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Posts posted by Renee1003

  1. I've found that it depends on the DAY. tonight I tried to eat one scoop of ice cream (sugar free) & could not! One more little bite and I would've been sick.

    Steak is difficult, don't even want to try again

    Sadly, salad is very difficult and all fruits & veggies with skins.

    I don't really eat white bread at all now either

    I'm 9 months post op and down 55 pounds. I just try to respect the band and it's "mood" :)

    Somedays I can eat almost anything and somedays not much.

    Just try to get your Protein shakes in if ever having a rough band day.

    Good luck

  2. I got my first fill about 30 hours ago. I did fine until right now. Now I want FOOD!! That's why I logged on... to see if anyone else was able to eat food at this point after the fill. It makes sense to me to eat as my body is telling me... so long as I don't overdo it, and actually listen to my body. So now that I know other people can eat soft food this soon after a fill, I'm going to, too! (Yes, cheating is bad, but so is hunger!)

    I have been filled about 5 times and some removed 3 times. I'm either in the yellow or red. Never green. Yesterday they did my 5th fill & believe that they got my sweet spot but I don't know yet. I'm sensitive to fills so doc told me 48 hours liquids. Usually Its only 24 hours and 24 hours mushies. I had some very watered down cream of Tomato Soup for Vitamins & TASTE. I'm hungry but with this Soup it helps greatly.

    I just pray that I don't have to go back for another "unfill"

    Usually I can eat a lot or nothing. So we Shall see

    Good luck :)

  3. Check out ChaLean Extreme (also by the BeachBody line)

    It's amazing!

    It's a 90 day committment - 5-6 days/week

    Chalene is awesome and I never get tired of her.

    She has found that muscle truly burns fat --- and of course it does

    I did the program over the summer - I don't lose weight fast so you can't go by me but I saw big time changes in my body b/c of her program.


  4. I'm not doing too good -- what the hell is WRONG with me? I gained 5 pounds

    I'm down a total of 16 pounds since January 18th and that INCLUDES pre op --- so how sad is that!?!?!??!

    I had a Protein shake this morning. I'm starting to get very hungry - I may have some cream of wheat -

    Tonight I'd like to do a fajita in a low carb tortilla or a salad. and Exercise is something that I have not been good at doing.

    It's all my fault but WHY am I sabotaging it with bad food choices and sometimes cocktails.....?

    Sorry I'm a downer today

    Just wish I had a lot more restriction

  5. After a fill my doc puts me on liquids and Protein shakes for the entire remainder of the day. The following day I'm upgraded to mushy/soft foods and the next back on regular.

    This works perfectly.

    I just had my first "stuck" ever an hour ago - i thought i was gonna die! haaha! Wasn't funny THEN though and just like that (about 15 mins later) it just STOPPED but I went through all the hell that these posts speak of - ughhh

    --- I'm doing a Protein shake now. I don't know if I didn't chew thoroughly or if the bite was too big - but either way - it happened and now I feel like I won't soon forget that feeling.

  6. The "exception" that my doc made for me yesterday was VERY much appreciated cause TODAY I feel restriction - for the first time -- nothing MAJOR - but something!!!!!! I just ate a 1/2 of Greek yogurt and I'm good --- I COULD eat the other half but why??? They say the first week after a fill is usually good so we'll see after next week where I'm at. My next fill is scheduled for the 2nd week of april --- Really want to be down another 20 pounds by May --- can't imagine that I won't be able to do it - but I also thought I'd be down so much more by NOW.

    Reading all that you wrote has helped me - let's all stay in touch. Thanks! :)

  7. Hi all,

    HOW ARE ALL THE JANUARY 2011 Bandsters making out...?

