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Baba Wawa

Pre Op
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Everything posted by Baba Wawa

  1. Baba Wawa

    possibly too tight...how long to wait?

    Don't wait, go now. You might need an unfill...just a little can make a big difference.
  2. Baba Wawa

    Am i sliming/stuck?

    What you're describing isn't the green zone....it's red zone.
  3. Baba Wawa

    decisions decisions

    The band is "removable" not reversible...after having it around your stomach for a while, scar tissue will form (that's what holds it in place) making removing it more difficult than implanting it. It's NOT "less invasive", laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open surgery, so when you see the term "less invasive" that's what they're referring to...it's the method of surgery, not the reason for the surgery. The band is high maintenance and fills are usually covered unless you are self pay. Everyone, with one or two exceptions, that I know (dozens) who revised to VSG from band are very pleased with the result, most reaching goal and able to maintain. They also say they are able to eat everything, but in a small quantity. Those who had a lot of band damage do have a more difficult recovery, and some have continued left shoulder pain, vagus nerve problems long after band removal. I'm at a place where I most likely will lose my band soon, most likely will revise to VSG. I was very compliant, but still have complications...as I sit here trying to eat yogurt with kashi, I'm reminded that this is no way to live. I love being 88 lb lighter, but hate how my GI tract feels...
  4. Baba Wawa


    Yes, at bedtime, it can.
  5. Baba Wawa


    Sounds like you're too tight. Make an appt for a little unfill, maybe half of what your last fill was. Believe it or not, the water can make reflux worse. Don't eat less than 4 hours before bed, try a soft diet till you get to the doctor and take a OTC PPI like Prilosec on an empty stomach (2 hours after eating and an hour before). Take it with a lot of water, but avoid a lot of water before bed. Hope this helps
  6. Baba Wawa

    decisions decisions

    I wish that I knew of the sleeve and my ins covered it at the time I was banded. My only option was band or RNY. I can't have malabsorptive surgery, so band it was. Read my blog or my post "my Lapband story, long but worth reading". So many of the people I've known over the last 5 years have had their band removed, revised, mostly to VSG, and have long lasting damage from their bands. I have a GI motility disorder now, requiring new medications and it is having a huge negative effect on my quality of life. Banding requires a lot of follow up care and even if you do everything "right" things can go wrong, leaving you with the prospect of additional surgeries. PM me for more info. Ask your doctor why VSG is better than band.
  7. Baba Wawa

    Doubts - & Wednesdays the Day!

    You don't mention what your preop diet is and if you've been following it? Mine was 3 bariatric advantage shakes per day + dinner of 3-6 oz lean protein, salad with ff/sf dressing with things like peppers, carrots, cukes as snacks. I lost 13 lb in 13 days. What is your BMI? Lightweights lose less in preop than heavyweights. My BMI was 49 preop. Just stick with it....5 lb is great!
  8. Baba Wawa

    What is this strange feeling?????

    You're not going to like this, but for your own good, I'm not going to sugar coat it: Your food could be backing up in your esophagus because your stoma is blocked OR your band could be too tight. The band is not intended to STOP you from eating. You should be eating what you were told to eat(lean dense Protein first, veggies second), in the quantity you were told (1/2 to 1 cup), in the way you were told to eat(chew m&m sized bites 15-25 times, wait between bites, take 20-30 min to eat, no drinking with meals or for 1/2 hour after). This is pretty standard direction and I know I'm making an assumption, but with food backing up into your esophagus, you could be causing esophogeal dilation and setting yourself up for some serious issues and the loss of your band. You need a fill if and only if you follow the food protocol given by your doc/nutritionist AND you are hungry less than 4 hours after eating. If food is backing up because your stoma is blocked, your bites are too big, and/or you're not chewing enough and/or you're eating too fast. I would NOT consider getting a fill until you get this issue cleared up. You might actually need an unfill. Call your doctor and tell them food is backing up....this isn't a good thing. Best of luck to you.
  9. I've had a stomach virus 3 times since banding. No slip...all depends on your anatomy and how it was implanted.
  10. My doctor tells me that the mouth is like the sea shore, when you keep it wet, it smells great, when the tide goes out, it reeks...she might need to drink more water. She also might need to floss...or go to the dentist.
  11. Baba Wawa


