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About theartoflosing

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/24/1987
  1. Happy 25th Birthday theartoflosing!

  2. The rule I'm referring to is drinking before and after you eat. My nutritionist told me not to drink twenty minutes before and to wait twenty minutes after you ate in order to prevent washing the food out and causing hunger. Then I was on here and saw someone say something along the lines of 15 minutes before and 1 hour after! I did a little search to see what the rule was and everybody was saying different things. 45 before, 10 after. 20 before, 15 after. It was insane. I was wondering if there scientifically-minded folks that might know something about digestion and have an idea what the ideal timing would be. I realize it's not a huge matter, but I'm heavily reliant on drinking tons of Water right now and I don't want to do something counter-active. Especially when I'm getting to a stage that I'm starving a lot. If it's a matter of a few minutes difference, there's not much harm but there is a difference between 20 minutes and an hour. Or if perhaps it is a matter of preference, I'd like to hear what you all have to say about it!
  3. theartoflosing

    Me losing weight (let's hope!)

    pretty self explanatory, we start at the top and go down!
  4. My friends and family have been nothing but positive so far, but I'm worried about my friends. I'm worried about how the weight loss is going to change our relationships. But right now I am noticing little things. Like trying to convince people that it's okay to eat around me, and that awkwardness of, for example, my two friends sharing a pizza and french fries while I'm sipping on a Protein shake. Or going out drinking with them. And I feel like I'm annoying them by eating so little. I know it is partially my fault for being so proud of it, I should probably not boast. Not that what I was doing was really "boasting" but saying something like "Man, I can't even finish this Water." And if I'm just proud about that, what about if/when I lose a lot a weight? What if I'm a total jerk? Sorry. I think I went a little off topic there...
  5. theartoflosing

    Hello, hello!

    Thank-you and congratulations to you as well!
  6. theartoflosing

    Tooth sensitivity

    Interesting thought. I will look into that! Thanks (both of you)!
  7. So, my teeth were bothering a little before the surgery. It seemed to coincide with me changing to a mostly protein/no carb diet. My lower back teeth were crazy sensitive, and chewing would drive me nuts. It would come and go, though. Now that I started the all-liquid diet it’s gotten much worse and spread to my upper teeth. You think I wouldn’t be able to tell (since I'm on liquids), but when I take my pain meds or brush my teeth, it’s ridiculous. I took a sip of mouthwash and ended up spitting it all over my mirror. I’m using toothpaste for sensitivity and there’s little to no sugar in my diet. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or perhaps is going through something similar?
  8. theartoflosing

    Hello, hello!

    I'm new! My name is Laura and I'm 22. I had my surgery just two days ago, on the 14th. I first started looking into weightloss surgery over two years ago and went to my primary physician with questions. He referred me to my surgeon, David Von Rueden. I had been working and waiting since then to get this done. Actually I've been waiting much longer than that. Even though it's only been 2 years since I've had this surgery on my mind, I've been obese for so much of my life. And I'm sure I don't need to go into how little fun that is. My heaviest weight was 300 lbs. Before I had the surgery I had to lose around 20 lbs and I got down to 282 lbs. I now weigh 274 lbs. My goal, the only goal I feel I have to accomplish, is to get under 200 lbs. But my short term goal is to get to 220 lbs. After that I would hope to get to 150 lbs. In my wildest dreams, I would have a healthy BMI. Right now I'm following my liquid diet religiously, with a measuring cup and timer and all. It's going super-great. Hardly any pain and no nausea. I'm super-excited.

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