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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Renee1003

  1. Renee, I had to get creative. I got my weight history from a mix of my OB/Gyn, my Nutrisystem web profile and Sparkpeople. If you've ever done Weight Watchers, ask them for records.

    Hey DodgerFan :sneaky:

    I took a weight from my OB/GYN and a weight from a diet pill doctor and i "THINK" the girl at the surgeon's office also looked at my weight watchers book so all the weights were right around the same.

    Funny how I would only let the doc's weigh me when I KNEW I was lower but never when the weight was up - now i wanna KICK myself in the @ss!! lol

  2. Lorraine, you wrote:

    "I have had horrible eating habits, which did not change when I got the band. The band only changes your stomach, but it does not change how you think about food, you have to do that on your own and that is the hard part. I often 'forget' I even have the band... Im being honest, i really thought everything was going to be different then it wasnt..."

    Please don't get discouraged....you are only 3 months post-op.....I am 7 months out, and it took this long for me to get to enough restriction to lose....and believe me, if you are at the proper restriction it's pretty hard to "forget" you have the band. And someone else mentioned knowing someone who failed because she didn't go back for her fills....well of course it won't work if you don't follow up with your surgeon and get your fills! I can see how it could happen though, all through "banster hell" I COULD eat anything that I ate before, but when I finally reached restriction that changed, and I remember feeling a little panic set in, and thoughts like "wow, this is it.....now I can't eat like i did before".( For some people i think when they realize that they can't eat like they did before they choose not to have fills so that they can continue to eat what they want.) That was about a month ago, but now the weight is coming off and and I feel wonderful. It's a process, and it takes more time for some of us to get going, but all you have to do is read the sucess stories on here to know it CAN and DOES work!

    I eat 3 small to medium meals per day but pick pick pick ALl day ---- I'M SO AFRAID of this with a band - what will happen? what should I expect?? i didn't realize that i was an emotional eater and that I ate out of boredom but that's exactly what I do - i'm READY to make the changes necessary to make this tool WORK but where do i start with making these changes? and who else is like me and how did it work for you? I can't fail yet again :thumbup:

  3. I have UHC and my BMI was under 40.

    I had to do a six month doctor supervised diet in addition to having two co-morbidities. The co-morbidities were severe sleep apnea and acid reflux. They also required 5 years of documented obesity, and of course all the other tests that the surgeons office required. The time Dr. Gorjala's office submitted my package to the official go-ahead for surgery was about 2-3 weeks.

    MY problem is .....my PCP never weighed me --- i had to go to other doctors to get weighed and sometimes I refused to get weighed cause I didn't want to see the weights - Gods honest truth!!! I never thought I'd lean towards Lap-Band but here i am and i only have TWO weights and thankfully that's all my insurance company requires but you NEVER know --- nervous about that

  4. GNC Pro Performance® AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60™ - Chocolate

    I'm not even ON pre-op yet but I've taken the above Protein shake after a great workout and it's delicious - it can be expensive but GNC sometimes has a buy one get one and if it's in the first 7 days of the month you will also get 20% off if you're a gold card member - I got both bags dirt cheap - one strawberry and one chocolate --- they are 280 calories for "60" grams of Protein and only 1 fat gram!

    Can't beat it!!

  5. From your lips to gods ears!!! :thumbup:


    I don't work for an insurance company so all my advice is purely opinion and could be completely wrong. But. With what you've stated i would think you'd be a breeze to approve. And if the worst case happens and you're denied, you appeal shouldn't be too difficult because you have a number of co-morbidities related to being overweight. Honestly i don't see how they could deny you, even with a point or two less than a 40 bmi.

    But i wish you good luck and keep us updated!

  6. I have Aetna and started with a BMI of 38.5 (I think, check my ticker). I had acid reflux for years (proof from perscription history) and had a sleep study done. The tech wrote that I have mild sleep apnea and her recommended treatment is weight loss.

    Approved on the first try. Whew.

    Good luck!

    Jessica - GREAT NEWS!!

