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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PLD

  1. PLD

    Tricare Approval....

    i also had a easy time with Tricare approved right away.My surgery is almost here Friday the 30th ...I am tired of my diet but I do feel wonderful not all that water weight.Almost here but my biopsy hasn't come back yet on my stomach...better not be bad! good luck
  2. winks ....da I never did see these 2 posts you left me!!! I thought you would just answer over at the other place guess I should look around a little!

    Thanks ...girl from the office just called and said still no results from biopcies but she said not to worry he put in his notes I was a good canidate so she said not to worry about it...I feel better but ...You have away to go to get this done we have them all over ...we have everything all over here ...we have sooo many seniors! drive careful good luck....Penny

  3. PLD


    Well almost here my date of July 30th is surgery day.Have been doing good on the pre op diet....I did have a stomach scope thing last Friday thou and he took 2 biopies & of yesterday still no results I am on pins & needles afraid it is something and can't have surgery.wonder what can be in there but ulcers ...do they do a band if you have ulcers?? anyone have something like this??? Penny
  4. PLD

    hum don't know what I am doing...thought I add Winks as a friend??

  5. Thank you so much for telling me about the older group I will look for it now! Congrats on the good blood work. You are doing good!
  6. I am unsure how to do this guess I better learn I think it will be a good tool for me .Finally it is here!! Actually it only took me a month from time I saw the doctor.I still have my scope to do only this coming Friday. I am older then most but feel very confident.I would love to read a daily blog from someone that has had a lapband please let me know if you have one.My 2 wks before is coming up I think I am ready for the diet. Has anyone been like me trying to get the last good meals in I have been doing that for a couple weeks :confused: probably gained some more I will have to lose.
  7. Thank you so much !! good to here from you .....tonight fish tocos tomorrow Texas Roadhouse am suppose to start my 2 wk diet Thursday. Good luck to you Penny

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