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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sourmissg

  1. sourmissg

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    Hello all, My surgery was on 10/23. Today was my first post-op appointment. My beginning weight was 207 I'm now down to 179, I had lost 9 lbs before my surgery. At my appointment today I was telling the Doctor I was feeling a little headed, today I start on pureed food he said that should help and he also took me off of my presser meds.
  2. I'm not going to do the treadmill today but going with DH to walk dogs.
  3. Hello Lisa and Lyla, Lisa thanks for starting this thread I think this well be helpful to us all. I was banded on 10/23/10, in Philadelphia. My exercise was walking 45mins a day before my surgery. I have a Treadmill and Stationary Bike. My first day home after surgery I walked 5mins on the treadmill, now I'm walking 30min, not sure how many miles at this time, but I will find out. Yesterday I did 15mins on the bike and boy did it pull my stomach muscles, I will not be trying that again until after my Dr appointment. My goal is each day walk on the treadmill 45mins a day and 10mins on the bike, by December 1, 2010.
  4. sourmissg

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    kosy2: I'm with you I'm still on the full liquid diet also, who would ever think you could miss chewing. Boy I need food.This Monday will be my first post-op appointment can't wait. Hello Sarah: I was banded on the 23rd of September also. I must agree with you I'm still very tired also, some days I may take a nap twice a day. Monday when I go for my appointment I hope the Dr give me one more week off. Here are some things the Dietitian said I can Have. My next stage is puree diet. eggs soft scrambled, soft boiled or poached, I can mix eggs with a little low fat Mayo, can Beans, like Pinto, Black Beans, Refried Beans, Hummus, after cooking pureed Beef, No skin Turkey or chicken and Pork. This just an ideal of some of the food I will be able to have. I'm only able to have a 1/4 to 1/2 at a time. Shellyh: My Dietitian put me on the same diet plan as you. You are correct it do take will powder, hang in there we are in this together. Lisa: you are making me hungry. I'm going to cook the Cod as soon as I'm able to eat food, that sound gooood. Lisa may be you can put your Vitamins next to your toothbrush. This way when you see them, in the morning this may remind you to take your vitamins.
  5. sourmissg

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    Missjoany: :thumbup::tongue2: That's will powder keep up the good work. Stateofzen: Try wrapping the fish in foil, and cook slow, keep checking to make sure it's not drying out. Cathy: That is good, I have to keep that in mind when I get on the regular diet, box up what I'm not able to eat before I start my meal. After your liquid diet did you have to do the pureed or Soft food diet before you started the Regular diet. I'm going out of town on October 16 for a day, and I'll be on the Pureed diet, I'm little afraid about that. One thing I will be doing is pack my food. Your doing wonderful keep up the good work. :crying: Gale
  6. sourmissg

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    Lisa, Your back to work that's good. I have my first post-op appointment next Monday October 11, I'm hope that the Dr gives me until Monday October 19. I'm not in any pain, but I still don't feel up to part. Today I clean my closet did not do mush, I had to go lay down. I think after I start eating pureed food I my have more energy.
  7. sourmissg

    Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!

    Hi Brian, Thanks for starting a thread for September post op banders. Congrats to everyone that have been banded. I was banded on September 23, My surgeons name is Gary B Korus. My first post-op appointment will be on October 11, not sure if I will be getting a fill at that time. I'm still on the liquid diet, getting better at it now. Trying to take in 64 oz of liquid each day and 60gms of Protein each day. Friday was the first time I was able, to get all the liquid my Dr require. It was not easy and I still get gas from time to time. Debbie; I had a rough time my first few day after surgery, trying to take in all the liquids, like was said the popsicles is good. Also sips 6-8 sips every 10-15 mins will give you 4ounces (1/2 cup) of liquid a hour. It helps because I was drinking at a very slow rate.
  8. sourmissg

