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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MellieW

  1. MellieW

    opti fast so expensive!!

    Well in my opinion there is nothing special about Optifast or Medifast. I think both are overpriced and if you look at the labels you'll likely find things like Carnation Instant Breakfast and Adkins are comparable.
  2. MellieW

    opti fast so expensive!!

    I used to be on Medifast and when I decided to get off the crazy diet roller coaster and get banded, I did some checking around and found that I could get more protien per shake with Carnation Instant Breakfast (no sugar added) and Adkins shakes and save tons of money as well! I've also tried the unflavored unjury Protein and just couldn't get past the smell. It has a strong protein smell and I just can't get it down. Neither Carnation nor Adkins has that smell or taste. Keep looking and I'm sure you will find something that works for you, both nutritionally and financially.
  3. MellieW

    Just had to share....

    That's awesome! I look forward to doing my toes again without huffing and puffing. lol It's those little nsvs that keep us going sometimes, isn't it? Keep up the great work!
  4. MellieW

    has anyone here...

    I was just banded on the 21st of this month and I've read a lot over the past several months about slippage caused from vomiting and I'm wondering from those of you who have experienced this if vomiting when you're sick was the norm for you prior to surgery or was it something new after being banded. I rarely get ill and can't remember ever vomiting when I did. I really hope that isn't going to change now that I've been banded.
  5. MellieW

    So emotional today

    Hi Melissa. We had surgery on the same day and although I'm not emotional, I do think about the foods I love and how my relationship with them has to change. I just keep reminding myself that I can eat them again. It may be after the liquids for some and for others after I reach goal, but I will (if my band allows) have them again.....just in moderation. Hang in there. I'm hopeful things will work out just fine in the end.....for both of us.
  6. I know it's disappointing but is it possible with co-morbidites your insurance may cover the surgery in total? sleep apnea is considered a life threatening co-morbidity and is accepted by most insurances for WLS. My surgery is scheduled the 21st and may be pushed back a few weeks for additional testing for deep vein thrombosis and as frustrating as that is, I'd rather go into surgery knowing my doctor and anesthesiologist has all of the information they need to keep me safe and alive. Hang in there, everything will work out as it should. And in the end we will both get our band and be healthier for it. =)
  7. MellieW

    Smoking... I know I know.

    Rockstar, my surgeon said the same thing... that smoking can cause erosion and he won't band anyone who smokes. You have to be smoke free for at least 3 months before he will even consider banding you. I quit 2 1/2 yrs ago when I started looking at WLS. I knew if I were going to go to the extreme of allowing someone to cut me open, and alter my body with a foreign object, I was going to do what I could to ensure my success by living a healthier life. But, I knew there was no way I could do it cold turkey after smoking for 22 years so I used Chantix. It worked like a charm. Within 45 days I had stopped and haven't had any issues since. =) Good luck hansnmerl. I know it's tough trying to quit but hang in there, I know you can do it!
  8. MellieW

    Tricare- will I qualify?

    If you are over 200% of your ideal weight you aren't required to have 2 co-morbidities. But anything under 200% requires co-morbidities, and unfortunately large breasts nor carpal tunnel qualify as co-morbidites. That being said we are retired military with Prime and I was approved within 48 hours. =)
  9. I am so excited to finally have an approval that I'm having trouble sitting still today. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 21st but insurance is requiring a cardiac and pulmonary evaluation and clearance prior to that date. Has anyone else had to have this, and if so, can you tell me what to expect of the tests? I'm not sure what is required of me and I'm curious what the tests consist of. Thanks in advance!
  10. Thank you, phershey! My packet was submitted to Tricare on Monday (Aug 30) and I was approved today, so the approval process only took two days. Too bad the months of testing and insurance requirements weren't so easy. lol
  11. Hello everyone! After months of appointments and insurance red tape I finally received my approval today and I'm scheduled for Sept 21st. I haven't been this excited about anything in a very long time! My surgeon doesn't require a pre-op diet so now all I have to do is get my supplies for my post-op diet and try not to go mad waiting for the next 3 weeks. (Patience isn't my strong suit.) Good luck everyone and I wish you all success on your journey!
  12. MellieW

    I've Got My Date

    That's fantastic! Congratulations! Mine is on the 21st so I know how excited you are.
  13. MellieW


    Brraaainnss, If it's true that they let you weigh with your purse and a weight, that's insurance fraud and you both can be prosecuted for knowingly committing it. You might not want to advertise that. Personally, I don't know that I'd want a surgeon that has no problem with knowingly committing a crime.... but that's me.
  14. My husband is the only one who knows that I am trying to get approved outside of 3 girlfriends who have either had wls or is also trying to get approved. I just don't see the need to tell anyone until I know if I'll be approved. I have been working on my approval for the last three months and am praying everything goes through. I see no reason I should be denied, but insurance companies are so unpredictable that I'm trying not to get too excited until I know for sure. I don't know that I'll tell anyone if I get approved, I'm not really thinking that far ahead. I'm not ashamed that I need wls to be successful in my desire to be fit and healthy, but I don't know that I want to be the poster child for it either. I guess I'll decide if and when I get banded. I should know one way or the other next week!
  15. I agree that you should probably err on the side caution and postpone it. You should be 100% going into any surgery. Keep us posted and I hope you feel better soon. =)
  16. MellieW

    How did you do it????

    Chantix, Chantix, Chantix! I smoked for 23 years and was able to quit with Chantix in two months! I have now been a nonsmoker for 2 yrs and 8 months. I didn't have any side effects in the short time I took it, so it worked great for me. Like Shay, it was the best decision I could have made. =)
  17. I'll post pics and my stats if I'm approved. But I'm so proud of you. You look fantastic! ;)

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