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Blog Comments posted by fulltummy

  1. Hello everyone! Time to cheer up, fulltummy is here... of course I haven't had the pre op diet nor the surgery, but my morale is high.. about as high as my waist is long (either 56feet or fifty six inches, can never get that straight). There is an old saying, nothing is forever. I hope so when I see my full length mirror! Sorry, this is as serious as I get at age 72. That is either years or feet, I can never get it straight. I write, that is what I do. Go ahead, take your shot. Wait for a space in my expansive chest when you do.

    If you are out of work, write. Love to discourse on how the world is flying, how well what's his face is doing in My White House... Obama, Odumba, I can never get it straight...

    fulltummy, in Texas, y'all.

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