    Great Recipe Race Idea

    Flieaway that is a good ideal, I hope things work out like you plan
  9. This is a wonderful thread, Banded on 9/23/10 ups Lost 10 lds DH says he can tell I lost My face looks smaller Support from family and friends downs need to chew food restrictions to fluids cabin fever unbearable heartburn
  10. Hi Cathy, Yes I'm very happy the surgery is over. After the surgery I had very minimal pain and gas. My problem is being on this liquid diet, I have to try to take in 64 oz of liquid a day, I do good up until this time each day. I'm only at 56 oz at this time my tummy start to feel tight I will start to feel gas only in the chest in the tummy area, then my noise will start to run, at one of the group meeting we was told the means your full. It's not a good feeling at all. Tomorrow I will call the Dr office. Girl you are doing your things you lost 33lbs. :drool: now that is wonderful. I did come down some not sure of how much I can see it in my face. I hope everyone is doing well, and the ones that will be banded today wishing you a fast recovery.
  11. Hello All, I'm home I had to stay two days in the hospital. Still not felling myself. I will post again later.
  12. All that was banded today wishing you all a fart recovery. emsbugbug, cicigirl, kierstyun2010, hocuspocus, mrsmontero12607, sarwenc monicaleon18, Kmommy, etexlady I will be getting banded with you tomorrow, wishing you all the best. Looking to hear from the Dr for my arrival time LOL
  13. Hi all thanks for all the encouraging works. I'm so nevus I don't feel like my self. My day starts at 5:00 am, I hope I do Ok on this liquids diet tomorrow. Boy all I can say Is I will be happy when this surgery is :thumbup: over. :wub:
  14. Hocuspocus, My DH have the Flu or bad cold, he had to stay home from work today. I'm staying far away from him. LOL I know my nerves got me going. Let's hope and pray that you do not have a bug, that it's just nerves. Are you doing a pre op diet, if so have you started. My surgery told me to just do all liquids the day before and nothing after 12.
  15. Hi Etexlady, My surgery is On the 23 also. I'm a ball of nerves,:thumbup: are you starting to fell nervous about your surgery.
  16. Highlojack; I feel the same way, I'm trying to work on keeping my mind on other things so I will not be so nervous. Wednesday I have to be on the liquid diet, I'm debating if I should work that day or, if I work I will not be thinking about the surgery, but with all that liquid I may be at the bath a lot. Your not a lone.:thumbup::scared2::smile::scared2::wub::scared2::scared2: shellyh: Wishing you well :thumbup: LisaA: Thanks for the infor about the samples, that's right on time
  17. AnnaOz: I hope you be feeling better tomorrow. Today I attended a support group meeting, like was said here a number of times walking is the best things for the gas. I'm just saying what I heard maybe it would work for you. Jlr58: My surgery is this Thursday, I'm not doing a pre-op diet, it sounds like you are doing good, hopefully I can do as well as you. Missjoany ; I have to take meds for my thyroid also, how long was you off your meds, the reason I ask is because my surgeon to me do not take my thyroid the day of surgery. Highlojack: Here is some books that the nutritionist said would be good to read, Weight loss Surgery for Dummies, Weight loss surgery: Find the Thin Person Hiding Inside You, The Success Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients. This is jest a few that's on the list she gave me. Hi Cathy: Sarah & Gail - I am so glad that you guys finally got your insurance approval and are both getting your bands on the same day. How exciting. Cathy, This is crazy I just received my approval in the mail today from BCBS, well I guess the most important thing is I'm approved. After the lightning strike, I'm happy to see that things are coming along for you and your family . Desiree1972, Thanks for sharing your progress with us. This is very encouraging. Realtor, Welcome to our group. LisaA; Thanks for the infor very helpful some of those things I did not know.
  18. Lillyegg, Happy to hear things went well, that shoulder pain must be something that's what everyone talks about, after reading everyone's post that will past in time.. Wendyhart: As everyone was saying my doctor told me also that "caffeine is a diuretic and should not be consumed". Missjoany: Your cutting back on your meds that's good my surgery is next week trying to get an ideal of how long I may be on med, I do understand everyone is different. I was just thinking you may want to dilute your juice, that's what I was told to do my first two weeks of post op. It may help.
