I had the lapband done august 09. Not even 48 hours post op I ended up in the ER. I woke up extremely ill, and kept fainting. Felt like I was going to throw up, pee and poop myself all at once. I couldn't stop shaking. I started my period, that I never have, and I had a uti.... so antibiotics they sent me on my way. Then just after thanksgiving this happened again, no infections this time. Then again just after New Years... and out of state. When I went to the er they determined it to be panic attacks. Needless to say I was put on buspar daily, and ativan as needed. My stomach is so very sore, and I feel sicker everyday.... I am literally fighting panic attacks on a daily basis now. I moved to CA a little over a month ago, and the healthcare here SUCKS. The new dr I was given, I didn't even see, I saw her nurse practitioner, and they didn't even want my medical record. They wanted to use me as a guineapig and try different meds that sent me into a full blown attack within 2 hours. I have only lost about 28lbs, and know this is hormonal. I literally feel my brain moving, and I get so dizzy. I get chest pain, and my heart flipflops now way more than it ever did. Is anyone else experiencing this? I am pretty convinced that I need to just have the band taken out. When I was waking up from the surgery I could not breathe. I asked the nurse if I was ok, and she told me to let her worry about that. How can she worry about something I was feeling and she wouldn't even know about unless I asked? This has truly become the worst experience of my life, and I am worried that it gets consistently worse. I am also worried after reading so many posts about other surgeons refusing to see patients. I had my surgery done in Maine..... that's a long way to have to go in an emergency to have it removed. Now I'm panicking about having panic attacks... I feel like a basket case.... and this was so not the case before the band. Any suggestions? :thumbup: