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LAP-BAND Patients
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Image Comments posted by sweetp31

  1. after my first post op visit the doctor said i could move on to soft foods that was a week after my surgery, i have since moved on to other foods, i try small foods to see if i can tolerate them. its day 14 and i have tried to eat meatballs, baked beans, chicken(that was hard to swallow) i had pizza(kashi brand), wheat thins, pretzles.....i know im not supposed to eat those things but im having a hard time with temptation, i'm not eating those things all the time just the one time and i chew the hell out of it. for the most part i'm drinking protein shakes(chocolate powder with chocolate soy milk) or frozen protein shakes with fruit, Greek yogurt, hummus, pudding!

  2. **mom2cjpx4***it took all i had to go to that wedding, but i went, the doctor said i could go and i danced in heels! OMG!!, i was a little sore the next day but i had a good time!

    ***fruitcake25***im 29, my BMI was 39, i have GERD and a family history of chronic back and knee problem and obesity so with all that hte insurance co approved me to have the lap band. i was very nervous they wouldnt!

    i feel the same being 14 days after the surgery, i do have some soreness where the port is but other than that im doing well. ive lost about 10 since may 8th i may have lsot more but i dont like to wight myself often! being mindful about what you can eat and not eat is the hardest part!! im hoping to get used to it soon!

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