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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Renee1003

  1. My surgery is January 18th - I start pre op diet tomorrow - (i'm so going to dinner tonight, not to GORGE but to eat something that I am sure will be difficult to eat AL (after lap-band).

    I've decided to take the full three weeks of NJ temporary disability. I've spoken with several people that said one week wasn't enough and since the swelling lasts several weeks - wth i'm doing it! :)

    I also found two amazing proteins! ISO 100 (Vanilla) and Isopure (Chocolate)

    I'm nervous too - some of you here have already had your surgery, one even went this morning - the rest within the next couple weeks --- it's an exciting and scary time (lots of anxiety) but if we work this new lifestyle the way it SHOULD be worked - we'll all be here this time next year feeling great and looking amazing!

    I look forward to staying in touch with all of you January 2011 Bandsters - I'm glad I started this thread - it's been awesome reading all of your posts and you've helped me a lot even if I didn't always post !!!

    CHEERS! to us!

  2. I love it!!!! very cool!! 1-11-11 @ 11 for 1


    I have had a long process to become approved through Insurance. I started everything in March of 2010, and just went today to the hospital to register and do all my pre-op stuff ( labs ekg )..i have to be there at 11 on January 11, 2011 for my surgery at 1 !! ... i am super excited.. but nerves have yet to kick in! good luck fellow january bandsters!

  3. I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! i was approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just found out today and I'm just shocked!!!!!!

    i was so surprised cause although i Have comorbidities and I just don't usually have anything come easily, everything is always a fight and a battle so I was preparing for yet another fight.

    I start my pre-op diet Tuesday and I'm just beside myself - so happy!!

    2011 will be my year - I'm bound and determined!

  4. so get this...................ugghhhhh!!!!!! so frustrated!

    I only have a 3 month wait so I hurried and got all my appointments on the calendar within the first week after meeting the surgeon. The Pulmonologist was the one that told me that I had sleep apnea (18 apneas per hour) and would recommend the cpap - i said "let's wait till after the surgery to see if I've lost weight and if not then we'll get it.

    My surgeon's office got the pulmonologists letter of clearance but it really wasn't clearing me - it was more or less protecting him because I had refused cpap - i get why he wrote it that way - i just wish he would have told me that he was going to

    Soooo.................in November I went back to the sleep lab and did another study WITH the cpap and agreed to get it - they brought it to me on 12/14 and i've been using it MOST nights - i think i fell asleep about 4 nights without it. My boyfriend is at the COPD lab right this second getting the smart chip print out from the cpap so i could run it over to the pulmonologist so that they can get me ANOTHER appt this week but the doc is booked till jan 17th and my surgery is jan 18th!!! can you believe this?!?!?

    Insurance doesn't really need this but the anastegiology dept does and they won't do the surgery unless they have clearance ---- the other kink i run into is - i might not have been on the cpap long enough ---

    I did everything right and early and here we are in the final days running around and by the way - INSURANCE STILL HASN'T APPROVED IT because they cant submit the package to my ins co until after my last nutritionist class which is tomorrow night. (oh! and to top it off! I gained weight!)

    Words of encouragement anyone?!?!? ! ! :(

  5. Hi all,

    I'm scheduled to be banded on 1/18/10 - my insurance is only a 3 month wait. At my 2nd nutritionist class I lost 2 pounds but the very next day (12/8) I left for Jamaica for one week (an all inclusive) and after that we flew right into the holidays - got weighed today and I'm up 10 POUNDS!!!! I always gain weight around the holidays and usually lose it right after new years BUT my third and final nutritionist class/weigh in is on Jan 4th - that's not enough time to lose that much.

    I'll admit, I enjoyed Jamaica quite a bit - an all inclusive with everyone serving us delicious drinks and awesome food all day and night - did I mention the drinks!?!?!? haha

    Anyway - question is .........Will my insurance company throw me out into the denial pile for a weight gain....? even one that isn't SO big - maybe I could lose 5 by next Monday but not sure about 10. Did anyone that's been banded have this problem....?

  6. Getting nervous guys ....uggghhh

    My last nutritionist appointment is January 4th -- the worst time of the year to be weighed!! in addition to the holidays and all the parties - i was also at an all inclusive in Jamaica for one week a couple weeks back - i've gained some weight and I'm afraid that the weight gain will make my insurance deny me - I can't stop freaking over this ---- anyone know anything regarding this?

    After my last nutritionist appt they will submit all my paperwork and we'll go from there

  7. I'm a January 18th bandster! (fingers crossed) hopefully everything goes well and I get approved!!!

    GOod luck and keep in touch

    Its official. I am a January bandster. I am so excited. Found out today the insurance said yes and my date is 1/19... Wow our lives will change for the better in time for the new year. How lucky are we?

    I am looking so forward to meeting everyone and sharing stories.

  8. I totally recommend wearing your CPAP as it could save your life! There was a State Representative who

    died of sleep apnea here in PA a couple of weeks ago. It is a very serious condition and you really need

    to listen to your doctor on this one. I have really bad sleep apnea, have been using my CPAP for over a year,

    and feel so much better in the morning, much more alert. Good luck!

