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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Renee1003

  1. I still eat white foods like potatoes, rice, bread, Pasta, etc.--just in MUCH smaller amounts than I used to. And I still drink diet soda once in a while, though it doesn't taste as good to me anymore so I rarely have it. Both of those are OK'd by my doctor (but not all doctors).

    I finally chose the band after numerous attempts at different diets that weren't sustainable for me. The band is permanent and helps me out at times when my willpower sags--when my mind doesn't say "No" to large portions, my band does. My band journey has been amazing both physically and emotionally. I'm thin, healthy, and fit now, able to do things I couldn't do before. And as weird as it sounds, sometimes I get almost tearful because I'm so grateful that it has curbed my appetite, and that food still tastes good, I can still enjoy it, but that I am full and satisfied with so much less now.


    Your post totally inspired me

    My question to you is.....I understand how the lapband works and that it SHOULD curb your appetite and people like you are what keep me going in this journey to be banded - however, how come so many people actually FAIL?

    What is it that I need to know to be like You - a success.....?


    ...and I was there a few years ago (due to a divorce and a serious surgery) my nerves were so bad that I dropped so much weight and kept if off with the help of diet pills and living in the gym.

    Well....life changed again and I couldn't make it to the gym so much and I noticed that I was getting some heart palpitations so I let up on the pills a little and every so many weeks i would see a couple pounds come creeping back on but I was still in my size 12 low rides so what the hell - i'll just lose it later ---- but I stopped the pills all together ----- so....my point is....I'm now 45 pounds UP since those size 12's and much lighter body. (at THAT POINT, i still needed to lose another 30-40 pounds but no one could really tell, i carried it well) I sit here typing this with 80 pounds to lose now - i have diabetes, mild sleep apnea, super high tri-glicerides and my bones and joints hurt - i'm super depressed by this excess weight and i've tried a million diets withOUT the pills and keep failing --- i have two young daughters and a wonderful fiance and i don't want to leave them anytime soon --- I'm doing this in January because I need to be HEALTHY again --- sure, I'd love to see those gorgeous American eagle jeans again (LOL) and I'd love to strut into an establishment with my head held high again but I need to FEEL good inside (health wise and HEAD wise first)

    LapBand will hopefull be that little extra tool that I need - and i pray to God i don't fail this band. I think my head is straight enough for it. I also went back and forth on it for a while but with all the co-morbidities - this is a no-brainer now.

    Good luck

  3. These are not allowed on MY list until day 12 to 19 post op, which is the start of the pureeing phase also known as mushies (?). Tommorow is day 12 for me and I am starving!!!!! I've never liked hot cereal, but right now...it sounds GREAT. I may give them another shot. Enjoy!

    I'm not on a pre-op diet YET but I'm just trying some new foods and I just tried Cream of Wheat in Cinnabon flavor - i have to say that i was SAD that it went so fast! haha

    it was THAT GOOD!!!!

  4. Hey all, just wanted to let people know that there is a LOW PROFILE PORT available with the LAP-BAND®. Basically, it's a thinner and smaller port for those that are worried about it sticking out of your skin. It's not really mentioned because it is smaller so most doctors don't want to deal with not finding it easily for injections. I have a smaller midsection so this is very important to me and my doctor said it wasn't a problem.

    So, if you are in same the boat it is another thought to consider. I am getting it and my surgery is on Nov. 15, so I let everyone know how it went. Congradulations to all.

    Thank you --- My doctor briefly told me about it - I'm very interested in it because about 4 years ago (while undergoing a hysterectomy, i also tummy tucked) so my mid-section is pretty flat (although I've put some serious weight on) it's still pretty tight and flat considering....

    I definitely want that low port

  5. I am 25 years old, 5ft 4inches, just under 16 stone. I do have alot of stretch marks on my tummy and my thighs are fairly large although not stretch marked to the extent of my tummy (the marks on my thighs are left over from growth spurts as a teen and not as result of weight gain). I am currently a UK 18/20 (US 14/16 i think) I and want to be no less than a UK 10 (US 6). I like curves and I don't want to be stick thin. I would possible even be happy with myself at a size 12.

    Anyways I am going to be going to the gym at uni and might do a couple of classes like boxercise and pilates. When I have dropped a couple of dress sizesI will probs also start swimming.

    Anyways what do you think? Will it be a big problem for me? and does it tighten up with exercise?


    Anna xxx

    there's really no way to know for sure but due to your age my OPINION would be that with exercise you're going to be just fine! :smile2:

    I lost about 80 pounds in my 20's and worked out a LOT!!! I didn't have excess skin (other than mid section but not a lot) but I had already had one child. I did 3-4 days on the elliptical and weight training and some weeks I'd switch it up and do 5 hours of step class thru the week and my thighs and butt were solid! I really got down far and felt and looked great!!! Good luck!!

    "I", on the other hand, have 80 pounds to lose again and this time i'm 41 and have now had TWO children --- this should be interesting.....I'm just hoping the weight even COMES off due to my thyroid issue - i pray it does

  6. I do feel restriction, but it's getting less and less every day. When I got home, I could just barely drink 1 oz. Now I'm up to the 4 oz they want me to have, but if I go slow enough, I can get maybe another 1/2 oz. (I over-made a protien shake)

    The pain is getting much better, I find that I have to hold my belly as I get up, what a difference that makes. It's kind of gross, but the flab pulls on the incisions.

