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LAP-BAND Patients
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About nessa26

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  • Birthday 07/15/1985

About Me

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  1. Happy 28th Birthday nessa26!

  2. Happy 27th Birthday nessa26!

  3. Whats the 1st thing u wanna do when u see me? weight.png

  4. down 36pds in 6 weeks :)

  5. Had my 1st fill-in today yay!!! im kinda nervous ;/ don't know what to really expect.... any advice?????

  6. you look great! keep up the good work.

  7. The 29th makes a month post op... It's been a hard long month but i'm staying strong.. i can't wait for my 1st adjustment

  8. nessa26

    Before surgery

    Before pics
  9. hey thanks for the add!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
