1. Your in the mushy stage. In the mushy stage you need to focusing on your stomache healing.
2. Mushy food goes down really easy therefore you will be able to eat more.
3. Just wait until your get to real food. You won't be able to eat as much real food (i.e. steak, chicken, fish, etc)
4. Don't stress too much (yet) about eating too much. Spend this time focusing on your stomache and not your head. Try to stop eating when your are no longer hungry not when you get full. Waiting to stop eating until your full while still in your mushy stage, will cause you to eat alot more calories than necessary. This takes alot of practice, just try to stay focused.
5. Make sure to get in your protein! It will keep you from getting hungery so often, plus it will help you stay on the downward spiral of weight loss.
6. Consider the mushy stage as your training wheels on that spanking new 10 speed bike. Sure it sucks but you have to start somewhere!