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About CamiC

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/25/1967

About Me

  • Biography
    I've been heavy all of my life. Always the kid that body looked older than my actual age. I would lose weight and gain it right back. Finally, I have made a final decision to do something about it. I sooo excited yet a little nervous!!
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  1. Okay.. I met Dr. Marsden on 6/10/2010 and I have a surgery date ( 7/02/2010). I have a lot of anxiety but I'm ready. I will have a hell of a way to bring in the 4th of July with liquids!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the healthier me so I may as well go for it!!! Wish me luck! I will keep you guys posted. I start my preop diet next week..yay :-))

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