    My surgery was 1/18/11 and I lost 20 pounds between post op and week 1 pre op and haven't lost another pound :( - I've found this to be so extremely difficult considering I have ZERO restriction. I got my first fill on 3/1 and felt NOTHING so I called the doc yesterday and told him that I'm hungrier than ever, I've gained just a few pounds and I could eat whatever I want without restriction and as much of it as I want - and he got me right in - I realize that this is not something the practice would do - it's a fill every 6 weeks no matter what, no excuses, but maybe they saw how little they really DID put in last week so I went in today and had another fill and I'll have my third fill on 4/13. I'm PRAYING to god that I feel a little restriction now. Cause I really don't know what that feels like at all. I'm very anxious to see results - Results make me want to work harder and exercise but thus far - I have been sluggish and bummed about it. I know that I'll be where I need to be one day but I was hoping for just a LITTLE MORE out of this band - if I had the willpower and motivation I would have lost it on my own and I would have KEPT the weight off in the past - :blink:

    HOW ARE ALL OF YOU MAKING OUT? I'd love to hear all your stories - please share. The good, the bad, the ugly --- let's see how the January 2011 Bandsters are making out.

    Renee :rolleyes:

  8. Tom,

    You're a beautiful person. Thank you for your encouraging kind post. You hit home for me and I needed it.

    I was banded 1/18/11 and "feel" unbanded. I have 80 pounds to lose and it might as well be 800!!! Cause THAT'S how far away I feel.

    Again thank you

    Both my daughter and her husband went through the same frustration and doubts that you describe and they didn't lose much and occaisionally slipped back the first couple of months after surgery. He started out at 425 pounds and she at 380 pounds. They were lucky that they had each other to push them along and continue the exercise even when it appeared hopeless. My son in law found his sweet spot after the third fill and my daughter on her forth. My son in law has lost 150 pounds as of last month and my daughter's weight has dropped 125 pounds as of last month. They look great and they say that they feel great. They certainly have more energy than a year ago. As of now there weight loss has dropped to 1-2 pounds a week they eat modest quantities of food but don't deny themselves a taste of the good things (except for my son in laws problem with keeping down bread and lettuce). They both say its the best thing they could have done for thier future lives together and I believed them so much that I had the band put into myself on the 10th in the sure hope and desire to do as the children have done.

    I'm coming up to that mushies stage where everything will go down easily and the potential for taking in more calories than I expect will be high. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier and I am sure that the demons of dispair are near my doorstep.

    As said earlier it's bandster hell till the sweet spot is found on the band and I look to my kids for inspiration. I'll make it and SO WILL YOU. You were doing everything right pick it up again, don't quit the race for your life so early. You are important, you are a winner, you are loved by your family and friends and everyone here wants you to succeed too.

    Sorry but that is as bad a scolding as I can muster I am far too humbled by my own past failures and my hope for a thinner future to yell at anyone. I've offered you the inspiration of my childrens success and all of my encouragement...because if I doubt or stumble on this journey I too would want a kind hand to lift me up, plant my feet on the path and cheer me on to be the winner I always wanted to be in this the longest and hardest battle of my life.

    So, with our chins up our feet on the path and with tears of hope glistening in our eyes we'll both move towards the prize and ya know what I'm sure I'll see ya there. Good luck, don't lose hope.

    Best Regards



    Hi all :)

    I was banded on 1/18/11 - i've lost about 18 pounds - and I lost it all WEEK ONE and not one pound after! :(

    I'm bummed because I feel like I'm "failing" --- here's why: I'm starving! I can't eat just about anything! I have zero restriction and I have that "always hungry" feeling - I start each day saying I'm going to do the right thing and fall off somewhere after lunch or on a good day - closer to dinner! Sounds like life BEFORE LapBand --- well that's the problem - I had my heart set on not being like that ever again - that horrible guilt dieting and scale obsession. I ended up hiding the scale downstairs though :)

    I have to wonder if I did any damage to my band by eating whole foods at 3 weeks - and eating more than I should. I KNOW that I shouldn't have but I did.....so now what?

    I keep saying I'll start exercising this week but haven't yet - I use to work out all the time (a couple years ago) so I know once you start you really get into it but I can't seem to get STARTED.

    I believe I'm doing what I've always done because I presently feel like I've always felt

    Anyone know of something magical to say? lol Cause I'd really appreciate a little help

  10. Hi all :)

    I was banded on 1/18/11 - i've lost about 18 pounds - and I lost it all WEEK ONE and not one pound after! :(

    I'm bummed because I feel like I'm "failing" --- here's why: I'm starving! I can't eat just about anything! I have zero restriction and I have that "always hungry" feeling - I start each day saying I'm going to do the right thing and fall off somewhere after lunch or on a good day - closer to dinner! Sounds like life BEFORE LapBand --- well that's the problem - I had my heart set on not being like that ever again - that horrible guilt dieting and scale obsession. I ended up hiding the scale downstairs though :)

    I have to wonder if I did any damage to my band by eating whole foods at 3 weeks - and eating more than I should. I KNOW that I shouldn't have but I did.....so now what?

