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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kadoosbuzzlightyear

  1. kadoosbuzzlightyear

    Need advice please! :)

    Hi guys! I am kind of at a crossroads in my life right now and trying to decide how to handle my weight issues as well as fertility issues. I live in Alabama and BCBS will cover the lapband for me b/c I have a BMI of 37 and have severe sleep apnea. I would like to begin getting the ball rolling for the lapband surgery but I am worried that we may get pregnant in the middle of the process b/c we are going to start fertility meds next month. Now, I realize that it can take some time to get pregnant as it did previously for us but still, I am concerned that it could mess up things w/ my insurance and the lapband. I would put off the fertility treatments but we are very ready for a third baby. I have one 5 year old son and last November I lost a son at 15 weeks due to chromosomal issues. I will be 36 in a month. Honestly, my husband and I don't want to put off trying anymore. We don't want too much space between sibilings and my eggs seems to be dwindling. I would hate to put off pregnancy to do the lapband at this point. I know that it could make me healthier and so on as well as help w/ my sleep apnea (I wear a CPAP) if I had the surgery before having a baby but like I said, we are ready now and feel time may be running out for us. I want to have the lapband as soon as they will let me after having our next child. I just don't want to mess up the process by jumping the gun and meeting w/ doctors and then get pregnant and mess things up. What do you guys think??? Thanks for any advice that can be given!!
  2. kadoosbuzzlightyear

    Need advice please! :)

    Thanks for the advice! I am on a strict Vitamin regimen from my doctor w/ specilized folic acid enzymes in them to help w/ choromosomal issues. I know I would be fine if I had the lapband now but what I am saying is that I don't want to do it till I am done w/ pregnancy. However, I'd like to get the ball rolling now so that after I am done w/ my pregnancy all I have to do is the 6 months of dieting and then submit for insurance approval and get the surgery. If I can go ahead and attend the seminars and meet w/ the doctor ahead of time that will speed up my process after I have a baby. Still, will that mess up the insurance process. I would die if I jumped the gun and started the lapband process, then got preggers and BCBS said I had to start over or even more said I didn't qualify for any given reason. So, I need advice on how to go about getting the lapband. Should I just wait or should I begin already even though I know it will probably be interrupted by pregnancy. Hope that makes sense! HELP!
  3. kadoosbuzzlightyear

    C/Section and LapBand

    How long after a c/section can one have the lapband surgery? I am thinking that I will start the process for the lapband approx. 4 weeks after my c/section and that would include the 6 months of dieting required by my insurance. That would probably (correct me if this isn't right) put me at an approximate surgery 8 months post c/section if all goes smoothly w/ insurance approval. Will doctor's perform a lapband that soon after another surgery such as a c/section?? I realize all doctors are different but what has your experience been? Thanks! Leigh
  4. kadoosbuzzlightyear

    Did I mess up?

    I am seriously considering the lapband surgery because of my struggles with my weight my entire life. I am trying to get my ducks in a row now so that when I decide to move forward with the surgery and pursue it, I know what will be expected. I have been reading on the BCBS of AL website about the bariatric surgery requirements. One says that you have to be at their required BMI for a 3 year period. Well...I have been overweight since I was married in 2001 and even throughout my teenage years (except when I went on WW at 15 yrs old only to gain it all back and more) but in Sept. 07 I began a strict diet of 1300 calories and exercise that just about killed me but I lost 20lbs and got to the 200lb mark. After that I stalled and couldn't lose a thing so I began a doctor supervised weight loss program that included the low cal/low carb/low fat diet and adipex (phentermine) and lost another 25 lbs putting me at 175lbs in Sept. 08. In November 08, I wound up in the ER due to atrial fibrillation and it was suspected that the adipex was the issue. So, I stopped it and of course the weight began to creep back up to around 190lb when in August 09 I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, the baby passed away and I miscarried at 15 weeks. At that time I was up to 210lbs. Now, I am at 215 and cannot seem to get my weight to budge. I am tired of the yo-yo dieting and really want to change the whole situation. I am afraid that having done all the dieting a few years ago may mess up my chances of moving forward in the next 6-12 months w/ bariatric surgery b/c of the "three years of obesity" required by my insurance company. None of the diets that I lost the weight on was covered by my insurance and I paid out of pocket for this the entire time. Does this period in my life have to be reported to the insurance company? How do they "document" that I have been obese for 3 years? I rarely go to the doctor other than my OBGYN for my yearly check b/c I am never sick. What records will they pull??? I am hoping (probably to no avail) that maybe these months of being a lower weight might not have to be included in documentation. I should also tell you that I have documented severe sleep apnea if that helps! Any advice??? Thanks in advance! Leigh:smile:

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