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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by retiredlinda47

  1. Hi All! I'm new to the forum. Banded 5/27. I've progressed from clear to full liquids, and have been hungary all the way. Have reached my daily protein and fluid requirements too. When I start eating soft food, how much do I start with...for instance, breakfast....one egg, or two? I just don't know.
  2. retiredlinda47

    Diet Progression

    Does anybody want to share some "full liquid" meal ideas?
  3. retiredlinda47


    I just had my LAP-BAND®®® surgery last Friday. Done by Dr Enochs of Cary, NC. The operation was done at REX Hospital in Raleigh. Tonight I attended my 3rd support group meeting held at REX Hospital and found it to be VERY informative. Just finished Clear liquids today and I am moving to the next stage. I do NOT have a blog or anything like that. I am new to the forum and even chat rooms.
  4. retiredlinda47

    Diet Progression

    I've been on liquids(now full), only having 1/2 cup servings at a time. Is this right, or is this why I'm always hungary?
  5. retiredlinda47


    Debbie, thanks for the welcome and offer to answer questions. I am only doing week 2(full Liquids)after my lap band. I felt starved during clear liq, now hungary on full. Will it be like this till my first fill? I am new to forums/chats....don't quit know how to maneuveur around.........Linda

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