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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by victorisaac

  1. I don't know the exact rules of the forum. But I believe we all.can motivate others and ourselfs…we can share our day with one another. We can talk about food. Exercise. What works for some may not worknfornothers. I am not a doctor but my research makes a lot of sense. So tag along with possitive energy and bring your thoughts and ideas with.
  2. victorisaac

    Nothing like an early run

    Running has worked for me. I had issues with gas pains. Now i run almost everyday
  3. victorisaac

    Glass of energy

    Enjoying a tasty green juice after a long run is a great way to start a Subday.
  4. victorisaac

    Glass of energy

    This juice helped me lose over 100 Ibs
  5. victorisaac

    Glass of energy

    I been drinking eat for 2 years so I don't use measurement. I used a lemon, a bunch of kale, one cucumber, hand full of spinach, one apple and a small piece of ginger
  6. Do some walking or running. Keep in mind the band is only a tool.
  7. victorisaac

    Glass of energy

    It's actually really good. Kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, apple, lemon, and ginger
  8. victorisaac


  9. victorisaac


    From the album: victorisaac

  10. victorisaac


    From the album: victorisaac

  11. Visiting family in Tucson AZ. Decided to go on a 6 mile run this morning. Weather is 36 degrers, is just awesome weather and mountains all around. Could not resist. Small choices make the difference.
  12. The restriction will come soon. Eating in portions now will help you when you get there. The surgery works. You have nothing to worry about. The hard part is the restriction, so keep eating in portions and small bites. It took me almost a year to feel the restriction, but when i got there it was hard because i was not use to the portions. U need to exercise as well. Good luck!
  13. I took me a while to finally come back to this site. Like many others i tried to focus on my weight loss and did not have the time to keep coming back. I am happy to say I've lost 175 Ibs. It was not easy. Changed everything about me. Food, exercise, friends, hobbies and many other things. When we decide to get a lap band. We never think or k ow the real consequences that will follow. Would i do it again? 10 out of 10 the answer is Yes. Its a azing what weight loss can change in a person. I am sure that all of us have a story to tell, but in my experience it was not easy. It was far from easy. I will update photos and perhaps a video of some of my workouts, food, and hobbies soon. This will give you a better idea of what i mean.
  14. I have to ask you scarecrow, how did you do it? Am 5 months post op and am scare this might not work for me. Can you give me some tips? exercise? types of food? drinks? Anything bro, anything?

  15. victorisaac

    What do u c???????

    I c a women who was desperate to be accepted by society. A women who recently found out that society is cruel no matter how u look in the outside. A women that no matter what she does she feels used. Why are we here? Why do we come to this website an post our comments an ideas. Is it because were looking for a society who understands us? I think bcz were desperate to be accepted. Bcz we want to fit in. Bcz we want ppl to see who we are inside without judging our outside first. Society is cruel...the sooness we realize that we will understand that we need to please our selves an not a world of greed, hatred, an loneliness. Some how...I c myself....
  16. victorisaac

    What do u c???????

    What do I c? A tremendously smart girl who has learn to see farther than most ppl. A girl who's thoughts an ideas are defining who she has become. I wish u the best!
  17. victorisaac


    Wow....thats the first word that comes to my mine after reading your threads...I read your threads and also the replies ppl gave you...I have to say it captured my mine.. You look healthy... congratz! The mine is a very powerful thing...am sure you know that by now..its so powerful that you can create a whole world within yourself.
  18. I have to ask, how did you do it? I was banded on 3/26/2010 and I feel like am stuck. In fact, I recently gained 5 pounds. Great Job!

  19. victorisaac


  20. victorisaac

    05.23.2010 (2) 2 months post surgery

    From the album: Me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
