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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jaymer57

  1. jaymer57


    I was banned in May 2010 and first fill was July 2010. I have had 3 fills since then. In the past year - I have only lost 36 pounds even though I get sick and vomit quite often. I eat right (healthy) and do Zumba. My weight was going down until I upped my Zumba classes which they credited the weight gain to muscle gain from the Zumba - however, I hurt my back and could not continue with Zumba for about a month. I lost 3 pounds but then gained it back. I am frustrated because I eat healthy and exercise and have only lost 36 pound whereas their is a girl in my office who had this done the year before me and she eats like a pig - chocolate/peanut butter eggs for lunch - pizza and burgers and she would not be caught dead break a sweat from exercise - and she has lost over 80 pounds! Another co-worker had this done and lost over 100 the first year and she eats like crap and drinks at least 3 sodas during an 8 hour meeting and she would not exercise to save her life. I have not had a soda since May 2010. What am I doing wrong????????????
  2. jaymer57

    Banded - so now what!

    I have my band put in place on May 3rd and I feel the same way. Then my doctor told me Tuesday that the band is not working yet because I have not had a fill yet so - no wonder I am hungry - same size stomach - trying to fill with liquid.

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