  19. Hi Sarwenc, I with you, I will be Baneded on the 23 also. I have to call the surgeons office Wednesday after to get my arrival time. Last night HD took me shopping to get the things I need. After the surgery I will be on a liquid diet for tow weeks so I stock up on all kinds of liquids. I also pick up Centrum Chewable Vitamins and Caltrate Chewable Calcium. I pick up 2 Whey Protein Bullet to try I was told not to stock up until I see if I like the taste. I will be ordering some other brands of Protein to see what I like the best. Tomorrow I have to go to a support group that I was told I had to attain. But most of all I'm nerves and scared:scared2::thumbup::scared2::scared2:
  20. Playermimi; It's good to see so many trying to live a more health life. As of today at 9:20 am today there is 71 of us that as been banded. :w00t::thumbup: I love Butter Nut Squash Soup thanks for the recipe.
  21. Pooky032281, Boy! you had a full day 12 Hrs, you did good to only sleep 12hrs I would sleep for a week LOL. That's good you are moving right a long. CSinTX, Glad to see you back, my surgery has been moved up to next Thursday. How much weight have you lost so far. NYsLegend78, 30 lbs you rock, that's good. NYsLegend78, Yea I looked for all less sodium soups, but you know, I did not check the Campbells Cream of Potato and Tomato for sodium, and I am so looking forward to trying them. I had high blood pressue in the hospital but they were able to get it down some (with the proper cuff). Thanks for the heads up, I will start checking sodium levels in my pureed foods next week when I start on them. highlojack, I've been reading about the calories you talk about in icecream and I just HAVE to say, you are right there are less in yogart, the one thing I was surprised about was that no one mentioned how absolutely HORRIBLE Panera's brocoli soup is for you, if you buy it in a container it lists the nutrition facts...... that stuff will kill you! I'd eat the icecream FIRST! ( I wouldn't eat either one actually) The soup probably has 1400 grams of sodium in ONE serving! The calories and fat are also off the charts. Just because you buy it there and don't have to read the label, doesn't mean you can get away with it! I know alot of us here probably suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) and that soup is just what the doctor ordered NOT to eat! Just sayin! Sorry I know it tastes good! NYsLegend78 and Highlojack, I'm thinking about trying cream soups, after reading over my Nutrition & Diet Guidelines that I received from the from the Dr it did say cream soups made with skim or 1% milk, if I can not find any that's healthy I will have to get someone to make it for me, Well I see what happen, it would not help to have the surgery and not try to change bad habits.
  22. Missjoany, Glad to see things went well. Thanks for the infor about the treadmill, I think that's how I will be doing most of my walking. Shushuandanniesmom, It's something how Doctors can be so different my surgeon, told me to avoid Advil. Also thinks for the infor about the cream of Broccoli soup from Panera through the blender and then strained, like the old saying goes two heads are better then one, I did not think to do that I hope you continue to have a fast recovery Desiree1972, So happy to see that your Doctor was able to correct the problem, and your doing better. Things, worked out that wonderful! :crying: Hocuspocus, I'm feeling you, at first my surgery date was September 30, yesterday I was moved up to September 23. At first I said I'm nerves, but now! like you say I'm starting to panic. The change in the date :smile:, I had myself geared for the 30th.
  23. Foxracing1201 & Highlojack, My Dr told me the same. At first I was thinking why just one day, but now, I call it a bless there is no way I could work and do the liquid diet for two or three weeks. Stateofzen, you are doing great with the liquid diet. Now the exercise I under stand, my knees are killing me so now I down to 30mins from 45mins exercising a day I'm not going to give up, I'm going to do the best I can. I got a call From my surgeons office yesterday. For some reason he's not able to do my surgery on 9/30/2010. So my surgery will be done on 9/23/2010, that have me going :thumbup::scared2::scared2::scared2: I'm praying hard. I'm very nervous. On the that Wednesday I have to call to see what time my surgery will be.
  24. Playermimi: Happy to see that you are starting to feel better. BandedNellie: I know that must make you feel good, to enjoy dinner with your family at the dinner table again, When you go out to dinner with your friends I'm sure you will handel just fine. Lillyegg, Debrarh, Ready4change10, CalaCake, Bandalley, RN.Violet, SarahMarie123, Gitteryvampiregirl, ConB113, Lovemysgt, Motherbear, I have you all in my prays, that each one of you have a fast recovery.

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