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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by joecs1

  1. joecs1

    Spicy Foods?

    My understanding of not being able to drink is that you dont want the food in your pouch to bloat and stretch your pouch. I would think if you really enjoy hot food, you can have a couple of small sips, but eat less than you normally would. See what your Dr thinks!
  2. I posted never only because Im on clear liquid plus my shakes. I dont think its poss for me to pb yet!
  3. joecs1

    May bandsters

    Childgod, that is terrible!I am glad you are ok! good luck with your recovery and upcoming band! I had my surgery 25th of may and I feel pretty good. Im slightly sore in my abdomin and incisions. Im actually starting to feel hungry already. My biggest worry is that where the "On Q medicine pump" which was giving my incisions some pain meds for 3 days, the insertion point for its catheters is infected. I just started taking Abx. Horse pills that I have to break in half. yuck! other than that life is great. I am down atleast 32lbs since my heaviest and about 15 since the surgery.
  4. Start taking MOM! You dont want to be constipated. I found out the , excuse the pun, "the hard way"! My dr recomended 1 tbsp each night atleast until done with pain meds. then she told me to see how I do. I would consult your dr asap and go with what they say! took me 4 days to realize how constipated!
  5. I had my surgery on Tues the 25th. I have been really feeling good until last night. My stomache was killing me. My dr told me to use MIlk of Magnesia 1tbsp a night , particularly while on the pain meds. I didnt listen because I thought I was one of those people that never gets constipated! WRONG! Omg! I took the MoM this am and I have had a little progress! Good luck!
  6. joecs1

    I punked out

    I got banded the 25th too! I feel pretty damn good! Congrats and feel well! J
  7. First I am glad you said you feel a little better today. I also hope you called your surgeon anyway! My thought is its a combination of things. (a) being on the reespirator durring the surgery. and ( when they do the surgery the put air in your abdominal cavity to aid in the surgery. For a few days you will be feeling pressure in your stomache and chest, and even feel a little pain in your shoulder. This should all get better in a short time. Feel better and congrats on your surgery! J
  8. joecs1


    I would bet your carb intake is much lower now so your body is not storing that energy. Your body should adjust but you might want to look at your carb count each day and maybe try having a protien shake with a few extra carbs. Although I really dont think this is the best answer, those energy drinks are loaded with sugars worse than the carbs you get from a protein shake. My suggestion should be taken up with your Dr or nutricionist first because I am not a proffesional. Good luck and let us know what they say!
  9. joecs1

    Banded Yesterday and . . .

    One of the most important things you can do is start moving! Walk, raise your arms over your head, move your torso as much as you can comfortably. The more you do, the better you will feel, sooner! Of course, get rest too! If you sit idle, you will tighten up. I had my surgery on Tuesday, and I was out doing some small errands for "me". In total I was I was out for three hours. I am a little tired but still feel really good. I even had a 15 min chair massage today! The most important thing is you have to realize "your limits"! dont over do it. you dont want to go backwards in your recovery! Start slow and build from there. I wish you a speedy recovery, but do it healthy! Good luck!
  10. joecs1

    Please don't judge

    Megg, dont get down on yourself about the smoking. everybody recovers from surgery differently. I had my surg on Tuesday afternoon and feel pretty darn good today. I went to the chiropractor and got adjusted sitting position, a 15 min chair massage at his office, then I went and visited a freind who is a waitress at a luncheonette and had a cup of coffee. then I went and visited anouther freind at his work. I drove myself and I was out for about 3 hours. I still feel pretty good. I have been walking a lot! A real LOt! Take it at your own pace. do what you can. The smoking is obviously no good for us. But really we all just heal differently. You will feel well soon!
  11. joecs1

