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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by marjon9

  1. I just couldn't resist responding to this thread.

    Why can't we just leave people and their beliefs alone.

    I personally just ignore fanatics believers or not. It is annoying from both sides.

    I come here for support for the band not to try to convert people to my beliefs.

    Why can't we just relate to each others as fellow human beings who got banded?

    In the words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"

    I personally accept and don't judge anyone. I don't lump all unbelievers into a category and assume they are all the same. As I expect not to be categorized either. I am an individual.

    I am a Christian who loves all people. I have people in my family that I love that are gay, atheist, into witchcraft, etc. I can love them even if I don't neccesarily believe like they do.


    Not all Christians are fanatics trying to push their beliefs down peoples throats.

    If only all religious people had the approach you have. There would have been about 20,000 fewer wasted posts on this board over the last few months.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I am booked to have my band installed on April 5th in Toronto at TLBC.

    I am glad to see a thread just for guys, I can relate to a lot of what we I have read already.

    I am a cancer survivor and have lost some mobility with a hip replacement recently. I am over 300 lbs. and growing. Where does this appetite come from! I would like to get below 200 lbs.

    I am hoping that losing weight will help me in many ways;

    -help me be more active

    -help me reduce my dependancy on medications

    -help recover my sex life

    Am I dreaming?


    Dave, it's probably not realistic to predict specific results for each person, but I can tell you that most people who get the band and lose significant amounts of weight find that they experience all the positive results you mention. The main point is, there is no better way to get there -- nothing else even comes close. So keep dreaming. We all have the same dreams. And for all of us, the odds are in our favor that the dreams will come true.

  3. Looking for a motel close to Dr. K,s office in Denver. Also wondering if you WI. guy,s rented a car or if there was an airport shuttle? Surgery date is 3/29 any info would be helpful. Terrr r

    I stayed at the Doubletree in Aurora, it was find but I think it was a bit overpriced. I really think your best bet is to call Dr. K's office and get some rcommendations from the staff. Then maybe call a few to get the specifics to make sure they have what you want.

  4. Hi Everyone, I'm doing pretty good, just tired. I wanted to know what Protein powders and ready made shakes you are using? I did order some Unjury but haven't recieved it yet. Paula the Nutr. said to consume them for life between meals. I can see where Dr. K's patients don't have a problem with alot of hunger as time goes on drinking these 3 times a day. Is everyone following this advice????

    I found a pre-mixed Protein Shake called Micellar Milk (or something close to that). It has 40 grams of protein, so that is a lot of protein in one shot. I usually have one of these a day at some point, mixed with yogurt and a banana, or mixed with Peanut Butter. So with that one drink I feel like I'm covered with protein since I also eat solid protein during the day.

    I have the Unjury and I like it. That is another good way to go.

    I think that drinking the Protein Shakes is a good habit to get into if you can because they do help with the hunger. I think it's just as important to eat enough of the right things as it is to avoid the wrong things. You don't want to just think in terms of eating tiny amounts. That can cause your body to go into starvation mode and resist weight loss. I think it is good to give your body everything it needs. Then it will be happy and you can lose the weight. Since you don't have much room in your stomach with the band, by the time you fill it up with all the items it needs there is not much room for anything else.

  5. Mark...

    I agree with you about all the prebanding stuff, psych evals, etc. That is one of the reasons I went to Mexico. After I did all my research, picked a doc, made the decision... after all that I called and scheduled surgery for six days from then. Did it and am glad I did.

    A surgeon should have at least a couple of hundred bands under their belt before you let them do surgery on you. Reason is, the technique is everything. There is a learning curve to banding people and you don't want to be part of the curve. After the surgeon has done 100 or more bands then his mistakes start showing up at his office and he has to take them back for repairs. Slips, erosions, etc.

    The band has to be placed just right, not too high and not too low. Sutures have to be just right, not too tight and not too loose, not too many or two few sutures, etc. This only comes with experience and learning from your mistakes.

    I agree that you want to have an experienced surgeon, that is for sure. But I am not sure I agree that all the experience has to be with the lap band. My doctor is a very experienced laparoscopic surgeon who has done about 10,000 laparoscopic procedures and pioneered some important techniques and taught them to hundreds of other surgeons. Even though at the time I went there he had only done about 60 lap bands, I still felt pretty confident about his experience.

