Hi. I am really needing some help and direction. I am 47, 5'0 and about 180 lbs. I am insulin dependent type II diabetic. I am addicted to carbs, sweets, etc. and seem to have no self control. I will start a diet and do well for a while, then something comes up and I am back to the same old destructive ways. I do exercise, I have been working with a personal trainer for about 3 months, but I just can't get a handle on my eating. Last spring I had an initial appt with a local bariatric surgeon and started doing all of the things to be banded. But I started to think that I should be able to do it on my own, so I dropped the ball. Well, now here I am several months later and several pounds later! I was wondering if the lab band will be a good fit for me since I can't seem to control what I eat? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.