    (Not for long though! LOL I was able to drop 21 # from preop to 6 days after surgery! YAY!)

    CONGRATS on the weight loss!!!! :eek:

    I heard from Ginger that restriction in the beginning could mainly be from being swollen but since there aren't any fills until week 6 that TYPICALLY weeks 3-6 are called "Lap Band hell" - how I'm NOT looking forward to that!!!

  7. Hi all :frown:

    Going for endoscopy tomorrow morning at Pennsylvania Hospital. Psych evaluate was last week and next week I have part one of a 2 part nuclear stress test. Need another sleep test on 11/22 and The cpap machine which thank god is 100% covered under my insurance. 2 more nutrition classes and and an echo and then I'm done (minus pre op testing/blood work)

    In the middle of all this my ex is starting all sorts of crazy legal crap again so I have court The first week of December and I just feel so drained.

    Wish I could make time fly cause the anxiety of court and a pending approval by aetna just have me wreck.

    Sorry. Had to vent.

  8. Don't mind the questions at all! I didn't have any problems with my insurance except they require 6 mos of nutrition counseling before surgery. I am scheduled for next Thurs and got my final approval yesterday. The office does everything for you insurancewise.

    I'm going to Dr Barbalinardo (out of Dr Reich's office) - surgery date is 1/18/11 (based on aetna approval)

    I agree == they are SO helpful and seem to REALLY KNOW what they're doing --- they're really trying to assure me that I'm going to be just fine with the insurance thing and all. Excited to get this done and i'm SO VERY impressed w/ this office

  9. Congrats to everyone...I'm currently palying the waiting game my cunsult is not until 12/1. I'm hoping to get banded early Jan or early Feb at the latest. I'm using my medical spending account to pay for it and that does not start until the new year. Anyway Good luck on your journeys

    HI :)

    how long is your insurances wait time? 3 months or 6 months?? If your consult is 12/1....chances are you would be banded by mid february the earliest if it's a 3 month wait --- at least that's what I've learned from asking and reading.

    GOOD LUCK :hi:

  10. I have a question - hoping you all could help me with it

    first of all - CONGRATS to those that are scheduled and going forward - WONDERFUL NEWS - and best of luck in your new life and journey!!!!!!

    My question is this.........on 10/4 upon MEETING the surgeon i was given a surgery date of 1/18/11

    All of my tests will be done by then and they just needed to wait for 3 nutrition classes to be completed - my final nutrition class will be in early January and then the "package" is delivered to Aetna for approval --- what are the chances of this surgery actually taking place on 1/18/11...? Surgeon's office thinks it's good odds -

    I can't imagine that aetna will approve that quick .....

  11. I figure that if my surgery was to hinge on me using it or not, I'd use it until I lost a good chunk of weight then ease off of it.

    My attitude (because I want this surgery badly), is I will do what ever it takes to get it done.

    Well - I will update you all ----- my Pulmonologist cleared me but he went "around it" to protect himself (which I believe I've stated) I spoke w/ his office again since and offered to do another sleep study WITH the cpap --- I found out that Aetna covers it 100% and no money out of my pocket for it - so I'm going to do the test and I'm going to get the machine and I'll use it the BEST that I can - i'll probably rip it off in the middle of the night but either way they'll have SOME RECORD OF IT on the "memory chip" and therefore I'm covering myself with anestesia.

    I'm just so scared that Aetna is going to say NO after ALL OF THIS --- Then i'll REALLY need that shrink again! :)

  12. Well.....my sleep study showed 18 apneas per hour. 89% sleep rate! Not sooooo bad but bad enough for a cpap to be highly recommended by dr. I refused and asked if we could just go forward in this journey, allow me to lose some weight and retake the study again 5-6 months after surgery. Doc agreed but was very careful in how he wrote his clearance letter to surgeon.

    Surgery coordinator and I spoke yesterday and she said that anestegeology may not clear me now and she needs another consent stating that it would be ok to have surgery with cpap however, not before

    If they say no I'm done! I've tried to wear that thing. It freaks me out. Like I'm having anxiety attacks!! And ok ok....what if I get it but don't wear it and they request the memory chip.

    I have aetna. I have 80 pounds to get to goal. Just HALF of that and I'll probably be close to an apnea free life

    Anyone ??? Can you offer some help or insight? Or feel free to bitch along with me.


  13. Just curious - but what's the protocall with smoking and the lap-band surgery?

    I know I have to quit smoking but my doc didn't make me sign a letter or anything stating that I would. How would they even know?

    Don't get me wrong - i know it's a filthy dirty horrible habit and i WANT TO quit ....even chose a quit date of 11/15 (2 months prior to surgery)

    What's everyone doing to quit? or what have you done???:sneaky:

  14. oh! a little update --- i had my psych eval tonight - drove 90 minutes each way to meet with this doctor - he was very nice ---- said I was "approved and cleared" by him. So far so good with all the doc's -- now I just need to quit smoking and have a two part stress test next month and an ecko cardiogram and I THINK my tests will be all over (other than my three nutrition classes which end early January.

    Just wish January 18th (my "projected" surgery date) was here! I'm ready to begin this!!!!

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