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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by asteenho

  1. I feel like I only come on here when i'm discouraged! time to beat this plateau!

  2. asteenho

    Eat before or after workout?

    I started doing zumba and my instructor said to eat after because your metabolism is still working full gear. I will usually drink a little protein shake (muscle milk) before i exercise because it helps me keep my energy.
  3. asteenho

    Plateau.....time to persevere

    girls. i needed to read this, im totally plateaued! I feel like I'm doing a lot of things right, but its discouraging! i guess we will just keep our heads up!
  4. asteenho


    From the album: 3 months post op

  5. im confused too, where is june bugs?

  6. I feel like I can eat constantly. WTF!

  7. Yeah im still super glad I had the procedure done. I'm about 50lbs down, from my heaviest, still dont think i look that different, but it feels great! I feel like i'm eating normal, but smaller portions, i need to step up my game. But that really was my ultimate goal, to make better decisions, but still lead a normal life. Congrats on the amazing weight loss!! My jaw dropped! thats outstanding!

  8. asteenho

    3 months post op

  9. asteenho


    From the album: 3 months post op

  10. asteenho


    From the album: 3 months post op

  11. i hope everything is going well, havent heard from you in awhile!

  12. I wasnt ignoring your post! I totally suck at going on my own profile lol! I read this at the perfect time though. I am ready to amp things up. I've had two fills, but now instead of pizza im struggling with eating past the feeling of being full. How are you doing on fills. do you feel hungry? cuz i definitely do! stupid old habits are sneaking back up!

  13. asteenho

    First fill= success!

    The first two weeks post op were great. Was never hungry, couldn't eat much, and was starting to walk a lot more. The 4 weeks after that? I was starting to dwindle. No excuses. Started eating things I shouldn't. Wasn't eating slow. I had no repercussions, so I was being a bit naughty. I was actually hoping for some! In my first two weeks, I lost 12lbs, the last four weeks, 4.5. Not much! I think I let it go to my head too much. "Well, i'm not going to lose weight without a fill anyway, so why behave?" WOW! it feels good to voice that. I was hiding from accepting that. I had my first fill today; besides having to wait forever (due to a lazy secretary) it went great! It hurt a bit, am a bit sore in hindsight, but over all i'm excited! I have to do 2 days of liquids, then 2 days of pureed, then 2 days of soft food. If my body handles only having liquids, maybe i'll try it a bit longer. Right now, as i type, my tummy is growling! Goals: 1. walk 1hr, 3x/week 2. ATLEAST 1 protein shake a day 3. Drink tons of water! 4. keep a food log!
  14. asteenho

    First fill= success!

    nope. im still satisfied with the lap band 100%. The weight loss isnt as fast (but healthy), and the lap band is a great tool.
  15. asteenho

    Feel like I've let myself down.

    I told myself I wasn't going to drink until atleast october. I had friends in from out of town last night, and they were all drinking, and we were going to go out. First we went out to eat, and I did well, I got a salad. I didnt really feel sad that i wasnt going to drink. Until my friend said to me (the only other female in the group) "Allie, I wish you would drink." Because she didnt want to be the only drinking female. And I hesitated for a moment, but then buckled and decided to drink. I didn't drink too much, and took it really slowly, and didn't get sick. Today I feel really hung over, and sort of like i let myself down. But! i'm going to move on from here, and start over! again, this isn't going to open the flood gates. My reasons for not wanting to drink are because of the obvious calories, and how easy it is to drink too much. Also, when i drink, i want to eat anything and everything! I'm getting back on track, just needed to tell someone! :rolleyes2:
  16. asteenho

    Feel like I've let myself down.

    i did. And its true, moderation is the key.
  17. asteenho

    Home for the 4th!

    I came a couple of days ago. I love coming home and playing with my nieces and nephews. I always have a hard time at home, eating out, and not exercising, but this time is different! I've been walking everyday, and even though i eat out, i'm making great choices. The scale says i'm down 5 more pounds, but we shall see!! Everyone is so supportive, it's been great, I think i'm getting addicted to walking!!! I'm gonna keep up the good work!
  18. Just wanted to say HI! I know you're busy, but i hope things are going well!

  19. asteenho


    ugh, why did i post these? lol
  20. asteenho


    From the album: Pre Surgery!

  21. asteenho

    Two week check up!

    I had a busy day today! I had three appointments. One with my therapist, the dietitian, and the nurse practitioner who sees the surgeons patients. First, the therapist, Dr Peterson. We talked about finding good support around me, talked about my friend who I kind of had a falling out with, and how i thought she would understand the type of support I need, but she doesn't. We talked about being careful of the situations I place myself. Being careful at BBQs, Bars, etc. He understands the difficulty, because that's a lot of how people spend their social time. I told him about how I went to the bar after the volleyball game with my co-workers and I was proud of myself for not eating or drinking, even though my mouth was watering!!! He said something that will stick with me for awhile "why put the twinkie in your mouth but try to resist biting it?" He said I need to find new social settings, that I'm setting myself up for failure. I will start to crave those foods again if I don't abstain. He's right, I know he is, it was just hard to hear. So i'm going to keep meeting with him, because he helps me look at things differently! Then I met with the NP and the dietitian. They both said i was doing great. That a 10lb loss is average for the first two weeks, and that my 12lb loss is awesome!! The NP said I could go swimming in a couple days because my incisions look great! I'm excited because I'm going home and I can swim with my nieces and nephews in Iowa! The dietitian and I talked about eating things that would fit on a picnic plate (you know the divided ones with spots for the meat and two sides?) That will be my portion control. I talked about eating a hamburger patty and corn on the cob and watermelon! She said it was all acceptable! But to be careful not to keep munching. I'm scheduled with the NP for a fill on July 26th. Turns out I have an 11cc realize band. My first fill will be to 4ccs, which sounds awesome! ahhh i feel like i could write so much more, but you get the jist! So far, so great!
  22. asteenho

    Two week check up!

    I love blogging, its a great release. I don't like to pent up how i'm feeling. I feel like i re-learn everything when I write about it.
  23. asteenho


    From the album: Pre Surgery!

  24. asteenho


    From the album: Pre Surgery!

  25. asteenho

    Pre Surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