    I keep saying I'll start exercising this week but haven't yet - I use to work out all the time (a couple years ago) so I know once you start you really get into it but I can't seem to get STARTED.

    I believe I'm doing what I've always done because I presently feel like I've always felt

    Anyone know of something magical to say? lol Cause I'd really appreciate a little help

  11. Week one was 1/18/11 - 1/25/11 and I dropped about 18 pounds in a week - i had (as instructed by the doc) nothing but Protein Shakes and fluids. Week 2 I could eat mushies and didn't drop another pound. Week 3 - i felt ZERO restriction - i'd get fuller faster and I didn't try to eat a Hoagie or anything but I'm not having any problems getting just about anything down and I debated posting this cause I kinda feel like a failure ----

    I know these first 6 weeks are about "healing" - I realize that I'm supposed to following the instructions religiously and I know that I'm hurting myself by not doing that --- but what I want to know is........ Has anyone else done anything like this? Ate the wrong foods so soon? ate whole foods so soon? Is there any permanent damage that I could do or could have done? I feel FINE --- feel healthy --- just hungry a LOT

    So I lost about 20 total and keep gaining and losing 3-5 pounds - I PUT THE scale AWAY cause I have scale issues --- and I'm not really crazy about the weight loss right now - My first fill is 3/1 and I so need it!!!!!

    I'm just more concerned about why I'm not "able" to follow post op instructions.

  12. im in the same boat as you! i live in philly....i got my call and i have to be at the hospital by 5:45am! that is insanity! i hope the weather doesnt throw a monkey wrench in things....im about to pack my "off to the hospital" bag and go to sleep...

    good luck to you!

    Good luck honey!!

    how were the roads??

    I'm leaving in an hour. I have a 70 mile commute. UGGHHH. Gotta b there by 10

    Lets try to write later if up to it.

    Best of luck to all the bandsters today!!!

  13. Well....this is it - last day of the pre op diet and I will confess that I've had a few slip up's

    I am very nervous that I may have done "some sort of damage" but when I really thought about it - my few slips were with Proteins that weren't already on my generous list of foods.

    I made sure I got my 3 Protein Shakes in per day and tomorrow is the big day.

    I'm just waiting for the doctors office to call now to give me a time for my surgery. Of COURSE New Jersey is expecting a rain/ice/snow storm --- lol Ugghhh......

  14. I forgot to answer - I'm from South Jersey (right over the Walt Whitman Bridge in South Philly)

    Where in PA are you from? :)

    Good luck to you! where are you from? I am from Penna. I am on day 9 of 2 wk pre op diet which consist of 3 Bariatric Advantage Protein shakes and 1-2 Protein bars daily. i allow myself 1 sugar free popsicle and 1 small sugar free Jello too daily. this stuff all tastes terrbile but i am getting used to it I guess. can't wait for real food!!!!! keep in touch re: your surgery. take care!

  15. My one week pre op diet consists of the following:

    4 Protein shakes per day (whey ISOLATE) 2 must be taken with skim milk - the other two could be or with Water.

    at LEAST 6-8 servings of the following:

    1 cup Tomato or V-8 juice

    1/2 cup cream of wheat or oatmeal

    6 oz sugar free/fat free greek yogurt - smooth - no fruit or chunks

    1/2 cup applesauce - unsweetened

    1 cup fat free raw veggies

    1/2 cup sugar free pudding

    1/2 sugar free jello-O

    64 oz of Water

    chicken broth

    Fat free salad dressing or dip

    what does your pre op diet consist of? mine was 3 Bariatric Advantage Protein Shakes and 1-2 Protein bars daily. from the dr. office. yuk! i allowed myself also 1 sugar free popsicle and 1 small sugar free Jello. when is your surgery date? where are you from? i am from Pennsylvania. keep in touch! take care.

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