Congratulations. I didn't have to do the 2 week liquid diet. They told me that it would help with the liver if I lost weight before the surgery, but mine was scheduled so quickly (less then 2 weeks) that there really wasn't a lot of time. There are a lot of good liquid shakes to make with the protein mixes. The only real issue I think you might have is the airplane seat belts rubbing your incisions. Cause my incisions were tender, not really painful, just tender. I did have to do a 2 week liquid diet afterward. It was hard but I was losing weight, so I focused on the weight loss and that made it easier. I am eating much less than I used to. It has to be chewed really really well or I feel it going down my throat (not painful, just uncomfortable.) I do feel full, but its different kind of full. Not like my stomachs going to explode, but a pressure at the top of my stomach. I was told that if you eat to much, it cane make me throw up and I don't throw up :cursing: soooo, I'm very careful when I feel the pressure I stop eating for a bit. I'm on mushy food for 2 weeks now. I've lost 25 pounds in 2 weeks. I don't have my first fill until the end of June. I did feel hungry (and had hunger pains) the day after surgery which surprised me. But I would sip something and it would fill me. I'm from Williamsburg, VA and had my surgery done in Norfolk, VA. Ask me anything anytime. I think it is totally worth it.