My day started out just fine. I got to the hospital at 8:10 am and was taken right into the pre-op room, where I changed and then my sister came and sat with me. They gave me a shot in the stomach, put my IV in, I talked with a few people and then off to surgery. Next thing I remember is being in the recovery room and every one around me asking about my low heart rate and very low blood pressure. Then I would fall back to sleep. Appratently, I was very sick. From what my sister says is that when they went to do the banding, I had a hiatel hernia which needed to be removed and that caused some issues. After I was well enough (about 4 hours) they took me to a room to spend the night. Very uncomforatable bed, but the nursing staff was wonderful. I didnt sleep at all. They finally discharged me at 2:30 and I have been home for 1 day now. I am still having bad gas pains and wish I had something for that. I have 5 small cuts and 1 big one. Where the big one is is all swelled up and very painful. I guess thats all in the healing process. I am hoping to feel much better in the next day or two.