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Everything posted by KathyM

  1. KathyM

    how much taco bell

    I really dont get in too much of a panic when I eat out. I am NOT going to gain back all the weight I lost because I eat a taco. I don't do it all the time and before I would be eating 4 or 5 tacos plus slurping down a huge drink and probably a burrito. I plan to eat what I want, slider foods or no - just way less. And I don't know about for other people, but while the junk foods are a treat once in a while the actual mad cravings for them have pretty much gone away. I am no longer focused all day on what I am going to eat next, when meal time comes along, then I decide what I am want to eat and I have it. I love my sleeve, it is truly the best gift I could have ever given myself.
  2. KathyM

    how much taco bell

    I can eat almost a whole taco, some days the whole one. my absolute favorite flavor there is the baja steak chalupa but I can't eat the whole thing. Its a real learning thing to get to the place that it's okay to walk away from food without cleaning your plate. Stcyt - I have the same thing with sweets, don't know why but it helps keep me away from them so I guess that is a good thing!
  3. Everything went great. I was never unsupervised or traveled anywhere without an escort - even when I went shopping. They took really good care of me.
  4. I had to go to Mexico because my insurance wouldn't pay and I couldn't afford to do it in the States.
  5. KathyM

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    B - scrambled egg apple juice L - 1/2 c. Kung Pao chicken (met one of my college boys for lunch and he was starving! lol) D - Most of a taco Hehe it was kind of a crappy eating day but still waaaayyyyy better than the old me! I love my sleeve!
  6. KathyM

    One month out pics

    Looking great!! I bet you both are feeling wonderful too!
  7. KathyM

    NSV shout outs

    Go-Karts!!!!! I drove a go-kart last night!! Lol sounds so silly but I have wanted to do it forever - and I knew I would never fit in them or be able to get out of them and I did it! And by the way - haha I had it floored the whole time - didn't tap the brake once. Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
  8. Not even going to look at it, - I am completely happy and secure with my decision to do what I did.
  9. KathyM

    Any regrets?

    6 months out, 100 lbs gone forever, finally into onderland which I haven't seen in YEARS. Regrets? That I wasted so many years in an unhealthy body. But no looking back - this summer I am going on a river trip, then this fall to ride in a hot air balloon in Sodona, on to the Grand Canyon and then up to Colorado for a zip line adventure - couldn't have even dreamed of doing these things 6 months ago!
  10. The hairloss seems to be normal with this surgery - starts at about 4-5 months post op and lasts for about 2 or 3 months. Pain in the butt, but it's a small price to pay for the great weightloss. Can't offer anything as far as the missed period, if you are sure you aren't pregnant, and it doesn't straighten out by the next cycle I would call your doc and see what they suggest.
  11. I have been reading alot of posts by people who are taking liquid vitamins, tylenol, etc. and now I am starting to worry a little. I take one medication for arthritis and one for blood pressure - I am having my sleeve surgery July 15th (yaaay!) so do I have to stop taking them when I am doing my clear liquid preop? And what about afterwards? I know that my doc will tell me what to do, I was just curious what other people have done.
  12. KathyM

    Mushi Foods

    My first mushy/soft food was mashed potatoes from KFC and they were HEAVEN!!!! I could only eat a few bites of them but they tasted soooo good! Some of the other foods that I ate were: Refried Beans - yummy! Scrambled eggs - that has become a staple for me for Breakfast - excellent Protein Hard boiled egg - chop it up, add a little bit of fat free mayo and a bit of relish - egg salad Tuna salad chicken Salad Baked Fish Shrimp - great protein, low cal - I could only eat about 3 at first. I would buy them cooked, weigh them out in 2 oz portions and freeze them that way Cottage cheese String Cheese Potato Soup Hot dog - chop it up tiny - I craved it so much, no problems digesting it, just didn't taste as good as I remembered Deli sliced turkey with a bit of garden veggie cream cheese spread on it and rolled up - once I got a little further along, I wrapped it around a pickle slice Creamed Soups Yoplait Whips in the freezer - taste like ice cream - I actually did that while I was still on the full liquid stage - yummy! ummmm.....that's all I can think of right now, if I think of any more I will add them. Also - if you have had that funky coating on your tongue, it will get better once you start eating some food with texture Kathy Oh, and if you are interested in tracking what you are eating, go to livestrong.com and then go to the section called Myplate. You can enter what you eat and it will break down the protein, carbs, calories, fat, etc for you.
  13. Hairloss is not uncommon at all with this surgery - BUT it is temporary! For me, and from what I have read from other's posts, it started about 4-5 months postop and lasts for about a month. It will get better! I remember freaking out at how much hair I was losing and it is quite a bit thinner than it was before, but it is definately worth it when I think about the whole picture - I am extremely happy with my weightloss and if putting up with thin hair is part of it, I will take it.
  14. KathyM

