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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Drhook

  1. Hello everyone. I am new to the board. I weigh somewhere around 400lbs plus. I feel great and am very happy with everything but my weight. I did the diet program last year at this time and lost 106 pounds in 17 weeks. It only took 9 months to put it all back on. I am now considering the lapband surgury and am comeing here to hear from people that have been dealing with life after surgury. I do have insurance that will pay for it and I have medical reasons that would qualify me to have it. (early stages of diabeties, cholestoral, and blood pressure etc). What do you all think. Should I do it? Is it the answer or is it a waste of my time like the weight loss program was? I held strick to the 800 calories of their food for 17 weeks but was unable to treat the addiction to bad food. I have always been able to hold true to a diet for about 3 months then look out, it's all coming back plus. Thanks for any input.

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