I know this will be one of those posts that ppl will be thinking TMI, but I don't know where else to go to. So here it is..I was banded 7/13 tues and I haven't gone to the bathroom yet. It's been 5 days, is this normal? Any suggestions on if I should take a stool softner or just wait it out a few more days.
Also off the subject of that Im starting to feel better and my hunger seems to be increasing..is it normal to feel hungry all the time? my doc has me on a full liquid diet so just cream of wheat, oatmeal, cottege cheese, pudding, yogurt, CIB's all that good stuff but the diet guidelines he has his patients follow is saying only have 1/2 cup cream of wheat, 4oz of yogurt ect. I dont have restriction yet, but it just doesnt seem to be enough. It's not just head hunger either, I wait it out, drink some fluids for a while see if the hunger pains go away and they're still there? any suggestions for this? I don't want to be eating more than he wants me to bc I don't want my stomach to stretch.
thanks for the help!:smile: