Thank you everyone so much! I am starting to think those that are not supporting me in this, are definitely scared about the surgery because they are misinformed. I really only have about 3 people that are totally supportive of my decision, and two of those people I haven't know for very long. The other, being my mother. I figure if my mother suports me, that is all that should matter.
Once it gets closer, it just seems like even though I have done all this research, all these what-ifs are looming overhead. What it comes down to is going to be my own experience with the band and how I go about my daily life.
The one thing that really brought into the light the complications that can occur is in my last support group. There was a girl around my age and same BMI situation that had a slippage after a year and a half. She had so many complications. And it didn't phase me at first, but it scared my and I started having bad dreams right after that meeting.
She was having a revision to a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. I started thinking that was a safer route, thinking no band slippage, but that is such a permament procedure, and I dont want to deal with the possibility of malabsorption and such.
There are many more success stories that I read about the Lap-Band than stories of complications. I came to find out later that the slippage was caused by the woman's own actions, that she started eating Pasta, bread and rice and was vomitting and didn't tell her doctor. So, ultimately, she set herself up for failure.
As my date nears, I am very nervous, because of the unknown really. I am excited about finally being in control of my weight, and not being labeled the "fat chick".
Thank you again for all of your support.