    Please don't judge

    I cut back on my smokeing wearing the patch. my surgeon knew I was wearing the patch. My GP knew the smokeing was an issue for me and prescribed Chantix for me but said wait to start it till I started mushies. He felt I was trying to make too many "life changes" all at once and I was setting myself up for failure. I did not cheat the week before surgery but 3 days after my surgery (today) and I have had 4 cigs. I am feeling a lil guilty and I am going to put a patch on for the rest of the day. I actually wore the patch durring surgery and the DR's all knew about it! We owe it to ourselves to quit, just like we need the Band!
  12. I had my surgery on Tuesday! I also had as my Dr put it, "a large Hiatal Hernia"! I must say I am more sore than I thought would be. My surgery was at 1pm and I felt terrible on tuesday so I stayed overnight at the hospital. They have better pain killers as well! I am drinking my first protein shake as I type this. I didnt have any problems with jello or broth. I slept in the recliner which helps in getting up and down. I just wanted to say "Thank You all" for all the help and support. Most people may not have realized your help, but just asking simple questions helps others who may not have thought of that. So now I wait and learn how to slow down my eating although I am not hungry yet. That will come I am sure. Thank you, J
  13. joecs1

    Official Banded

    Thanks! i appreciate it! I heard about the recliner on this forum. It was a good idea!
  14. I would find out his reasoning or find a new DR! It is our health and our lives. If he can give you good medical reasoning, ok! I wouldnt want to find out that he uses a specific band for any non medical reason like money or profit etc!
  15. Lap band for me. It has been around for longer and has gone through its growing pains. It has evolved and made the changes they felt improved it greatly. With the individual cells surrounding your stomach etc, where the Realize band is fairly new, the 360 degree, single cell balloon, has been shown to kink and collapse in small sections creating less restriction in some cases. I asked my Dr if she had any thoughts on either and her answer was basically the same.
  16. joecs1

    Surgery on May 25th

    Me too! My surgery is sched for 330 in the afternoon! I must say so far the liquid diet has not been that bad for me thank God! The anxiety has been tough though!:tongue2:
  17. joecs1

    advice needed.

    I cant advise on either surgery, and I have not had the lap band surgery yet, tomorrow is the day! However I think maybe you should sit in on some post op support groups where people might have some real insight for you and that might make your decision a little easier. Good luck and I am sure you will make the best decision for you! Joe
  18. Tuesday the 25th is the day! I am still very excited about the whole thing. but as of this morning I am getting a lil anxious. I dont want to say I am having second thoughts, but every now and then my mind is vracing with thoughts, some good, some bad! II am trying to occupy myself with things to do, but II cant stop the thoughts and I dont like this!:thumbup::thumbup::smile:
  19. joecs1

    Feeling anxious!

    Thank you all! I am just concerned of failing I guess. I am a fast eater, not much of a chewer, and of course I love good food! I am afraid I will stretch my pouch, slip my band etc,etc! those are my bad thoughts. I have good thoughts too! I found some pics recently of myself when i was really thin. WOW! I was a stud back then. LOL! That is what is keeping me in the game. I still cant get the thoughts of screwing up though out of my head! I wish us all a great amount of success and fast recoveries! I have to be at work on the second of JUne because I own my own business, although I will keep it to really light duty, mostly office work. Thanks again, Joe
  20. joecs1

    Being john daily

    My Dr said no drinking carbonated drinks.
  21. joecs1

    Return To Golf?

    I am so glad you brought this up! I play 6 times a month on avg. I am playing tomorrow, two days before my surgery. Gonna get my last round in. My Dr told me I should have no problem after # weeks. I hope I am up for it. I will bring a protein shake with me so I can get through the round. I will repost when I get to play and let you know how I made out. If all goes well I should have an answer by Sunday the 13th, 2 days shy of my 3 weeks. If not definetely the 20th. FORE!!!:thumbup:
  22. joecs1

    Significant weight loss=Better sex life?

    Makes feel right at home!
  23. Just confirmed with Horizon ppo. They originally denied the request, saying "pre-existing condition clause applied", but there was no lapse in coverage, they just never entered in the computer system that I sent the certificate of prior ins. So I am approved and my surgery is sched. for next Tuesday the 25th. I am so relieved!:thumbup::biggrin:
  24. Im affraid to ask.....But what is a slider?
  25. Anouther horse story..... I went horse back rideing years ago and they had to bring "Buck" the biggest horse they had too! I went back the following year and he asked when we were checking in if anyone had been there previous. I said "yes" and he said "oh, you must have rode Buck"! I was a lil embarrassed thinking how does he know I was over weight the previous year? Sad part was that was not even close to my heaviest weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