  6. Marjon, just curious, but living in MD, what was your reason for going to Colorado? I had my lap band done in MD.

    My main reason for starting to look outside Maryland was price. The doctors I was referred to charged about $25,000. I'm self-pay so that was a big problem. So I started doing some research on this forum and found a few docs around the U.S. for under $15K. I also considered a Mexican doc and would have gone that route but I was trying to avoid it because people said it was hard to find after care and fill doctors if you were banded in Mexico. Eventually I ran across mention of Dr. Kirshenbaum in Aurora, CO near Denver. His price was $9950. People seemed to like him and he had a lot of experience in laparoscopic surgery in general, even though at that point he had only done about 60 lap bands. Another thing I liked about Dr. K is that he does not require psych tests and support groups and all that paternalistic stuff. I just felt like I was capable of making my own decisions about my life and health and I did not want to jump through hoops to prove to some stranger that I was sane enough to meet their standards. So, I climbed on top of a tall building with 12 machine guns ... just kidding. Anyway, the rest is history, so to speak. I had the surgery on 1/17.

  7. I've seen some discussion on this forum about people suspecting they have apnea but feeling reluctant to deal with it. I understand that because I certainly resisted dealing with it for a long time. But now that I have the CPAP I feel much better and I realize how serious the problem was before, especially for my heart. So, I'm posting this because I think it is something for folks to consider. As I understand it the majority of seriously obese people have this condition.

    As we lose weight many of us/most of us will be able to shed the CPAP. That is something to look forward to indeed. But until then, consider that this could be a very serious issue, affecting your present quality of life and having long-term serious consequences for heart health.


  8. But, I just wanted to comment from what I have read it seems you are being able to eat to much. It is my understanding we should only be able to eat about 1/4 cup of food at a time.


    I'm not meaning t pick on you Wantmeback, but have to say I do not agree with this. I am not sure where that figure came from of eating only 1/4 cup of food. Perhaps people have mentioned that they can eat only this much when they first start eating solids, I'm not sure. But when people describe their menus, which can be seen in many different types of posts, it is ordinarily a good bit more than that. I, for one, eat more than the amount perky1 describes and I've lost pretty well. It's all an individual thing.

    And, it can also be a problem to eat too little. You can send your body into starvation mode and it becomes really hard to lose any weight. And eating too little is unhealthy. Having the band does not mean that you are supposed to sacrifice your health in order to lose weight at any cost. Quite to the contrary. The band is about eating just the amount you need to be healthy and no more, and feeling full from that amount so you don't suffer.

    I am not sure why you are not losing, perky1, but I would try not to be too discouraged at this point. It is too soon to be discouraged. I would try and just keep your focus on finding the solution for you. It may involve more exercise. I'm not sure. But problem can be solved. Just keep moving forward.

  9. I am contemplating out of state surgery, but the problem is that the local surgeons here will not fill for a patient they did not do the surgery for. Is this common? If so, do you travel (for me it would be by air) for each of the fills and appointments? How often?

    I am looking at the doctor in Colorado, as that is about $8,000 cheaper than my local surgeons. I think I could go there a few times and still be money ahead.

    Thank You.

    I live in Maryland and went to Dr. Kirshenbaum in Colorado. In my area there are a number of doctors who will do fills for patients who had surgery out of state. I don't know where you live, but if you live far from Colorado you can probably find someone in a neighboring state, or otherwise closer than going back to Colorado.

    On the other hand, Dr. Kirshenbaum only charges $15 for fills for his patients, so you probably break even financially just going back to him. Of course, it can take a lot of time to fly to Colorado. But stricly from a financial perspective it's probably not too expensive to go back there for fills.

    On thing you might try is to post a question on this forum asking:

    "Anyone know any fill doctors in the state of XXXXX?" You might find that some options come up that you had not heard of.

    Concerning your question how often you need to travel, this is an individual issue that no one can answer for you. Some people need a lot of fills, and even some unfills. Other people never need a fill at all if they have sufficient restriction after surgery. That is rare but it does happen. I'm one of those so far. I was banded on 1/17/07 and still have plenty of restriction with no fills yet.

  10. :faint:Welcome to this thread, QT. There are secret initiation rites that you are apparently unaware of. They state that everyone who enters, regardless of beliefs and how well stated or unoffensive they are, must be hazed by one or more other members.:omg: If I were you, I'd leave immediately before you, heaven forbid, try to defend yourself or your beliefs.

    Personally I consider myself to be quite offensively "hazed" when someone tells me that I'm going to burn in hell because I don't believe exactly the way they do. She did not simply express her beliefs. She expressed beliefs that included her predictions for my future. I take that personally.

    The most arrogant and judgmental thing a person can do is to say "You must believe exactly as I do or you will burn in hell for eternity." You can call that "well stated and unoffensive" if you want to. I see it differently.

