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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by laurigee

  1. Karey, you look awesome!
  2. I have to say that the only thing that didn't go back is my chest. I do think that a good bra does help. It does suck to now be able to wear nice jammies and have them saggin' and waggin' all over the place. I have even bought bras that I just wear with jammies to keep them were they should be. The first time I bent over and looked down at them it scared the crap out of me. So now I try to prevent trama to all around me and strap them up at all times. I'm to big of a chicken to get them done. Not a real fan of pain.
  3. I have to admit to myself that this is probably it for me. So this is my after photo. I have gained back 6-10lbs in this picture, but I will have to accept it. I guess I should have let someone take a picture sooner. lol
  4. Karey....I hope that your thearapy goes good on Tuesday. If you can get the swelling down some before hand it really goes alot easier. It was alot worse on the days that I had excessive swelling. Just think when 2009 rings in you will be the vision of perfection. You seem to have had a long road and I think that you will finally be able to take a breather and just relax and enjoy your new body and your better health. Congratulations on all your success and all you determination to being a healthy you.
  5. laurigee

    Kidney stones anyone??

    Did any of you have your stones analized? They can tell you what the stones are made of. This way you know what you need to avoid. There are alot of reasons people get stones, and that's why you need to get them tested. They also have meds that help with nausea. If your stones are made up of calcium they actually have a pill that can be taken when the stones are small and it can shrink or even dissolve them in the kidney. Most common stones are made up of calcium. Others are Struvite, can occur after UTI infection. Uric Acid, when your urine contains to much acid. Cystine, which a very rare, so I doubt this is the culprit. Most people who get 1 stone will get another within 10 years, that is why it is important to know what your dealing with. And if you've had 1 you definately don't wan't to have another.
  6. laurigee


    We are not suppose to take any NSAID's (NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammitory Drugs) because they are hard on the stomach and they don't want them to cause damage to the small pouch. That's why I take an acid reducer with it.
  7. If my insurance would have paid for even half of it, I would have jumped through whatever hoops they wanted for 6 months. The time will go fast. Work on yourself, try to figure out why you overeat, keep an emotional diary. For me, emotional and compulsive eating is still a problem that I have to deal with. The band didn't help with these issues. I will be starting thearapy soon, I wish I would have done it before my band.
  8. laurigee


    Unfortunately, within the last month, I have slipped into a lot of my old bad habits. I actually have never been consistent with anything. I will exercise faithfully, and then for a week I will stop everything completely, even eating right. Like right now I have gained about 5lbs back again. I am having a hard time getting back on track. I hope that I can get myself together before it turns from 5 to 10 to 20. I guess that is why it has taken so long for me to lose my weight, inconsistancy. I also hurt alot during exercise, but what I had to do is start taking naproxen. Most doctors say that were are not suppose to take it with the band, but I am not able to function without it. So my doctor has me split the pill in half and take prilosac with it. This also helps with my migraines. Without it I have horrible neck, shoulder, head, and knee issues. I had knee surgery last year and it swells and hurts without my meds. Tylenol just doesn't do anything for me. And I also use to get at least one horrible migraine a month, which I no longer have to deal with.
  9. Karey...Hope your surgery went well! I had a similar surgery last year. It didn't hurt half as much healing as it did before the surgery. I hope you experience the same as I did. Take care of yourself!
  10. Karey....I was banded in 2006, the same time as your first band, and I remember doing the Oct. bandsters and challenges with you. I just wanted to tell you that you look great! Do you have any other recent photos? You must feel like a new women. When did your band slip? How did you know that you had a problem? I know that you have probably answered these questions a million times so if you are tired of answering it just ignore me(it won't be the first time, lol). I have been feeling funny lately and just wondering if I may have a problem. Again, you look FABULOUS!
  11. laurigee


    Have you lost anything since your banding? I am for some reason struggling all of a sudden myself. I have been banded for over 2 years and have always had kind of a hard time staying continuously devoted. I have recently had lapses in exercise and I have figured out how to eat around the band. This last week I have gained back 5lbs. I don't know what is wrong with me, I get close to goal and I just backslide. I would love to help if I can. I know that I need a giant kick in the butt right now. I have tons of plans with family and friends within the next couple of months and I feel like, for some reason, I am trying to sabotage myself. I guess old habits die hard.
  12. laurigee

    Last Weight of '08

    Southern Missy...Congrats! Feels good doesn't it! I have gained a couple of pounds since last week, but I am going to cheat, I told myself that if I don't have it off by Thursday I have to change my number. I know, I know, I'm cheating, but I need some incentive to get my butt in gear.
  13. laurigee

    Restrictions out the window

    Do you mind that I ask what problem you had that you needed to be unfilled. Did you get all of the fill removed or just some. I have been thinking about removing all of my fill (4.5cc in 4cc band) to see if when I refill I could feel more restriction than I do now. How was your fill today? Hopefully your going to feel the restriction you want. I hope everything went well.
  14. Michelle...You paste it in your signature
  15. I have nothing to contibute as far as knowledge about this, but read your post and feel horrible that you had to go through that. It is a wicked blow when you are out physically and monetarily. You got nothing out of your money but pain and misery. I can see where you are conflicted. I always wonder if something happened to my band if I would do it again. My surgery was 17,500, and I was selfpay also. I think I would want to, but I am not sure financially it would be possible. I hope both of you find the answers that are best for you. I will pray to help you find the answers your seaking. I wish you both good health and happiness.
  16. laurigee

