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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pgrif

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  • Birthday 09/16/1940

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    risk manager
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5/30/10:   I waited two years for my surgery, I am up in years for gastric by pass was not a good choice, the Lap Band was the best choice for me.  I have lost 13 lbs since Monday. No surgery Problems everything went smoothly, only a one night stay, and that was due to surgery being done a 4:30pm. I never felt pain and I was very comfortable walking etc.  When I got home and started following the diet for first 2 weeks, I was finding that liquids would not go down and it was uncomfortable swollowing.  Went back to the surgery center and they reduced band by 4cc.  I feel great now  and have no difficulty eating or drinking.  I have 3 protein drinks and light meal one time a day.   I am so pleased to have this tool to assist me lossing weight and the backup support of the center.  As I think about my eating history "One of anything was not enough and Two was to many" I did go through therapy to identfiy why I was eating to a point where I was obese.  That had more than one factor involved now at least I know I dont have to eat so get rid of feelings.... So wish us all good weighing in

Age: 83
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Starting Weight:
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 262 lbs
Goal Weight:
Weight Lost:
BMI: 45
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/01/1970
Surgery Date: 05/24/2010
Hospital Stay: Outpatient
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