    And thank you gadget lady for carrying on the tradition of this thread of hazing anyone who states beliefs you disagree with.

    You ultra religious sorts truly crack me up. You can always dish it, but you can never take it. Why, because what YOU believe is backed up by the WORD OF GOD!!! You have no more right to your opinion than I do, and posts like yours involve "hazing" every bit as much as mine did. But, of course, I know you'll never be able to see that. After all, God told you that you are right.

  11. QT it is very nice to read the post of someone who seems to have a beautiful gentle soul.

    I guess QT has a "beautiful gentle soul." But she also believes that everyone who does not believe the way she does is "lost." I guess that means that the large majority of people who have ever walked the earth, including the countless millions of human beings who never heard of Christ, will burn in hell for eternity. Pardon me, but that does not seem all that "gentle and beautiful" to me. I know she sincerely believes what she says but it's just a little but harsh for my taste.

  12. First of all, 30 pounds in less than a year is not the end of the world. At that rate after 3 years you will have lost 100 pounds. In most circumstances that would be considered sensational. I would imagine it took you longer than 3 years to gain 100 pounds.

    Having said that, it is also true that there is nothing the band can do for you if spend your days eating chips, ice cream and candy. If you expected the band would help even with that type of a diet, then you did not get very good information before you were banded. This is just the harsh reality.

    All of us have had problems controlling our food choices, both in terms of menu selection and volume. So to answer your question, no, you are not the "only one." But to be successful with the band each of us must be willing to alter those bad food choices. There is no other answer. There is no shortcut. The band helps because it allows us to feel full on less. But the rest is up to us. If we are determined to find a way to fail, we can do that, even with the band.

  13. Sounds like you've had a rough month. I hope it gets better from here. I don't have any great words of wisdom. But I do agree with Elisabeth that you should get to a doctor asap if you feel like the problems around the incisions are getting worse - or even if they are just not getting better. I think it could be worth informing your doctor that the steroid cream does not appear to be helping. Infections at the incisions can be a big problem, especially if not treated. Don't mean to worry you, just being cautious . It just seems like the one thing you don't need right now is more health problems.

  14. Hi, I just got home from Denver and was banded on 2/28, I traveled from North East WI. so we have had quite a long day traveling with delays in Chicago. I wish I lived near Dr. Kirshenbaum so that I would be able to follow up with him forever! I will try to make it back there as often as possible, the whole experiance was top notch. Dr. K was wonderful and his staff and everyone at the surgical center across the street were just great:) I think that anyone that lives near him shouldn't even think of anyone else. Right now he is getting busy with everyone traveling from far to get this surgery, you have a gold mine there and no reason to travel. I just can't say enough good, I am so glad that my surgery ended up with Dr. K, because I couldn't come up with the $17,700 that they wanted here in WI. Anyhow I am rambling now, I'm just really tired, talk to you later. Sunnysea :clap2:

    Congratulations! Thanks for letting us know it all went well. Welcome to the Light Side. I'm glad to hear you had another great experience with Dr. K. I think it's possible he may be too busy soon to continue with this price. We are the lucky ones! Let us know how your doing in the next few days.

  15. Two absolute lies. Not just mistakes, outright lies. I work habd in hand with Jews for Jesus and I know first hand who they are. And and Jew is a Jew no matter what he believes. If your a Jew and you believe NOTHING, are you any less a Jew. If you are a Jew and an athiest are you not still a Jew? A Jew that believes in Jesus is a completed Jew, but a Jew nevertheless. If you mean the are a Christian because they follow Christ, correct, but they are still a Jew. I have never seen such misinformation come out of anyone who obviously know nothing about what they are talking about.

    Ron, are you literally frothing at the mouth right now? Or just figuratively frothing at the mouth. Now that Greg has "outed" you as an anti-semite, you are just about beside yourself.

    The fact of the matter is, Ron, there is nothing "natural" to a Jew about Jews for Jesus. The whole idea of it is highly offensive to Jews. Nothing could possibly be more offensive to a Jew than your suggestion that a Jew who believes in Christ is a "completed" Jew. Can you actually not know that?

    I'm sure everyone has heard of the saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you did before and expecting a different result." Based on that definition it would be insane for me to have any expectation that Ron would be willing to approach this discussion with anything remotely resembling an open mind. So, I'll move on.

    Anyway, I'm late for my "Christians for Islam" meeting.

