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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by CamiC

  1. Wow.. you have done an amazing job!!! You look really great!! Your story is very motivating for me as a newbe. Much continued success!!! I hope to walk in your shoes one day:-)

  2. All is well with me. I'm scheduled for my first fill on 8-12-10. I'm ready so the real weight loss can begin. I think I'm doing fairly well but I would like to see more results. I wish you the best on your journey and we must keep supporting each other..

  3. Hi RaSCal..we share the exact band date. I donI't have appetite either but I have a massive headache. I wish you the best on your journey!!!

  4. I was able to have a 4oz of lean meat and a serving of veggies once a day. Shakes twice a day.. water, water & more water!!

  5. Thanks..Good Luck to you as well!!!

  6. Thanks for the encouragement. I am kind of struggling today. Trying to walk and move around so I won't have any gas pain but I very sore. I don't have a appetite at all. I'm very excited to begin my "Journey". I wish you much success as well. :smile:

  7. Congrats on your weight loss! I hope that I'm doing as well as you when I'm two months out!!!! Very inspiring. I will be banded on Friday!!!

  8. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I know this is just the begining and I will will even more support down the road!! I nervous but excited. I will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for accepting me!!

  9. Sounds like you are doing great!!! Over 100lbs lost AWESOME!! I pray that I'm as successful as you :-)

  10. Your pics are Awesome..you look great. I can't wait to be able to post some pics. I pray that I'm as sucessfull as you have been!! Continued success!!!!

  11. Hi Espresso88, it appears you and I will be banded on the same day!!! I've gotten addicted to this site. I'm nervous but I'm ready. Good Luck!!

  12. Finallyncontrol...you are very encouraging.. I'm scheduled to banded next Friday and I can't seem to stay off this site. I'm nervous and kind of struggling with my preopt diet. Today was Day 7 and I must say it has gotten better but it's still hard.

  13. Okay.. I met Dr. Marsden on 6/10/2010 and I have a surgery date ( 7/02/2010). I have a lot of anxiety but I'm ready. I will have a hell of a way to bring in the 4th of July with liquids!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the healthier me so I may as well go for it!!! Wish me luck! I will keep you guys posted. I start my preop diet next week..yay :-))

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