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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by armygirl2009

  1. it went great he is excellent doctor. the hospital was really nice and its brand new. i lost 20lbs and i havent had an adjustment yet. u wont regret it

  2. hi mim how r u doing after your plastic surgeries? r u happy? can you tell me who did yours and how much they cost.. i really would appreciate it. ive lost 129 lbs and look like a monster from the boobs down. and my face is a lot saggier too. i feel horrible

  3. armygirl2009

    I guess I should introduce myself

    i just got banded. feeling lot of restriction. i was 33bmi. got banded in juarez mexico. excellent doctor. no regrets. this is day 19 of having my lapband i love it.
  4. armygirl2009

    Has anyone gone to mexico for lap-band?

    i was banded in juarez mexico by dr jose rodriguez. cost was $5400.00 at starmedica hospital. couldnt ask better doctor or hospital. i would do it again in a heartbeat
  5. armygirl2009

    I soo want this... Help

    my bmi was 32 and i got banded in Mexico by dr jose rodriguez. excellent doctor

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