hubby because I don't want to deal with the urp -
  23. mauraclegg


    Funny I have been banded nearly a year and was wondering what they acronyms were too - lol The sliming - I call it "my teeth are sweating" just because there is too much liquid in my mouth. never had a PB - If I am stuck (like if I don't chew or if I am brave enough to eat more than like 3 bites of bread). I give it a minute and see "if this too shall pass" or I just go into the restroom and let the anti-gravity forces do there thing. It's not like vomiting because you don't really feel nasty after or have that vomit taste in your mouth. You just give the food back - and then move on. Truly not all that unpleasant.....
  24. I am slowly learning (I am stubborn) that when I am not talking in enough calories I am not going to lose weight. I have lost 80 - but been stuck for months, Once I started upping my calories the scale has begun to move again (albiet slowly)
  25. Lori, I know when I was recovering from my band (I had a longer than normal recovery because of a slip & rebanding) I spent a lot of time on facebook having fun with my games and my facebook friends. Feel free to add me if you are on there too, or shoot me an email if you are bored or lonley - we are part of the same banding club

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