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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by queenie321

  1. queenie321

    Banded May 5 and STARVING!!!

    I know the feeling, i had my surgery on May 5th also and i just called my doctors office today and told them that this broth and juice diet is not cutting it. Im still hungry 30 to 35 minutes after drink the broth. The only thing that helps a little is when i eat a yougurt or jello 30 minutes later when i get hungry. i expect to be hearing from my doctor tomorrow. Some people that went through the same thing and their doctors went ahead and let them start on their muschy foods before their two week liquid diet was up. That's what i'll be recommended also. :scared2:
  2. Good luck Sagarcia, i just had mines done last wednesday May 5th and everything went well and so will yours.

  3. I just had my lapband surgery on May 5th 2010 and so far i have lost 11lbs and feeling great.

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