    [To be followed shortly by Ron's frantic, hysterical explanation about why I'm wrong about everything I just said, and why he knows better]

  16. First of all, Catholic and Geeek Orthodox students of scripture are not Conservative , are very liberal, and do not accept the literal understand of the Bible. They interpret it allogorically, meaning it is all symbolic and open to mean whatever you want it to mean.

    Secondly, Conservative students of scripture, meaning those from non-liberal foundations, all agree of the major doctrines of the faith concerning salvation, which is the backbone of true Christianity. Everything else takes second place. If yolu understood theology, you would understand this.

    So, Ron, your point here is the same one that you've been making all along. That is: those that understand the Bible exactly like you do are the "true" Christians, and all others are not. To me that seems to be the most arrogant position a human can assume. But if it makes you feel good, go for it.

    To me, this is exactly the problem with all organized religion. Every religion seems to have the view, to one degree or another, that their way is the only way, and that all others will burn for eternity. By definition this way of thinking means either that (1) every religious person is wrong, or (2) almost every religious person is wrong, but a few who happen to believe in the one "true" religion are actually right. Either way the whole thing just seems preposterous and ridiculous and unworthy of thinking human beings.

    In my view, I'm willing to believe that there is some sort of supreme being who has created the marvel of this Universe, but I could never have the audacity to believe that I "understand" such an entity.

  17. Except the the Word of God says that "the scriptures are not open to any private interpertation", and that the one (the Professor) that teaches us is the Holy Spirit of God. That is another good argument against "private interpertation" in the form of a non-literal understqanding of scripture. Virtually all Conservative students of the scriptures are in complete agreement with the major and most important doctrines and beliefs, especially regarding salvation. It is onle when you get into liberal, non-literal interpretation that you see all the disagreement of the foundational issues of the faith.

    Private interpretation of the Bible is an inescapable reality that exists every single time any person reads the Bible. Each person has his or her own background, experience and intelligence, and each word is subject to ambiguities and significant variation in meaning. That is why, contrary to your statement, conservative students of the scripture disagree constantly and completely over the most important doctrines. Conservative students of the scripture who happent to be Catholic disagree completely with conservative students of the scripture who are Greek Orthodox, Protestant, etc. You of all people should know that.

  18. That is why God, in his wisdom, called some to be Pastors, teachers and evangelists so that others could also learn

    And each of those Pastors, teachers and evangelists will have a different understanding of this book of "literal fact." Just like every good Christian.

  19. Understanding the Bible is a growing and learning process. I have been studying scripture for over 30 years, so I would not expect someone with only a passing understanding to know what I have learned. The Bible is a book(s) of literal fact, and understanding the whole of scripture takes time and effort. It is not like reading comic books!

    Ron, you make my point for me better than I did. Even if the Bible is a book of literal fact, it will mean different things to different people at different times, depending on their level of experience, intelligence, etc. In other words, if 10 intelligent human beings study the scripture intently for 30 years, each will come away with a different understanding of the meaning of this book of "literal fact." That is exactly the point you just made, and I agree with you.

  20. It's not confusing!! My question is an honest and legitimate question! If you are basing your faith on what is in the book, how do you know what to believe if you can't take it to mean what it actually says?

    Let me give you an example! Jesus said "no man comes to the Father except through the Son"! Do you believe that literally? Jesus also spoke of "the days of Noah", referring to the Old Testament account. Do you believe Jesus there? Many here who profess to believe the Bible, but not literally, say they don't believe the Noah account. How do you pick and choose what to believe. It's a real question, and we are not talking about context here.

    The part that you don't get Ron is that it is human beings who are the ones reading and interpreting the Bible. Let's assume that the Bible is the word of God and it means exactly what it says and it should be taken literally. Even with that assumption each human being will understand the Bible to mean something different. That's because a) humans are different, have different backgrounds and different levels of experience and intelligence, and :) words have different meanings, can be ambiguous and are subject to interpretation. This is true even if each person intends to read the words literally and give them a literal interpretation. That's why it is totally meaningless to argue that the Bible should be taken literally. That argument means nothing when it is humans -- fallable, varied humans -- who are doing the reading.

  21. I do want to mention that you can get all kinds of fresh seafood on line these days. And the quality is great from most places. With overnight delivery it can be fresher than what's in the store by a long shot. Here's one good site:

    http://www.pikeplacefish.com/ And there are lots of others. Just google "fresh fish on line" and you can find many options.

    For live Maine lobster, fresh cod, and lots of other things you can order from Young's Lobster Pound in Maine, at http://www.acadiavacations.com/d344/d344-05.htm

    This is also an awesome place to visit in person.

    Pass the lemon.

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