    Restrictions out the window

    Remember, "A single defeat is not a final defeat". So you ate 4 pieces of pizza. You will be fine. Just don't let that one error in judgement sabotage everything you have worked for to this point. I know that in the past I would think to myself, "you may as well keep eating because you already screwed everything up". That isn't the case. Think about the calories that you ate with the pizza, and just think if you let yourself keep going how many it could actually have been. You showed restraint in not giving in anymore. I probably would have. Stick to your amount of calories your allowed per day until you can get refilled and make sure you continue to exercise, if you already do. Do you know when your going to be able to be refilled? I feel for you, but seeing the amount of weight that you have already lost I am very sure that you are committed to yourself and I know that you will get back on track immediately. Your doing great, don't beat yourself up over a slip up. I have slipped up more times than I can count, but I just keep chugging along. Good Luck to you.
  17. You should not be asking what your doing wrong, you should be telling everyone what your doing right. Like others have said, right after surgery alot of people don't lose. It sometimes takes several fills to start losing regularly. Did your surgeon tell you that the recommended and typical weight loss per week is between 1 and 2lbs? It sounds like you are right on track, if not ahead of the game. Remember, it's not gastric bypass, it is much slower, but you will get to the same place in the end. Be patient. If you are following the band rules, and exercising regularly, your body will follow. Good Luck and Congratulations at your success.
  18. Congratulations on your approval! The most weight that your going to lose in one week is going to be right now. You will lose all of your water weight almost immediately. My pre-op diet was full liquid. That included broths, popsicles, water, milk, hot chocolate(my fav), ect. Everything had to be sugar-free and low sodium. 10lbs is not impossible, I lost I think around 16 during that week. It is not easy, but it will be worth it. Good Luck.
  19. laurigee

    Eating with the Non Banded???

    I like to eat weight watchers for lunch because I don't have to think about anything including portions, it's already done for me. I eat the same things that I make for my family. I just use the larger plates for them and the smaller for myself. Even when company comes over, I use my smaller plate. It is the same color and pattern the larger ones are so nobody notices the difference. With leftovers, I just send them off with my husband to work the next day. The men in the office love to eat home cooked meals instead of fast food for lunch. Plus, it makes me the FAVORITE WIFE, lol. I do the same thing when I bake cookies, cakes, etc. My family gets to enjoy it for that day, and the next it's gone with my husband. It helps everyone not to overindulge. I have never had a problem with anyone feeling different around me when eating because no one really notices the difference. I am the lucky one with the band where I am able to eat any type of food. Plus I keep my band a little on the loose side because I like to exercise quite a bit, so I need to eat a little more.
  20. laurigee

    Running Weight Loss Totals by LBT'ers

    How amazing to see all these totals! What an inspiration! I have lost 105lbs.
  21. I was not a real low bmi I was at 40. Everyone will definately tell you that you will never again lose like you did on the pre-op. That is when all the water weight came off, so it was really fast. You would definately notice a difference in your measurements and probably on the scale once you start exercising. It really revs up the weight loss and can get you off plateus. Were you told the amount of calories you should eat per day to ensure weight loss? I may be odd, but I like to leave my band on the looser side, so I am able to eat enough where I feel good during exercise. I still get hungry, just not famished. It sounds like you may need a fill to get to your comfort level. As far as diet coke goes, I was addicted. I still have a couple a week. The only difference is, I can only have the little itty 4oz (i think) cans. I leave it opened a while so it isn't as carbonated. I don't let myself have it unless I have drank all my waters. I love crystal light packets, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't get any water down. Remember that you are only suppose to lose 1-2lbs a week. I tend to go a couple of weeks without losing anything, and then all of a sudden 5lbs will be gone. Good Luck with continued success.
  22. Mim.....I could have wrote that myself. I am over 2 years out and still have these little episodes. I actually just had one also. For me it doesn't matter how much fill I have, I seem to eat past and around it. I am very proud of the amount of weight you have lost, and the ability to be able to admit your flaws(not failures). I have decided that I need to seek counceling for this. Just like you, I have no stress or unusual circumstances that I can pinpoint, to say THATS WHAT IT WAS. Which makes it even more difficult to deal with. You said it perfectly, I just SNAPPED! Please keep me informed on your progress, I am interested in whether you find a solution. Maybe for you (hopefully) this is just a once in a band experience. Good Luck to you and remember, anything can be fixed as long as we acknowledge it and are willing to change.
  23. Congratulations on the weight you have lost. Finding out the amount of calories you should be eating everyday is very important. I know what you mean by gaining and losing the same pounds. I am over 2 years out and I still do that. I feel for you cuz I know how hungry you can get when there isn't any fill in your band. Just stick by the rules, even though it may be hard, and the weight will follow. Maybe the scale messes with you like it does with me. I will go up and down the same pound a couple of weeks and then all of a sudden I lose 3-5lbs. Which is still on track of 1-2lbs per week that they recommend. Good Luck and we all understand your frustration, we have all been were you are at. IT GETS BETTER!
  24. laurigee

    I think I'm ready but...

    I live in WI. There are several threads here for people that have been banded in Mexico. You really need to research if you go out of your area about fills and follow up appointments. Some doctors won't do fills unless your their patient. I do know that some people have talked about fill centers. I guess you would have to check what is available in your town.
  25. laurigee

    Psych Eval

    My psych admitted to me that he was more concerned with our 1 on 1 visit than with the results of the exam. He said he just wanted to know that I didn't have any false expectations of what I thought the band was going to do for my life. He said that some people think that losing weight will help with their marriages, money problems, depression(deeper than weight), ect. Basically he wanted to know that I was realistic about the outcome and wasn't looking for something that couldn't be obtained through weight loss.

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