    Me on a Binge

    Went to Buffalo Wild Wings for a surprise birthday party for a coworker a few nights ago and I binged too! There was a sampler platter of appetizers and I ate a small onion ring, a mozzarella cheese stick and 2 chips with nacho stuff on it. And THEN.....I spent the rest of the evening working on a big ole glass of iced tea! I was so full that when the wings came, which I had decided I would take home with me, I couldn't even eat one! lol - I managed to moved them around on the table and they were eaten by others without anyone noticing that I didn't eat them. I felt a little guilty about what I had eaten, but when I was driving home I got to thinking about what the OLD me would have eaten - all of the onion rings, all of the mozzarella sticks and at least most of the nachos if not all of them and THEN I would have stuffed in the wings too! I know that was a poor choice as far as food goes on my part, but in a way it was also a small victory because I ate so little! Kathy
  15. OOOOH Foxy Mama!!! Look at that waist!! You look so fabulous....and happy!!
  16. 4 insicions, one you have to look hard for to find and 1 IV. You can't argue with a surgeon who likes to be careful, don't worry about it too much. When you get your new life you won't care if you have 10 incisions I hope you get your cold out of the way!
  17. KathyM

    Stopped the daily weigh ins!

    I weigh every day, haven't been able to break myself of that habit yet. But it doesn't affect my mood at all, I agree with you - it didn't take me 6 months to put this weight on and it isn't going to all come off in 6 months either. I actually like to see my weight, I am at numbers I haven't been at in a very long time and it makes me happy.
  18. KathyM

    Family Photos

  19. KathyM


    Your post about going on "rides" got me thinking - I haven't been on carnival rides in YEARS because I have felt so fat and figured I wouldn't fit in the seats. I wonder if I will be able to stomach them now that I can fit lol. I think you look great and have done awesome! It is such a honeymoon when the weight just keeps dropping off at the beginning, and when it slows down it can get frustrating. I have 6 lbs to break 200 and my scale is stuck!!
  20. I was sleeved in Tijuana in July by Dr. Almanza, I would also do it again.
  21. This morning when I stepped on the scale - my weightloss was at 100 lbs!!! 100 lbs that I will never see again!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry or what! I have 63 more pounds to go till I get to goal and I am 8 lbs away from onderland which I haven't seen in about 15 years. I know I have said this a thousand times but I cannot even find words for how blessed I feel to have been given this chance at a new life! Love my sleeve, love this website and love all the people on here! :wub: Now...as soon as I work up the nerve, lol I will post some pictures Kathy
  22. KathyM

    Appetite Suppressant Pre-Op?

    Your surgery date is only a little more than a month away. Hang in there, you don't need the Phentermine - that is the old "I have failed at dieting so many times" you talking. You WILL succeed with this. Do your best at the preop diet - it's hard - that is for sure. If you find that you cheat a little, make sure you do it with something that isn't too bad and try not to do it too many times. I struggled with the preop as well, but it all works out in the end. Give yourself one or two more binges of eating out your favorites before you start the diet and then keep your eyes focused on the prize - you will do great!!!
  23. I think we will need to rent a party bus with all these people headed for onderland! 8 lbs to go and my scale won't budge!!!! Time to eat a little more and exercise, that usually breaks my stalls. Good job everyone!
  24. KathyM

    Just because

    Looking good Tiff! RAWR!!!! When I get to the point where I can wear heels again, I may never take them off!!!

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