    I tried beer at a wedding 3 months post op (it was good beer, crappy wine, bottled water) and just a sip was uncomfortable. You won't get any tipsier than pre band, other than not drinking for a month or two, you will have a bit less tolerance. I ended up drinking about 10 bottles of water at the wedding. I can drink about 3-4 oz of beer now, without discomfort, just have to go slow. I do that maybe once a summer. Your surgery shouldn't affect your brewing...
  12. I find that ice water is helpful. I also take peppermint oil, 10 drops in the water. It helps with spasms, which might be what you're experiencing. Check with your doctor.
  13. Read my post again...I have no issue with you.
  14. Ok...but where are you getting your "75% have no one to blame but themselves " statement? Isn't that the same thing? I'm speaking for myself and giving examples from my experience and others I know. The only person who knows if a person has been compliant, is that person...we don't have access to their thoughts, actions, etc. Even if there was such a study, how would you be able to determine compliance without locking them all up, standardizing their food, delivering it cut up and monitor their chewing, speed of eating etc. Pretty ridiculous proposition. If someone says they've been compliant, you have to believe them; give them the benefit of the doubt. I know plenty of peeps with band problems who beat themselves up over eating the wrong thing, or eating too fast, thinking they caused the problem. Hasn't everyone forgotten what they were doing from time to time and made a mistake. I've had the stomach flu three times since being banded and my band stayed put. A little less judgement and an open mind go a long way towards an informative and possibly helpful adult conversation. I don't have an issue with you or your posts, but I do with those who take it upon themselves to "patrol" the complication forum and try to bully those of us who are utilizing that forum to share for the benefit of others.
  15. You're testing your band a little more than a week out? Why did you bother? Stop. Now. Go back to mushies, liquids, soft foods for a couple of days. Introduce solids one at a time...measure your food, stop when it's gone. Get your post op diet instructions out, read it and do it. This is blatant noncompliance.
  16. Baba Wawa

    Drinking alcohol ?

    The risks related to alcohol are that we are told not to drink our calories and if you drink too much and get sick, you risk slipping your band.
  17. Not my intent, just answered his question.
  18. Unfortunately there is no way to differentiate between complications caused by noncompliance vs those caused directly by the band and no study to date on this subject. Basically it sounds like anything I say will be dismissed as irrelevant or incorrect, so why should I bother? If failures are caused by "If someone's band is having issues because they're chronically over-eating, eating around the band, drinking carbonation, or walking around with it too tight then the band didn't fail the patient failed." then there needs to be a different tool for these people...the band is the WRONG choice for those who will not or cannot comply. That said, I complied, didn't slip my band, it tightened up on its own over 15 months until almost no barium would drip thru and has caused me miserable GI problems. The OP asked the question, I answered it based on my experience.
  19. "Wild accusations"? No one is accusing anyone, except perhaps, you? You have your band, you're doing well, keep at it. But someone who is young, responsible for little children and has his whole life ahead of him should not be told to choose a device that is failing at ever increasing rates. I belong to two different failed bands groups on different sites that each have almost 700 members. One of the groups has 3-6 new members joining per day. When I ask someone to PM me for links, they aren't banded yet or are having complications. Those are the people I'm trying to help. If you're happy, I'm happy for you. Please don't accuse me of lying, as your post implied.
  20. Baba Wawa

    Curious about Quinoa

    Have you tried farro? It's whole grain wheat, use it like barley...yum
  21. I would choose VSG, knowing what I know now. Lapband is becoming obsolete, many band docs are removing as many as they're implanting these days. I've been successful, but have had serious complications affecting my quality of life. The band requires a great deal of follow up; fills, unfills, etc. VSG is no maintenance. Message me for links to helpful links. Congrats on those babies
  22. Baba Wawa

    Cream Soup on liquids post-op

    Lol, should never use a blender for hot liquids unless it is designed or that...hope he is ok. Blend before heating or after cooling...
  23. Baba Wawa

    What does restriction feel like for you?

    For me, it was being able to eat a variety of healthy foods ( dense protein, veggies, salad) 1/2 to 1 cup total and not getting hungry for 4-5 hours, if then. I often forget o eat, even with an empty band and I'm a bit tight.
  24. Baba Wawa

    Curious about Quinoa

    Love it! I toast it in the skillet first with a little EVOO, then add chicken broth, 1 part quinoa to 2 parts broth, cover, reduce heat to low, 15 min. We serve it with grilled chicken, veggies, rf sour cream on the quinoa, yum. We also add it to soup, salads. Our other new favorite is farro...
  25. Baba Wawa

    scars after removal?

    It all depends...I've heard that it can come out laprascopically and some have had to have convert to open incisions due to scar tissue, etc.

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