I am in stateside south region of tricare. I did not have to do any of that. I had to see my PCM have her send in a referral. Then I had to go through about a 3 month period of classes... literally. Had to go to seminars about the Y or the lap band and to support groups and stuff. Had to go to so many different classes, educational things, etc before you could proceed. I also had to get some labs. I did not have to have a chest xray or UGI (but they do require one... I had one for other medical reasons close to my surgery so I did not need another). I was approved very quickly and could have had my sugery within a few months of starting but I had to wait for my husband to get home from deployment. I was told many many many times that if / when I leave the current area that I am in that if I go to another installation that does not do the lap band (as many posts are not doing it yet) that I COULD pay for my fills on my own. I did call tricare healthnet and they could NOT give me a straight answer. They said that the care of the band is not excluded but that it does also not say it is covered. SOOO who knows. I do know from my experiences of being in several different posts, that YES tricare is different region by region. When we were in WA my meds were forumlarly and had no problem with them, then when we come to TN its not and had to go through a bunch of stuff to get my meds.
Its the govt and its always a pain in the @%# but just have to keep going through the system and getting it approved.