    No one WANTS to have all these co-morbidities but isn't it funny how you're like Yeah!! got yet ANOTHER thing wrong with me - how could my insurance deny me now!?!?!? lol sad but true!!! I just want to be healthy - see my childrens children and feel great - we all want to look great - that's already a given. Congrats again to you - you look great!!!

  7. I don't know about your particular insurance, but it is VERY common for most insurance companies to cover this surgery with your bmi, if you have at least 2 co-morbidities. FYI, joint pain is another one you could add to the list, if you have pain in say, your ankles, hips or knees. Much cheaper for insurance to pay for a band than new knees!

    I do actually have some joint pain - I've had it thru the years but it REALLY started this year when I gained the most RECENT 20 pounds.

    Thank you

  8. Hello all :w00t:

    i just found out today that not only do I have diabetes (which I've known for 5 years) I also have sleep apnea (18 apneas per hour) which is not too bad (mild to moderate) .

    I guess this gives me more hope when it comes to getting approved by insurance - by BMI is under 40

    I still have stress tests and an ecko cardiogram to do along with 3 nutrition classes that start 11/3 and a psych appt.

  9. I'm not pre-op yet but I've always enjoyed this Protein Shake after working out -- it's 20 grams of Protein per scoop and you would normally use three scoops per shake but you could adjust to your needs (due to calories)

    Not sure what the calories are off hand but I know that they are one of the lowest in Protein Drinks - --- doesn't hurt to check it out - good luck! :w00t:

    GNC Pro Performance

  10. Hi,

    I met with my surgeon on 10/4 and so far have gone thru at least 5-6 tests - still have ecko cardiogram and a two part nuclear stress test and psyche eval.

    HOWEVER, I found out that I have sleep apnea (18 apneas per hour, i heard it's more mild to moderate) and I have Type II Diabetes and Acid Reflux - BMI is 38 or 39....I have Aetna - what do you all think....? are these good chances of being approved?:w00t:

    - I start my 3 months worth of nutrition classes on 11/3 and my psyche appt will be next month.:thumbup:

    I'd love to hear back from all of you that were approved due to comorbidities and/or those waiting to hear back.....I'm scared that I still won't get approved:huh2:

  11. Hi,

    I met with my surgeon on 10/4 and so far have gone thru at least 5-6 tests - still have ecko cardiogram and a two part nuclear stress test and psyche eval.

    HOWEVER, I found out that I have sleep apnea (18 apneas per hour, i heard it's more mild to moderate) and I have Type II Diabetes and Acid Reflux - BMI is 38 or 39....I have Aetna - what you all think....? Good chances of being approved - I start my 3 months worth of nutrition classes on 11/3 and my psyche appt will be next month. I'd love to hear back from all of you that were approved due to comorbidities and/or those waiting to hear back.....I'm scared that I still won't get approved! :w00t:

  12. I am look at eather nov 18 ish or jan 10th depends on my phone calls with my insurance I have health partners and have 5 15 min phone calls every 10 to 15 days had first on the 5th next is tomorrow hoping to be done by the 15th of nov and a quick aproval.

    November 18 or Jan 10th? that's a big differnce!!!What is going on with your insurance that's holding it up??

  13. Hi Renee! Thanks for starting this group! I'm half way through my 6 months so I guess we are kind of at that same point! :) I was so disappointed when I found out insurance would require a 6 month medically supervised diet but it honestly has flown by!! I think the next 3 are going to go even quicker since I need to start making appointments and getting testing finished! If all goes as planned I should be getting banded at the end of January but if not I will definitely be in February! It will be a GREAT start to an amazing year!! 2011 can't get here fast enough!! Good luck with your journey! :)

    I can imagine how disappointing a 6 month wait would be but fortunately for you it's flown by!! I'm pretty much half way thru my testing and i still have 3 months left - i just jumped on that testing to just get it done - i hate things like that looming over me!!!! I'm so excited too!!!! I know it's drastic but it's what I need!!! Have you been approved yet? My insurance doesn't approve till the final nutrition class and psych appt

  14. If you're planning on being banded in January your either half way thru your 6 month wait or you've just recently met with your surgeon and you're beginning your 3 month wait filled with dr appts and nutrition classes.

