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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pgrif

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  • Birthday 09/16/1940

About Me

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    risk manager
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  1. Happy 72nd Birthday pgrif!

  2. I was banded on 5/24/10. I am having band tightened tommorrow. I am hoping that curbs the hunger.
  3. I was banded on 5/24/10. I am having band tightened tommorrow. I am hoping that curbs the hunger.
  4. I was banded on 5/24/10. Was having problem getting water down had 4cc taken from the surgery fill. Doing better but really hungry. And have started eating real food more than likely it is a mistake..Having a fill on 6/23 I have taken off 29lbs to date
  5. pgrif

    Anyone on here over 60 years old besides me?

    Does almost 70 qualify. Lap Band was done on 5/24/10 have lost 29 lbs to date.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
