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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wsheri44

  1. wsheri44

    New Start

    im sure you have heard this before...Ii am re-comitting to using my lap band to improve my health and diet. I have had it almost 3 years. Initally lost wt, the wt loss slowed and now has stopped. I have fallen out of the health habits (eating and exercising) although I do still have a fair restriction when eating. I have learned how to 'eat around' the band. I would appreciate suggestions of how to get back on the 'band'wagon and start losing again. thx sjw
  2. wsheri44

    New Start

    by eating around the band i mean i eat things that become mushie when eating- chips and cookies, too many carbs and calories in general. and sweet tea. i dont know what the 5 day pouch diet is ? sjw
  3. oh i understand you ! im from Al, everything is fried, even the pickles ! LOL where in Ms are you? im not banded yet but am preop dieting.

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