    I have aetna and I only have to wait three months but it'll be filled jam packed w/ dr appts and classes, etc...

    I went to see a pulmonologist last week and he wants me to get a breathing test, chest x-ray and sleep study. Saw the GI yesterday and my endoscopy is set for 11/5 and my cardiologist is Friday - can't wait to see what HE has in store for me - haha --- I'm actually excited to get this "work up of the stars" --- how many others are thankful for all these tests (cause when else would we get them done??)

    My BMI is under 40 and my last two years worth of weights was around a 35 but I have diabetes and high triglicerides...hoping that this is acceptable for aetna approval cause I'm gaining and not losing no matter what I do - I presently need to lose 80-90 pounds and there is no way I could do it on my own with the diabetes and hypo-thyroidism. :laugh:

    I'm curious to know who is getting banded in January (My surgery date is 1/18/11 if approved). I'd love to hear your stories and concerns - anything at all --- just want to put together a group for those that are planning a new life style come January - I can't think of a better new years resolution!!!! :thumbup: ~Renee


  15. That final approval is quite nerve wracking!! You go thru so many tests & appts to only have to wait. I have a 3 month wait - my surgery date is set for 1/18/11 and most of my appts are set for the next couple weeks just in case they require further testing - i just wanna get this done!

    When do they submit for the approval? after final nutrition class....? Good luck!!!!

  16. Hi, I have my first appt with Dr Reich's office on Monday. I'm concerned if I'm even going to qualify due to my 2008 & 2009 weights being just under a 35 BMI. MY current weight is over a 35 and I have diabetes (not insulin dependent), high triglicerides & hypothyroidism.

    Can you tell me about his staff and he does the pre & post op diet, also how soon do you get fills after surgery?

    I've also read a lot about bandsters not being able to swallow pills anymore. Does Dr Reich say no to this as well?

    Thanks so much!

  17. I'm going to meet with a doctor regarding the LAP-BAND® on 10/4 and they wanted two weights from 2008 and 2009. The highest weight I was in 2008 & 2009 made me a 34.2 BMI and my highest weights in 2010 put me at around 36.8.

    The ONLY reason I had gone down in weight is because of a very stressful situation where I just couldn't eat.

    I have diabetes (2 metformins per day) and hypothyroidism and my triglicerides are thru the roof....do I have a chance of being approved?? I'm also turning 41 on 10/3 and definitely spiraling into menopause after a partial hysterectomy in 2006. I'm not losing no matter what I do - i'm only maintaining and gaining.

    I'm scared to take such drastic measures but i'm running out of options.... I'd appreciate any encouragement, words of advice, support...... What do you think my chances are of getting approved (i have aetna)

  18. I'm going to meet with a doctor regarding the lap band on 10/4 and they wanted two weights from 2008 and 2009. The highest weight I was in 2008 & 2009 made me a 34.2 BMI and my highest weights in 2010 put me at around 36.8.

    The ONLY reason I had gone down in weight is because of a very stressful situation where I just couldn't eat.

    I have diabetes (2 metformins per day) and hypothyroidism and my triglicerides are thru the roof....do I have a chance of being approved.

    and If not, anyone know how I could shrink to 5'5"???? LOL

  19. that's awesome - i'm so happy for you!!!!

    i could totally see regretting it in the early days after the operation

    I am afraid of vomitting, blockages, etc.... Can you shed some light on THAT?!?!?

    I also dont have THAT much to lose compared to some so part of me feels like I'm doing the Wrong thing & the other part says - "you've yo-yo dieted you're whole life & look at you STILL!!!" I'm not getting any younger & i'm a mild diabetic..... I also love food - i think i associate everything with food.

    We are planning a trip to jamaica about 3 months after my surgery - will I be ok??

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