Thank you! This is great advice from personal experience. Exactly what I came here for. I need to look at everything, I agree. I have had problems with ovarian cysts in the past that left me feeling pretty awful. I have seen many specialists, had many images done, endoscopies, seen the ER doctors several times. I'm not stuck on the idea that it is my band, in fact for the past six months I've been assuming I have abdominal migraines or cyclic vomiting syndrome and have plans to see a neurologist.... but, all this retching cannot be good for a device that is sutured to my stomach. Whether it is the fault of the band or not, this can't continue. My surgeon is a great surgeon but something changed recently with his bedside manner/attitude. Could be personal. Could be that he and I don't get along. My intention isn't to ruin his name as a surgeon. I just need some help... and I'm getting it from a different bariatric center an hour away and they are actually looking forward to getting to the bottom of this.... like you suggested. And I couldn't be happier with the way they have handled things already....listening, asking the right questions... assuring me that there is help. The last thing my surgeon said to me was, "move on" as if I were a homeless person camped on his steps. Not cool. Good surgeon, bad attitude, bad people skills, lousy problem solving skills.