    At first I went into this with the intention of just pleasing everyone and getting the cpap so I could get the surgery but I have to admit that after I took the cpap sleep study last week - I think I could do it - I hate the feeling the waking up in the morning and having my fiance tell me how bad i was snoring (lol) He says it with concern, he's not teasing (well....not ALL the time) but I hate it ---- and since I've gained the last 20-30 pounds it's gotten soooo much worse!!! the cpap equipment company called me yesterday and said that they would be calling later this week to schedule a time to come to the house to set it up.... I guess it's going to have to wait till after Jamaica cause their call and my trip are kinda going to be around the same time so I won't even have this machine until mid December and surgery is mid January (if all gets approved)

    Thank you for your concern and advice.

    Thanks everyone!!

  9. I had a Tummy Tuck Jan 2007 and I ended up getting a scar tissue mass over my belly button area and had to get it cut out 3 weeks before my lapband surgery.. my lapband surgery went great. the only problem i had was my scars from lapband are bigger than normal because the surgeon had to go around my incision from my scar tissue surgery.. I had my lapband Nov 2009 and have had no problems...

    Thank you --- so you went into this lap band surgery with a pretty flat stomach as well....? My doc told me that he'll have to use a low port on me because it's so flat (but it's NOT flat! lol! actually it's not funny - i've put a lot of weight on and most of it went right there but I guess we're our own worst critics!) anyway.......my question is....I feel a large lump that sometimes hurts underneath the area of where my belly button is too. (hurt might not be the right word, discomfort definitely is) ....is that all the scar tissue??? He didn't seemed too concerned and didn't mention getting any pre-surgeries done before the band surgery --- but I can't remember if he said that he would want an xray or ultra sound before the surgery .... hmmmm.......

    He did mention that he would cut thru if he has to but if it were soooo bad they wouldn't be able to do the surgery - ugghhhh

    How are you doing now? you're one year post op! congrats!!

  10. I'm scheduled to be banded in mid January (if approved of course) but I have to admit - I'm worried about the past abdominal surgeries I've had and the scar tissue that's there now.....

    Has anyone had any complications due to this....? or what i'd LOVE to hear is that you've had NO PROBLEMS with the lap band surgery after going thru other ab surgeries.

    I had a hysterectomy in 2006 and a Tummy Tuck at the same time..... I just had to put this out there - I'd love to hear back from you regarding this. Thanks!!!

  11. I also had to do a sleep study and was found to have sleep apnea. After I got the machine I didn't use it right away, but started about 2 weeks before surgery. The sleep Dr. had me come in and read the chip. He saw I hadn't used it that much, but was happy that when I did use it that my time of managing to keep it on was getting longer. I had to bring the machine with me to surgery and woke up in recovery with the machine and mask on. I did change masks and am now using what they call nose pillows. Instead of a full face mask, it's just a strap with two cushions that fit in my nostrils. Much more comfortable and I don't feel suffocated. Maybe you can try a different mask.

    Good luck and don't give up on the cpap just yet. It really takes getting used to. And there is no guarantee that the weight loss will make the apnea go away.

    I had my 2nd sleep study last night and i Took your advice and asked to start out with the Nasal Pillow Mask and I really didn't have any problems at all. I got a good nights sleep - not great, but good and didn't wake up with any anxiety attacks - now I only have 18 apneas per hour so maybe that made it easier. This isn't going to be as hard as I thought.....I leave for Jamaica on 12/8 so I don't plan on having them set up the equipment until after I get back.

    I gotta tell ya - i'm NOT lookin' forward to seeing my fiance's face when I put this on! haha!!! not ONE bit!!!!

  12. I have a really big (very nerve racking) court appearance on 12/3 and I've been a mess - it's been ongoing for a year and I haven't been able to give my diet and/or exercise program much attention at all - My next nutrition appt is 12/7 and I leave for Jamaica on 12/8 for a week. I'm afraid that my weight is just gonna go up and up and I KNOW they do NOT want to see that. i've already gained about 15 pounds since the summer. it's not eating a "LOT" it's eating every single WRONG food :thumbup:

    Sad to say ---

    any advice on how I could do this over the next few weeks - I wanted to lose 10-15 before 12/7.

  13. Hi,

    My daughter and I both have had LAP-BAND® surgery and Hashimotos. She has lost 80 pounds since Dec. 2009 and I have lost 50 pounds since Feb 2010. We both take synthroid. I have to say that I think that maybe the thyroid condition might have made it a little harder but if you have a good "mind set" it is definately something that you can do! By "mindset" I mean that you are ready to lose weight and will contain a positive attitude and JUST DO IT ! Thanks Tina:thumbup:

    Sounds like you're both doing just AWESOME!!! :)

    The problem with ME is ...i've always had the right "mind set" when I went into a life style change or diet - for example weight watchers....but I would do everything right and not see results --- then I'd quit cause I'd feel so sad and frustrated. I just hated that feeling!!!!

    with the lap band - how is THAT really going to help me ? but I know it's my last option.

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